Saturday, June 17, 2006
NJ-Sen: Tom Kean, Jr. is a Lightweight and a Coward
Posted by James L.Scott Shields has a great diary up on Dailykos that I thought spoke volumes about the kind of guy we're facing in the New Jersey Senate race this year--namely, a lightweight and a coward. It's a great diary that I encourage you to read, but my favorite part is Shields' description of Kean's (dis)-ability to handle a forceful counter-attack by Bob Menendez to recent Republican smears at a NJ Association of Counties meeting:
What was Kean's response to the speech? Well, even though he was supposed to be sitting on the stage with Senator Menendez, he chickened out and waited outside until the Senator was done speaking. He then went up to the podium and delivered the same canned speech he'd been planning all along, with absolutely no response to the Senator's comments. After Kean, Jr. spoke, reporters tried to get him on the record. No such luck. As Josh Gohlke of the Bergen Record put it, Kean and his crew "stampeded down a carpeted hallway and into an elevator."Several reporters managed to keep up, blurting out questions the candidate was determined not to answer.Did he care to respond to Democratic candidate Robert Menendez's scathing speech just a few minutes earlier in the same ballroom? Was he, as Menendez charged, a lightweight armed only with empty attacks?
The Kean contingent stampeded down a carpeted hallway and into an elevator. The reporters and questions squeezed into it with them. Kean kept repeating a few slogans."I'm proud of both my record and my vision for the future of the country," Kean reiterated, this time with finality, as everyone spilled back out of the elevator and he hurried off. "Thank you very much!"
After talking for a few minutes, the reporters realized they had entered and exited the elevator on the same floor. So ended a strange episode in a campaign that is reaching impressive levels of absurdity, given that it's only June.
Stunts like hiding in an elevator say a lot about your character, Tom. And the worst thing you could have done is show your cowardice to members of the press. It's stories like these, as well as the results from this week's latest Quinnipiac poll, that have me breathing a little easier on this race (registered voters, April in parens):
Robert Menendez (D): 43 (40)
Tom Kean, Jr. (R): 36 (34)
Undecided: 17 (20)
The only way that the GOP can win this race is if they trick voters into thinking that the Kean brand is one of feel-good moderation, as exemplified by former Gov. Tom Kean, Sr. I think that we can feel a little bit more assured that Bob Menendez isn't the type of guy to play the kind of softball that would let the Republicans get away with this sort of nonsense.
Posted at 05:58 PM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Alabama, Mississippi, and New Jersey Results Open Thread
Posted by James L.The polls are closed in these three states and results are trickling in.
AL-GOV: 4.38% 36.11% 84.97%Precincts Reporting (Note: A candidate needs 50%+1 in order to avert a run-off):
Lucy Baxley (D):17,075 (54.27)44,761 (58.16)125,233 (61.01)249,134 (59.93)
Siegelman, Don (D)13,757 (43.72)30,031 (39.02)73,007 (35.57)150,698 (36.25)
Okay, Baxley's starting to put this thing away. Thank God.
Bob Riley (R-inc):28,408 (69.23)59,973 (68.19)132,761 (65.42)
Roy Moore (R):12,624 (30.77)27,971 (31.81)70,185 (34.58)
Riley's safe; yawn.
MS-02: 5.26% 23.48% 47.57% 77.53% Precincts Reporting :
Bennie Thompson (D-Inc):2,893 (76.64)16,340 (65.98)29,440 (64.52)41,801 (63.79)
Chuck Espy (D):864 (22.89)8,261 (33.36)15,884 (34.81)23,237 (35.46)
The AP's also calling it for Thompson. Espy didn't come close at all, despite the name.
NJ-13 Special Primary, 25.28% 65.15% 94.99% Precincts Reporting :
Albio Sires (D):3,661 (56.33)12,684 (67.46)23,337 (73.51)
Joseph Vas (D):2,838 (43.67)6,117 (32.54)8,410 (26.49)
Vas looked surprisingly strong early on, but they're calling it for Sires, the Corzine-endorsed machine candidate.
I'll post updates when the picture changes.
Posted at 08:41 PM in 2006 Elections - House, Alabama, Mississippi, New Jersey | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Monday, May 01, 2006
NJ-07: Not Mike Ferguson
Posted by DavidNYCFrom the guys who brought you Dump Mike, their newest effort: Not Mike Ferguson. You see, the real Mike Ferguson has decided to scrub his website of any connection to George Bush (whose popularity in New Jersey is so low, it must now be measured in scientific notation). But Not Mike Ferguson sets the record straight, detailing exactly who Fergie's friends are, and where his priorities lie - a valuable public service!
