47 thoughts on “AL-02: Gather Your Armies”

  1. Not only does this reduce American history to the simplicity of a 1970s School House Rock cartoon, it’s friggin’ calling for armed sedition against the federal government (of course, with just enough plausible deniability for him to say “It’s just a metaphor” — if he knows what that means).

  2. Um, YOU ARE RUNNING FOR CONGRESS!  Hello, you are running for that representation you say you dont have!  

    ::sigh::  Im so glad I live in the big city now instead with morons who would eat this shit up.

  3. I love that he has to add his name at the end of this, saying that he has to approve this message. I know McCain-Feingold has serious flaws, but the fact that this guy has to attach his name to this is great… And probably something that is against his message altogether… A tyrannical government making him to stuff.

  4. Sorry if my Yankee moderate heritage is coming out, but every time I see one of these Southern weirdos go off, I wonder if we need to reconstruct the South again because the first attempt miserably failed.

    Personally I want to know Barber’s opinions on the wealth transfer that happens between the Northeast and Southeast on a daily basis as the South is so economically dependent.  I am sure he would defend Alabama’s ability to rape the Yankeeland for revenue seeing we don’t give a rip about Alabama anyway.

  5. I think every candidate wants to somehow go viral with their ads now. While Dale Peterson didnt win his ad moved him from “some dude” to an almost win.

    Barber made this on the cheap and for the web. It’s over a minute lond so no way does he run it on TV.

    He’s an underdog in the primary and is using this outragous web ad to gain free publicity and generate a buzz. Putting crazy stuff like this out there helps that.

    The mere fact we (and people like us) are talking about it helps Barber.

  6. What the hell is up with Alabama Republicans? I know that’s a question that’s asked a lot, even in non-election years, but they have for real been bringing the funny this cycle. First, Dale Pederson on the hunt for the Ag Commisioner nomination, then Tim James and “This is Alabama. Speak English.”

    What is up with President Washington’s wig?

    Palin/Barber 2012

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