IA-05: Hidden Gem–Hubler takes on Steve King!

Cross posted at dailykos: Ia-o5: Hubler takes on Steve King!

Here’s a campaign I am getting excited about–Rob Hubler in IA-05 . I’d like to encourage you all to take a look at this (surprisingly) competitive race. We’ve got a real chance to send a progressive, democratic, smart, thoughtful, mature candidate to congress from what is traditionally considered a deep red district. Bonus points: we get to send one of the worst congressmen in the world packing!

We get behind races all over the country: Darcy Burner, Andrew Rice, John Hall, Jon Powers, Scott Kleeb, Eric Massa, Gary Trauner, Charlie Brown-I think this is one race we haven’t looked at closely yet that is worthy of our attention. I’d like to see if we can get some energy  for IA-05 and Rob Hubler here in the blogosphere.

So what’s a nice blue state girl like me doing touting a +8 red district?  Follow me below the fold to find out why this red district is well-positioned to exchange a great progressive candidate for one of the worst wingnuts in Congress.

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So first, why is “Democracylover in NYC” touting a race in Iowa?

I was honored and thrilled to be accepted into Russ Feingold’s Patriot Corps this fall and was looking forward to going to Iowa to work on Rob Hubler’s campaign . Sadly, (and I do mean sadly) I was unable to make it for logistical and financial reasons. But I still got a good look at Hubler and when I saw what a great race this is, I was determined to help, even if I’m stuck in blue New York.

I am convinced that we have a real shot at winning in this traditionally deep red district. Let me describe to you why and how. Then I encourage each of you, if you agree, to help out in whatever way you can (contributions, message amplification etc). Below my very loose analysis (I am not a campaign wonk) of why I think this is a great race.

Throw the bum out…

First for those who are motivated to “throw the bums out” there ain’t no bigger bum in congress than Steve King. I won’t spend too much time on the negative (though for those that like that sort of thing you may want to look at www.kingwatch.org for a comprehensive list at King’s positions, gaffes and general ickiness. I’ll only say a few things

1) He’s the guy that infamously said Islamic fundamentalists would be dancing in the streets when Barack Hussein Obama is elected president…

2) Here’s a recent interview with King in which our hero takes his bigotry  further as he slams Obama . He also comes out pro-“drill, baby, drill” and pro strict constructionist judges. Not exactly the positions we (and most Iowans, as I understand it) would like to see.

3) King has a net negative job approval rating.  And  some well respected and well-connected Iowa republicans are quietly working to get rid of someone even they perceive as an embarrassment to their party.

4) He was voted worst person in the world…by CNBC!!!!

Replace the bum with a true progressive:

First it’s important to remember this is the first time  a serious candidate is running against King. Rob’s positions are good, strong, progressive and much better aligned to his constituents positions than King’s.

Rob Hubler is a serious candidate, who supportsuniversal healthcare, a hybrid economy, andopposed retroactive immunity for telecoms .

And Rob’s personal story is unique and full of heart. He’s a decorated veteran who served his country seven years on the first nuclear-powered submarine, and as a nuclear plant operator. He went on to an impressive career in progressive politics working to help Dick Clark and Tom Harkin among others. Hubler left politics in 1989 to follow his calling as a presbyterian minister (like his father and uncles before him), pastoring churches throughout the midwest and California. He retired from the ministry in 2000 to take care of his dying father and sick aunt (while teaching disabled children) before returning to politics at the request of friends and former colleagues who felt he could make a difference. This is a candidate who puts the heart in heartland.

The situation on the ground:

Rob  has spent 18 months running an aggressive campaign and positioning his organization for a strong finish. The campaign has 6 field offices open with a full complement of paid and volunteer veteran staff. The Iowa coordinated campaign is running canvasses and has regional full time staff working with Hubler’s group.  Meanwhile Hubler is coordinating with the huge Iowa Obama organization which has placed 20 organizers in the 5th district alone (!).  All the Obama data is shared and they are able to base targeted mail on independents they already know are supporting a democratic ticket.