Posted at 01:21 PM in 2006 Elections - House, New Jersey | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
NJ-Sen: Counting the Cars on the New Jersey Turnpike...
Posted by DavidNYCThey've all gone to look for a Thomas Kean...
In the biggest campaign fund-raiser yet on behalf of State Senator Thomas H. Kean Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney traveled to New Jersey on Monday and praised Mr. Kean as someone with "the experience, the values and the vision to be a superb United States senator."But there was one problem: Mr. Kean was a no-show.
Actually, Mr. Kean did show up at the event, which was held at the offices of the IDT Corporation in downtown Newark. But he did not make it until 6:15, roughly 15 minutes after Mr. Cheney's motorcade had left.
For his part, Mr. Kean said he had been in Trenton all day, voting on important bills, because "I would not miss votes in order to make a political event." As soon as the Senate wrapped up, around 4 p.m., he traveled north "as quickly as I could." But instead of taking the New Jersey Turnpike, like any regular commuter between Trenton and Newark, he and his driver chose Route 1, which is usually crawling with bumper-to-bumper traffic at that hour.
Mr. Kean said he did so because there were delays on the Turnpike in the morning. But at 6 p.m., there were no reported delays between Exit 7A, not far from Trenton, and the George Washington Bridge, according to the Turnpike's Web site.
This is like Briscoe and Curtis busting a shabby alibi on Law & Order. Too good, just too good. I have nothing else to add.
Posted at 09:11 AM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Thursday, January 26, 2006
NJ-Sen: Menendez Slips Slightly in New Q-Poll
Posted by DavidNYCFrom Quinnipiac (registered voters, Dec. in parens):
Menendez: 38 (44)
Kean: 36 (38)
Undecided: 22 (16)
(MoE: ±3.2%)
Both men have almost identical favorability ratings, with the most salient fact that 64% of respondents say they don't know enough about either guy to express an opinion. My thinking is that as name rec grows for both men, a natural advantage has to accure to Menendez. George Bush just hit his lowest approval rating ever in NJ (36-59). It would be an amazing feat if Kean could avoid being tainted by the GOP's overall poor rep in the state.
Posted at 10:17 AM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
NJ-Sen: Kean Leads, but Huge Undecideds
Posted by DavidNYCSometimes, I think pollsters feel pressure to present "clean" data - they word questions in such a way as to produce definite answers, and push leaners when they waver. This makes poll results easier to analyze, but probably skews the picture. In real life, for non-political junkies, many people don't make up their minds a year in advance, and so it is with Fairleigh Dickinson's latest poll (registered voters, no trendlines):
Menendez: 25
Kean: 36
Undecided: 37
(MoE: ±4%)
Though their overall name rec is similar, Kean's favorability is a good bit better than Menendez's (41-12 vs. 33-17). Kean has the advantage of bearing his father's name - but don't forget that Menendez will soon have the advantage of being an incumbent senator. That 37% undecided could get split up a lot of ways. My gut tells me that ultimately Menendez will prevail due to the favorable partisan split in NJ, but I think this race is going to be tougher than we'd like. I think New Jersey is sort of like the New York Mets: Sometimes the Mets put together decent teams and win a few, but they always make you sweat. Same with Jersey.
P.S. PoliticsNJ is reporting that Frank Pallone won't challenge Menendez. I don't know if PoliticsNJ is a reliable source, but hopefully we'll see an official confirm of that soon. Also, Corzine will soon decide whether to call a special election to fill Menendez's House seat, or just wait until the regular June primary/November general. This is a super-Dem district, so I imagine the real action will be at primary time.
Posted at 03:39 PM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Saturday, January 14, 2006
NJ-Sen: Andrews Won't Challenge Menendez
Posted by DavidNYCRep. Rob Andrews has said he won't challenge Rep. (and soon-to-be Sen.) Bob Menendez in a primary this year. Tom Suozzi could learn a thing or two from Andrews:
"The idea of engaging in a primary that would drain resources away from our Democratic Party, that would distract us from taking on the fight we ought to be taking on in the fall, is the wrong thing to do," Mr. Andrews said in a news conference at the State House.
No word yet from Rep. Frank Pallone, but I'd guess he'll decline to challenge as well.
