KY-03: Yarmuth Leads by 23 Points

Braun Research for cn|2 (9/20-21, likely voters, 8/9-8/10 in parens):

John Yarmuth (D-inc): 53 (52)

Todd Lally (R): 30 (29)

Michael Hansen (I): 5 (1)

Ed Martin (L): 1 (-)

Undecided: 12 (17)

(MoE: ±4.4%)

Good stuff for sophomore Dem Rep. John Yarmuth here – certainly a much better outlook than that SurveyUSA poll projected earlier this month (which claimed that Yarmuth only had a 2% edge).

Bonus finding: Jack Conway leads Rand Paul by 51-39 in the 3rd District. This is one district where Conway will need to find a way to run up the score (Bruce Lunsford won Jefferson County by over 11% against Mitch McConnell in 2008).

13 thoughts on “KY-03: Yarmuth Leads by 23 Points”

  1. More politicians should adopt this position, it’s proving to be quite popular.

    Hint Hint Jack Conway

    *Don’t know what I’m talking about? See Colbert Report Better Know a District, KY-03.

  2. know I have tried my very best to avoid SUSA bashing but screw it I just have little to no confidence in them anymore. Granted I’m not a big Braun fan but I buy these numbers before SUSA’s numbers.  

  3. I clicked on the link, it was not in the story. I clicked on the physical poll and it was in the table of contents but for some reason every time I scrolled down it skipped over many pages and would just not work for me. So brownie points to whoever can tell me the mayoral results.

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