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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Statement from Senator Barbara Boxer

Posted by Bob Brigham



Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., signed a challenge mounted by House Democrats to Ohio's 20 electoral votes, which put Bush over the top.

Asked about her historic vote to stand up for the people, the Office of US Senator Barbara Boxer may have released the following statement:

"I exercise my right to express when I feel it's time. I say to fight, you take it as I'mma whip someone's ass."

"Come along follow me as I lead through the darkness, as I provide just enough spark that we need to proceed. Carry on, give me hope, give me strength -- come with me and I won't steer you wrong."

"Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog to the light at the end of the tunnel."

"Now this is our final hour, let me be the voice in your strength and your choice. Let me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noise. Try to amplify the times it, and multiply by six. Teen million people are equal at this high pitch."

"If we don't serve our own country, we're patronizing a hero. Look in his eyes its all lies."

Posted at 11:32 AM in 2006 Elections, 2008 Election - President, 2008 President - Democrats, Activism, California, Ohio | Technorati