Posted at 04:19 AM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Monday, December 26, 2005
NJ-02: DCCC "Actively Recruiting" a Candidate
Posted by DavidNYCNew Jersey's second district is one of those places where we've just gotta compete if there's to be any hope of big Dem gains in the House next year. NJ-02 is currently represented by Republican Frank LoBiondo, who, like most incumbents, manages to win re-election by rather large margins time and again. But Bush carried the district by just 50-49, while Gore previously took it by a huge eleven-point margin.
Legislative aide and preacher Robin Weinstein is running for the Democratic nod here, but it would not be unfair to say that he doesn't have much name recognition. According to the Bridgeton News, though, the DCCC is "actively recruiting" a big-name candidate to run for this seat. The article says that the top two contenders are Assemblyman Jeff Van Drew of Cape May and Assemblyman-elect Jim Whelan of Atlantic City.
Scott in NJ (who deserves the hat tip on this one) makes the case for Van Drew. According to Scott, Van Drew already represents about a third of LoBiondo's constituents. And the first legislative district (which Van Drew serves) is also apparently fairly Republican, which suggests that Van Drew might have genuine cross-over appeal. As to Whelan, I admit I don't know much, but as always, if you have any thoughts, please share them.
One of the biggest difficulties with NJ-02 is that it's primarily served by the expensive Philadelphia media market. (See district map here.) In order for any candidate to have a realistic chance of breaking through, I think DCCC support is probably a must. Hopefully it'll happen.
UPDATE: Scott in NJ has gone and started a new blog devoted exclusively to NJ-02 called Second Thoughts.
Posted at 07:58 PM in 2006 Elections - House, New Jersey | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Monday, December 19, 2005
NJ-Sen: Menendez Leads in Early Poll
Posted by DavidNYCLast week, Quinnipiac released the first post-Menendez poll on the New Jersey senate race (registered voters, no trendlines):
Menendez: 44
Kean: 38
Undecided: 16
(MoE: ±3.7)
I'm glad to see Menendez with a lead, and I think this seat will ultimately stay in our hands. But I also think New Jersey is going to give us some serious agita, just like it did at times during the governor's race this year and the presidential race last year. (Remember, Gore won NJ by 16 points, but Kerry won by less than 7.)
Fortunately, this isn't a case where one guy has a lead due only to outsized name recognition. For Menendez, he gets 56% on "haven't heard enough to form an opinion," while Kean clocks in at 61%. (Their favorable-unfavorable ratings are pretty much the same.) Once these guys are both at 90+% name reco, Menendez will naturally have the advantage of running in a blue state. For Kean to win, he'll have to put some distance between his favorables and Menendez's unfavorables.
Unfortunately, some grumbly whiners in New Jersey's Democratic congressional delegation might just make Tom Kean's job a lot easier. A nasty Dem primary could be just what the GOP ordered, if it cranks up the eventual winner's unfavorables. (And it will.) I judge the value of primaries on a case-by-case basis - I'm not reflexively pro- or anti-primary (I think that would be silly). But in this case, I come down decidedly against having a primary.
I hope common sense prevails - that these eager passed-over beavers bide their time, that Lautenberg is convinced to re-retire, that we save our Battle Royale primary for 2008. It's a little hard to read the tea-leaves right now, though. Sixty-seven percent of Dems approve of Corzine's choice. But when asked if Menendez should run for a full term, only 38% say yes, while 25% say no and 37% are unsure. Right now, Menendez has a 31-3 approval rating among Dems. If he can keep his approval numbers so positive among members of his own party, then I would hazard that most of those 37% DK will move into the "yes" category as Menendez becomes more well-known.
Posted at 02:46 PM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Thursday, December 08, 2005
NJ-Sen: Don't Do It, Rob
Posted by DavidNYCOh man. No sooner than Jon Corzine announces (or pre-announces) his selection of Bob Menendez to succeed him in the Senate, we get this:
Democratic Rep. Rob Andrews of Camden County, who also lobbied actively for the appointment, has said he would run for the Senate regardless of Corzine's decision.
Dude... come on. I mean, I'm often in favor of primaries, but this is not the place or the time. Running against Menendez will necessarily turn into a nasty mud fight. To do so, Andrews would have to say Menendez isn't a worthy candidate - and by extension, Corzine was wrong to pick him. It would get real ugly real fast.
Apparently, Andrews is worried that Frank Lautenberg will seek re-election in 2008. Now, I love Frank, but in fairness, he's gonna be 84 in 2008. While I have no problem supporting an octogenarian senator in a place like West Virginia, where we have a thin-to-non-existent bench, 2008 really will be the time for Lautenberg to step aside and let some of the young turks move up in the world.
