Wisc GOP DECERTIFIES Green Bay offices- fires staff

Reince Priebus, state chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, said the Brown County group has been decertified by the state, but not because of the recent legal troubles of its former chairman, Donald Fleischman of Allouez.

Fleischman resigned in September after charges of child enticement were brought against him in Brown County Circuit Court; they have since been dropped.

Priebus called the reorganization “tangential” to Fleischman’s predicament.

Fleischman’s resignation created two vacancies in the party’s officer corps. Holly Arnold, the first vice-chair, did not want the top spot, and the second vice-chair position already was vacant, Priebus said.

That meant the party didn’t have enough officers to call a caucus to elect new officers, Priebus said. At Arnold’s request, the state GOP decertified the county party on Nov. 13.

Want to volunteer for a party that harbored a sex offender for 8 months?

Answer questions about that, and why they did nothing about it?

…and then ask for money?

Wisc County GOP Chair/Treas indicted for child sex crimes in Green Bay

Don Fleischman, the Brown County Republican Party Chairman and Treasurer was indicted on Sept 9, 2007 for the following crimes against a child, from an incidents occuring on Nov, 19, Dec. 6th and Dec. 8th, 2006.

Brown County Case Number 2007CF000897

Child Enticement-Give/Sell Drugs
Intent. Contribute/Delinquency Child
Child Enticement-Expose Sex Organ
Exposing Genitals to Child
Intent. Contribute/Delinquency Child

He is free on a $20,000 signature bond for pretty significant sex and drug crimes.

On the Wisconsin GOP website, it lists his email address as Don0570@aol.com

His birthdate is listed, in the felony complaint, as 05/07/70 ….0570 seems like a comon thing with email names; the only phone number listed in the GB phone book is this person’s name, identified in the complaint.
His address, from that complaint, was cross referenced with an Wisconsin Elections Board Document showing that Mr. Fleschman’s home address matches the complaint, hte GB phone book, and is listed, as with the GOP Party of Brown County.

The State or County GOP has not issued any statement regarding this event.

The Green Bay Press-Gazette ran an article on this, nine months after his arrest.