There is growing support for Rob’s campaign. He’s brought Joe Trippi as Media Advisor on board, and beloved former congressman, Dean supporter and local icon Berkley Bedell is now General Chair to the campaign. Bedell was in congress for 12 years, was known for his populist stances and for  winning deep republican counties with 60% of the vote. Rob’s communications director, Keith Dinsmore, ran 1/3 of the newspapers in the state, has worked on many campaigns, and knows how to talk with Iowans. It’s a great, thoughtful campaign.

Rob has been selected for funding and staff support from the Patriot Corps as noted above, and he has active support from Governer Chet Culver, former Governer Vilsack, and Senator Harkin.

Meanwhile in King’s Court:

Let’s  take a look at King’s organization…Well, he has his son, who is a car salesman, paid as his manager. He has no campaign offices and no staff except a spokeswoman. That’s it. Seriously. He has no plan on the ground. This is a major weakness, folks. We can hit King before he knows what happened.

What about the famous republican “War Chest”? Surely King has money to burn? King had as of mid August, less than a quarter of a million dollars. This is the least amount of money of any incumbent in Iowa, Democrat or Republican.

Can we win? You bet we can!

I know, I know it’s all very nice unless we have a viable race. This is a red district …yep, that’s true. At the bottom, I know people don’t want to waste time and money where they don’t think it can accomplish much. Well let me tell you this could be one of the most satisfying victories ever on election day. Let’s  take a look at some recent polling numbers.

The first and only poll conducted in this race, shows that these candidates are neck-and-neck. In a nutshell, likely voters are tipping in Hubler’s favor with dissent in republican ranks and independents breaking democratic. All that’s missing? Name recognition and some national support. A couple of ads in the district could put Hubler over the top.

The findings are so compelling I’ll let them speak for themselves**:

Our recent poll results indicate that Iowa’s 5th Congressional District has officially reached the tipping point, as the generic ballot between any “Democrat” and a “Republican” for Congress starts out virtually even, 36% to 38%.   Key results are as follows:

– The first finding of note, as mentioned above, is that the generic ballot choice, one without any information about the candidates, is tied at 36% Democrat and 38% Republican. In addition, the key subgroup of Independents favor the “Democrat”  by a 35% to 29% margin.  

– After hearing one positive statement about Hubler and nothing critical of King, voters are quickly able to reevaluate the congressional race, preferring Hubler over King by 47% to 30%.  This again underscores how potentially fluid this electorate is.  Hubler is a different type of nominee for this district, and his views match up more closely with voters then their current congressman’s.

King’s job rating is a poor showing of only 36% excellent/good to 43% only fair/poor; aside from the fact that it is a net negative showing, one should note that 36% approval is a long way from 50%; voters are clearly connecting the dots between their discontent and King’s work in Washington.

**Four hundred registered, likely 2008 voters were interviewed.  The poll was designed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of Rob Hubler and his opponent Steve King as candidates for Congress.

Likely voters in the 5th district of Iowa are ready to fire Steve King.  Our challenge is to get the resources in place to communicate Rob’s message so that they know him well enough to hire him as their new Congressman.

So what can you do to make a difference?

As always, contribute, contribute, contribute. And get the word out. As we know we’re all committed to more and better democrats from everywhere.

Also just because I couldn’t get out there, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t yourselves. If you are anywhere near Western Iowa in the next few weeks, please get out and help. I’ve been in touch with these guys and they are a great, great team. Also there are Obama offices all over the state. We can turn Iowa blue, boys and girls, and we should do it!

So take a closer look. See if this is someone you can get behind. Write to your friends who think nationally about Hubler if you like what you see. Bug the DFA. Tell the good Doctor to take a close look. And put him on your support list if you can.

This is Democracylover in NYC with her heart in the heartland…

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