Of course, consider the source of the Lautenberg rumor: Andrews himself. This could just be a bit of excuse-making. Regardless, it would make a hell of a lot more sense to challenge Lautenberg in a primary a few years from now. I wouldn't enjoy seeing that kind of fight, either (with inevitable attacks on Lautenberg for being too old - man, I pray I look that good when I'm in my 80s!), but I'd rather defer it a couple of years.
While I said yesterday that Menendez wasn't my first choice, I think that now is the time for some party unity - to accept Corzine's decision and get behind Menendez for what will probably be a bruising fight against Bill McKay Tom Kean. If Andrews gets into the race, there's almost no way I'd be able to support him.
UPDATE: On reconsideration, I think my assessment of WV's Dem bench was unfair. Still, on balance, I'm more willing to risk an open seat in NJ than an open seat in WV if it offers a rising star a chance to move up in the world.
Posted at 03:10 PM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
NJ-Sen: Menendez Looks Set to Replace Corzine
Posted by DavidNYCSo Rep. Bob Menendez (NJ-13) will apparently replace Jon Corzine as New Jersey's... I guess he now becomes the junior senator, though Corzine was the senior senator. (Somehow, it seems wrong for anyone to be "senior" to Frank Lautenberg.) I personally was rooting for Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12). Ah well. On the bright side, Menendez has an enormous warchest already - $4 million and counting - which he'll need for the election campaign that pretty much starts right now.
His opponent is state Sen. Tom Kean, Jr., son of the popular former governor and 9/11 Commission chairman. This reminds me of a line from the Robert Redford movie "The Candidate." Redford plays Bill McKay, Democratic candidate for Senate in California. In an ominous voice, an election-day sound truck bellows, "What has Bill McKay done for California? Not much... but his father was governor." Life imitates art: Tom Kean hasn't done much for New Jersey either. But, you know, his father was governor.
In case you were worried, Menendez's district went for Kerry 69-31. Holding Holt's district would have been dicier, as it went for Kerry by just 54-46. Menendez, by the way, will become the third Hispanic member of the Senate, along with Ken Salazar (D-CO) and Mel Martinez (R-FL). Like Martinez, Menendez is Cuban-American.
Just a note: This hasn't been officially confirmed yet. I wonder if this could wind up like when the New York Post reported that John Kerry had tapped Dick Gephardt to be his running mate. That would be a hell of a thing!
Posted at 04:30 PM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Friday, November 18, 2005
NJ-Sen: Kean (R) Sees Democratic Gains in... SYRIA?
Posted by DavidNYCI am seldom in the business of giving Republican politicians the benefit of the doubt. But two things are giving me a little pause when examining this alleged remark by NJ senate hopeful Tom Kean, Jr.:
Kean said he sees democratic gains in Syria and Lebanon as evidence of the United States’ ability to help foster freedom in the region. (Emphasis added.)
The first, of course, is that it's not a direct quote. The second, though, is that it is so mind-bogglingly... man, "wrong" doesn't even come close to describing this remark. Insane, is more like it? Democratic gains in SYRIA? Is he KIDDING?
Does Tom Kean mean this Syria? Or perhaps this Syria? Maybe he means this Syria:
Officially, Syria is a republic. In reality, however, it is an authoritarian regime that exhibits only the forms of a democratic system. Although citizens ostensibly vote for the President and members of Parliament, they do not have the right to change their government. The late President Hafiz Al-Asad was confirmed by unopposed referenda five times. His son, Bashar Al-Asad, also was confirmed by an unopposed referendum in July 2000. (Emphasis added.)
No, I've got it. He's referring to this episode in recent Syrian history:
The Damascus Spring was a period of intense political and social debate in Syria which started after the death of President Hafiz al-Asad in June 2000 and continued to some degree until autumn 2001, when most of the activities associated with it were suppressed by the government. (Emphasis added.)
Maybe he's talking about the Syria where stories like this - from earlier this month are the norm:
It was early in the morning as Anwar al-Bouni drove to the court in Damascus where he works as a human rights lawyer. He had just spent 10 days in hiding, afraid that the regime was trying to frame him in a criminal case to silence his outspoken views. He barely noticed the two motorbikes next to him.When he slowed to make a turn, the second bike pulled up and the pillion passenger kicked at Bouni's door. He stopped the car. "What happened? What's the matter?" he said. The man jumped off the bike, opened the door and began punching and kicking Bouni.
