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Monday, March 06, 2006

TX-28: This Is Crunch Time

Posted by DavidNYC

This is crunch time.

All campaigns eventually reach this point - the final few hours before the election, when every staffer, volunteer and supporter pushes as hard as he or she can. Get-out-the-vote operations are in full swing, field is working around the clock, the remaining undecideds are aggressively being courted. The last few boxes of literature are cut open, battle plans for election day are finalized.

That's today. No one will sleep tonight.

Tomorrow, the already-frenetic pace will get ratcheted up several notches. Phone bankers will call people all day reminding them to vote. Van drivers will ferry people to and from polling places non-stop from morning till night. The candidate will try to shake as many hands as possible as the daylight hours wane. And as the last flyer is finally handed out and the last voter casts her ballot, everyone has left their hearts on the field. In campaigns, it's the only way anyone knows.

I'm talking about people like Beatrice and Lupe, two grandmothers - age 77 and 71 - who have shown up to HQ every day to make calls for Ciro. They should be an example to us all - never, ever, ever stop fighting! And it's not too late to help, not at all.

• If you haven't contributed yet, the campaign could still use your help. There's a strong possibility that this race will go to a run-off (which would take place on April 11th). If it does, Ciro will need plenty of cash. If there is no run-off, Ciro has said he'll donate all of today's proceeds to ActBlue.

• If you're anywhere even remotely near the district and you haven't yet offered to volunteer, click here to do so.

• If you can't volunteer in person, join the virtual phone-banking brigades. Calling is fun and easy.

• If you live in the district and aren't sure where to vote tomorrow, consult your local county election board (websites | phone numbers).

Like I say, this is crunch time - but we may yet go into overtime. So be ready for anything. But no matter what, tomorrow will be an exciting day.

Go Ciro!

Posted at 04:51 PM in 2006 Elections - House, Texas | Technorati

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» Tomorrow 2 from The Daily Background
Tomorrow is already a big day (see here for an earlier post). But apparently more exciting things are going to happen tomorrow. The Democratic primary for the House of Representatives seat in Texas’ 28th district are going to happen too. Ciro Ro... [Read More]

Tracked on March 6, 2006 06:09 PM
