AZ-Gov: Brewer: No More Debates… Unless I Need Them!

This is utterly brazen:

Jan Brewer said Tuesday’s she might debate Terry Goddard again – but only if there’s some chance he actually could beat her.

Brewer, in an interview with Capitol Media Services, conceded that her decision to avoid a televised confrontation with her Democratic gubernatorial foe is purely political: She is leading in recent polls, with no sign of her margin narrowing.

In fact, Brewer’s gaffes during last month’s debate – she verbally stumbled, went silent for seconds and mangled her grammar – did not make a dent in her popularity. So at this point, Brewer said she sees no reason to give Goddard another shot at her.

“Maybe there would be a possibility that we would debate if my numbers starting dropping dramatically,” she said. “And, of course, I’m working hard to see that they don’t.”

Points for honesty, I suppose… though I’m not sure why she’d think that a debate rematch would help her in a squeaker! (Recall that she previously said there’d be no more debates, period – because they were too helpful for Goddard.)

5 thoughts on “AZ-Gov: Brewer: No More Debates… Unless I Need Them!”

  1. The worst thing about SB 1070 was that it saved Brewer from certain primary doom. Now we have this nut instead of a more reasonable Republican atop our ticket in Arizona.

  2. There is such a thing as being in the right place at the right time even if you did nothing to get yourself there.  I doubt her popularity will hold up after four more years of having to actually govern, but luck is part of politics and she gets my vote for the luckiest politician of the cycle.  Harry Ried is lucky too, but his election is no sure thing and to some extent, he made his own luck.

  3. She’d be gone in a heartbeat. I still think Goddard has a shot (at least until I see definite evidence this race is over), but without a doubt Brewer seems to be winning DESPITE herself.

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