"He didn't say anything. He just beat me on my head, my nose, my mouth. He hit me, he kicked me and then when people started to gather around us, he got on the bike and drove off," said Bouni, sitting in his apartment chain smoking, and sipping black coffee. He was bruised and badly shaken, but escaped serious injury.
The incident was a crude reminder of the perils of criticism in Syria's closed society. During decades of dictatorship all opposition movements have been firmly repressed. There are few who dare to publicly condemn the regime. Bouni is one of them and now he is too scared to go back to work. Others have been forced into exile or sent to jail.
Maybe the Hunterdon Review got it wrong. Maybe Kean said Lebanon but not Syria. He's gonna wanna issue a clarification either way. But if he did mean Syria, then not only is he crazy, but he's also off the reservation - just this week, Condi Rice was smacking Syria upside the head for its recalcitrance on democratic reform.
This remark is on par with Gerald Ford saying "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe" in his second debate with Jimmy Carter in 1976. I'll be curious to see how the Kean camp handles it. They can blame it on the reporters, but even so, it still counts as a serious verbal screwup.
Posted at 02:22 PM in 2006 Elections - Senate, New Jersey | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
NJ-Gov: AP Calls it for Corzine
Posted by DavidNYCSo now we're 2 for 2 on the big 2:
The Associated Press has declared Jon Corzine the winner.With 48 percent of precincts reporting, Corzine had 54 percent to Doug Forrester’s 43 percent.
However, Forrester was not conceding, a campaign spokeswoman said.
Come on, dude, you're down by more than 10%. Say goodnight.
Posted at 10:10 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
NJ-Gov: Election Results
Posted by DavidNYCCorzine (D):47, 52.1952.48
Forrester (R):51, 44.8044.53
6%, 19.8%30.3% Reporting
Results also available here, but the WNBC link seems to have them quicker.
Posted at 08:47 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
2005 Election Night Coverage
Posted by Bob BrighamThis is the last hurrah for the 2005 Swing State Project team, so we will do everything we can to provide top-notch election night coverage. DavidNYC is in Washington, DC (ready for legal deployment to Virginia if the Tim Kaine vs. Jerry Kilgore race goes into extra innings). Tim Tagaris is on the ground in Ohio, ready to follow through on all he has done to help Reform Ohio Now. And I'm in California with front row seats for Arnold Schwarzenegger's initiatives. In addition to the election results, check out what the local bloggers are writing in the major states. There are now two major wires services for liberal bloggers -- state by state. Keep refreshing Swing State Project, but also visit all of the bloggers on the ground by visiting the wires:
Virginia: BlogPAC wire -- Lefty Blogs
New Jersey: BlogPAC wire -- Lefty Blogs
Ohio: BlogPAC wire -- Lefty Blogs
California: BlogPAC wire -- Lefty Blogs
DISCLAIMER: I've ended up on BlogPAC's reports before, but all I'm trying to do here is direct you to the bloggers with the on the ground knowledge.
Posted at 07:24 PM in 2005 Elections, California, New Jersey, Ohio, Site News, Virginia | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Monday, November 07, 2005
NJ-Gov: Thoughts on Polling
Posted by DavidNYCChris observed just a few days ago that Doug Forrester had apparently hit a ceiling of 42% support in public opinion polls. However, three of the four most recent polls show him pushing north of that mark. Two (Marist and SUSA) put him at 44, and Quinnipiac puts him at 45 - Forrester's best showings to date.
The good news is that the Q-Poll also gives Corzine his highest mark so far, 52%, and SUSA's got him at 50 (though he's seen 51 before). Marist, which puts Corzine at +5, has also been pretty scattered. It gave him that notorious +2 a month ago, only to give him his first double-digit lead (+10) since early September two weeks later. Now they're splitting the difference. So I don't know what to make of their polling.
I still think Chris's original take is correct - that Forrester needs to do incredibly well with undecideds tomorrow to pull off an upset. A week ago, I'd have said that was almost impossible. But today, I think there's something of an outside chance.
Posted at 11:31 AM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Saturday, November 05, 2005
NJ-Gov: Forrester looks out for New Jersey -- Miss New Jersey
Posted by Bob BrighamDrudge is trying to cover up this:
The tipping point came after the New York Daily News published a gossip column yesterday implying that Forrester, who has been married for 30 years, had an extramarital affair with a former campaign staffer who is also a former Miss New Jersey.
Working for New Jersey and sleeping with Miss New Jersey are two different perspectives on the job.
Posted at 05:33 PM in 2006 Elections, New Jersey | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Sunday, October 30, 2005
NJ-Gov: Can You Say "Outlier"?
Posted by DavidNYCYep, I thought you could. A few weeks ago, a bunch of people started getting worried that Doug Forrester was surging - that the race for the NJ governor's mansion was really getting tight. This belief was based on exactly two polls out of many. Quinnipiac showed a four-point spread - but came back down to earth with a seven-pointer recently. The most "alarming," though, was Marist, which showed (depending upon which group of voters you looked at) things as close as one point. Another week, another poll, and boy have things changed (likely voters, early Oct. in parens):
Corzine: 50 (44)
Forrester: 40 (43)
Other: 1 (<1)
Undecided: 9 (13)
(MoE: ±5%)
There. Feel better now? Marist now joins every other independent pollster in showing a 7+ point lead for Corzine. (And four recent surveysm including this one, show 9 or 10 point leads.) Now we can all sleep better.
(Thanks to Taegan Goddard.)
Posted at 02:25 AM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
NJ-Gov: Doug Forrester Loses Election Over Stem Cells
Posted by Bob BrighamIn two weeks, the armchair quarterbacks are going to look back on the New Jersey Governor's race and I predict a good deal of the talk on why Doug Forrester lost will be focused on Jon Corzine's new Stem Cell ad. The ad features Karl Riccio bodyslamming Doug Forrester.
Scott Shields has a lot more on the ad and Forrester's chickenshit attack on the young man in the ad.
Posted at 04:32 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey, Scandals | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
NJ-Gov: Republicans Eating Republicans (A Continuing Series)
Posted by DavidNYCI have a feeling that stories of Republican civil war are going to become more and more common throughout the next year, especially with many GOPers already feeling the need to run away from Bush. My favorite example so far has been the pro-stem cell ballot measure in Missouri. It's already causing serious upheaval. A thousand miles away, Blue Jersey brings us another similar tale, now picked up by Newsday:
Forrester picked up an endorsement Tuesday from the Republican Majority for Choice, a Washington-based lobbying group that backs moderates.
Not so bad, right? I mean, at least maybe this means Forrester isn't a crazy misogynistic retrograde mouth-breather when it comes to matters of healthcare privacy. But of course, you're damned if you do when you're a GOPer:
Joseph Tomanelli, a conservative activist from Bergen County who heads the New Jersey Republican Assembly, has withdrawn his endorsement of GOP gubernatorial candidate Douglas Forrester, citing a TV commercial from former Governor Thomas Kean touting Forrester's moderate, pro-choice credentials and a letter from former Governor Christine Todd Whitman criticizing conservative extremism in the Republican Party.
I've long believed that predictions of a conservative crackup - of the "true" winger base deserting the Republican Party - are overblown and, even if they came to pass, the results would be largely inconsequential. Even today, despite a stream of failures and the stench of scandal, Bush still gets an 81% approval rating from members of his own party, which is pretty much in line with his ratings during the whole of his presidency. And in moderate New Jersey, I can't imagine the wingers add up to much.
But Doug Forrester is in dire straits, and he needs every vote he can get. The key to his victory is probably among independents, but I think any move he would have made among this group due to his abortion stance would have already taken place. I say this because former Gov. Tom Kean's ad touting Forrester's alleged pro-choice stance has been on the airwaves for a while now. Why some right-wing extremists are only now being driven away from Forrester - after this endorsement, rather than the Kean ads - is a bit of a mystery. But like I say, this doesn't help Dougy F.
UPDATE: Chris points to a new Rasmussen poll which pegs Bush's approval among Republicans at just 73%. Now that is really quite something, and definitely food for thought. Will be very interested to see if that trend holds for Rasmussen's next poll.
Posted at 12:16 AM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
NJ-Gov: FDU Poll Puts Corzine up Eight
Posted by DavidNYCFarleigh Dickinson University offers a new poll in the New Jersey gubernatorial contest (likely voters, late Sept. in parens):
Corzine: 48 (48)
Forrester: 40 (38)
Other: 3 (4)
Undecided: 9 (10)
(MoE: ±4%)
Note: This poll includes "leaners." Without leaners, it's 44-38 Corzine.
There was much gnashing of teeth just yesterday when a new Marist poll showed Corzine up just 47-45. I don't think it's wishful thinking to call that poll an outlier, however - take a look at this comprehensive list of polls. All but one poll has shown Corzine with a lead of 7 to 10 points over the past few months, with one exception (a Quinnipiac poll from a few weeks ago that showed Corzine up 48-44).
I suppose it's possible that Marist and Quinnipiac are right and that FDU, the Star-Ledger, Rasmussen, and Monmouth University are all wrong. But Marist has only polled this race once, and two prior Q-Polls both showed 10-point leads for Corzine. The weight of the evidence, as they say, seems to be with the latter group rather than the former.
I don't doubt that things could tighten up, especially since NJ is one of only two statehouses in play this fall. And NJ's had its share of close, nasty races. But it is a solidly blue state, and Doug Forrester, with 96% name recognition at this point, would need basically all of the undecideds to go his way if this poll is accurate. He can hang his hat on Marist and Quinnipiac if he wants, but I still say he's got an uphill battle.
P.S. Bush's approval rating is at an astounding 33-66 in NJ. Corzine better not let Forrester - and the citizens of New Jersey - forget it.

The happy couple - Bush & Forrester
Posted at 04:58 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Thursday, September 29, 2005
TX NJ-07: Mike Ferguson's Toxic DeLay Cash
Posted by DavidNYC
Mike Ferguson has snorted up so much cash from Tom DeLay, he might as well be representing Texas. He's managed to give some of that tainted money back - by which we mean, he's given it to other Texas congressional candidates.
Now that Mike's good buddy Tom has been indicted in a criminal corruption case, it's time for Ferguson to give back the rest of that money - and we don't mean launder it to other GOP pols.
Actually, what am I talking about? If Fergie wants to have the DeLay albatross fixed so firmly around his neck this badly, we should let him. It'll make our job that much easier. The great thing about corrupt Republicans is that they almost always embrace that corruption. Mike Ferguson is no different in that respect, and his opponents' ads just write themselves.
Posted at 02:16 PM in New Jersey | TrackBack (0) | Technorati
Thursday, September 01, 2005
NJ-Gov: A Tale of Two Campaigns
Posted by Tim TagarisThe response to Katrina has been quite telling. Ken Mehlman sent out an email today urging people to contact their Senators in opposition to the Paris Hilton Inheritence Tax. Howard Dean sent out an email asking individuals to contribue to the Red Cross. Then there are the two candidates for governor in New Jersey.
There are candidates that make caring for their neighbors a priority. And then there are candidates who make covering up their illegal campaign contributions the first link in the center column of their websites. Very telling.
Posted at 08:04 PM in New Jersey | Technorati
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
NJ-Gov: Forrester's Self-Donations Looking Pretty Illegal
Posted by DavidNYCCheck out this statement from the Corzine campaign about Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Forrester's campaign donation scandal. Looks like another nail in Forrester's coffin.
For those new to this story, insurance companies which do business in NJ (and their majority shareholders) aren't allowed to donate to political campaigns in NJ. Forrester happens to own 51% of an insurance company, and has given his own campaign scads of cash. Now, the state's insurance department has written a formal letter confirming that Forrester has a major problem - and Corzine has asked the state attorney general to investigate the matter.
Oops, to say the least.
(From the Corzine Connection blog, via Atrios.)
Posted at 06:16 PM in New Jersey | Technorati
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
MT-Sen: Tester's Email Fundraising
Posted by Tim TagarisI got another one today. An email from a candidate asking for money. It's common knowledge that the more a campaign uses its email list to ask for money, people will open less of their emails down the road, and their list will become burned.
But the email I received today was different, and frankly I have never seen it before. I sign up for all kinds of campaign emails, and I am not sure I can remember a time a candidate, in the middle of a campaign, asked people to give their money to something else. Something of a more immediate concern. Something more important than one campaign.
As I write this, waters continue to rise in New Orleans, where entire neighborhoods have been flooded. Biloxi, Mississippi has been hit hard. More than 37,000 Americans are already seeking shelter in American Red Cross centers all along the Gulf Coast. And the director of FEMA says tens of thousands more will likely require shelter for weeks, if not months.So why is a U.S. Senate candidate from Montana asking you to help out?
Because it’s the right thing to do. Because this campaign isn’t just about politics—it’s about all of us pulling together to bring Montana values to Washington, D.C. and to the rest of the nation.
And in Montana, we help a neighbor in need. And sometimes that neighbor is very far away.
So please do what you can by supporting the efforts of the American Red Cross to help those affected by this disaster:
Thank you for helping out.
Jon Tester
Montanans for TesterP.S. Please forward this on to your families and friends. Lives really are at stake, and your efforts can make a difference.
What really amazes me with this appeal is that for many, this is the first email they received from Jon Tester. Given his recently online publicity on the front page of Kos and MyDD, he made decision to make his first contact with many an attempt solicit contributions for a greater good than his campaign.
It makes me even more proud that my second ever contribution to a political campaign was John Testers, and it speaks volumes about the man.
UPDATE: (Bob) I was blown away when I opened the Tester email -- Tester is the real deal. I also got an email from Jon Corzine asking for help. As we come together online, our networks have value far beyond any election. Together, we can make a difference regardless of the challenge. The internet allows us all to act neighborly.
UPDATE: (Bob) I just received an email from a source close to the Chris Bell gubernatorial campaign in Texas. It appears that Bell's campaign was in the middle of an online fundraising drive to mark the launch of his campaign earlier this month. Bell suspended it earlier today and will be sending an email solicitation for the Red Cross tomorrow in place of the fundraising email that was scheduled. The website says:
I read the news today, oh boy. The Chris Bell for Governor campaign is calling off our online fundraising drive out of respect for the hurricane victims. Please do what you can for those who can't do for themselves. Please do as much as you can, and then please do more. We're taking down our fundraising thermometer and putting up the link to the Red Cross...
UPDATE: (Bob) And Howard Dean, full email after the jump...
This week millions of Americans fled Hurricane Katrina. Across the South families abandoned their homes and businesses, not knowing what would be there when they returned.Many stayed behind and suffered devastating loss and injuries -- nearly a hundred have died that we know of, and hundreds of thousands need our help.
America is at its best when we realize that we are one community -- that we're all in this together. That means that each one of us has the responsibility to do what we can to help the relief effort.
The Red Cross is a great place to start:
They are already moving people and resources into the region to help. Donations will provide clean water, food, and shelter for disaster victims. The Red Cross web site also has important information for victims and their relatives across the country.
Many local Red Cross chapters are organizing volunteers to travel to affected areas -- doctors and nurses to provide medical care, workers to build shelters, first responders to assist in rescue operations.
You can find your local chapter here to learn what you can do:
We are still learning the full story of the devastation, but there is no time to wait. Please do something now.
Thank you.
Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Posted at 07:00 PM in 2005 Elections, 2006 Elections - Senate, 2006 Elections - State, Activism, Montana, Netroots, New Jersey, Texas | Comments (2) | Technorati
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
NJ-Gov: Stoller Takes Down Forrester
Posted by Tim TagarisActually, Forrester takes down Forrester might be a more fitting title for this entry:
# Despite a fourteen year political career, Forrester calls himself an outsider to Trenton, denouncing pay-to-play and no-bid public sector contracts. It's then revealed that 80% of his company's contracts are no-bid public sector contracts.# Forrester lauds Monmouth County as an example of good government during a Republican fundraiser. Monmouth County insider Anthony Palughi is indicted that same day for bribery.
# Aside from no-bid public sector contracts, it turns out that Doug Forrester also owns an insurance company called Heartland Fidelity that he started in 2003. Owners of insurance companies that do business in New Jersey are not allowed to give money to political candidates. Every single one of Forrester's campaign contributions - including those to his self-financed campaign - is possibly illegal and may need to be returned.
Scott Shields finishes the one-two over at MyDD.
Posted at 11:08 AM in New Jersey | Technorati
Thursday, July 14, 2005
NJ-GOV: Lautenberg Says: Give Back the Blood Money
Posted by Bob BrighamAs was to be expected, the Karl Rove Scandal is now turning into an elections issue.
Check out the email Senator Frank Lautenberg sent today:
Last month, Doug Forrester and the New Jersey Republican Party held a fundraiser with Karl Rove as the star attraction. We don't know what Rove said, because the event was closed to the press and public. But we can guess, because the day after the Forrester fundraiser Karl Rove tore into progressives, saying "liberals saw the savagery of the 9-11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." What did Forrester have to say about this baseless partisan attack? Nothing.Now according to his own lawyer, Karl Rove is involved in leaking the identity of a CIA undercover agent working to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Yet Forrester is still silent, apparently believing that it's more important to protect the patronage of the national Republican Party leadership than the safety of our country.
Sign the petition demanding Forrester repudiate Karl Rove's despicable behavior and return the blood money Karl Rove raised at the Forrester fundraiser: national security for partisan revenge threatens the safety of all Americans. And having it come from inside the White House threatens the stability of our political system. Early last week, I called for Karl Rove's security clearance to be revoked. But we must ask for more than this. We must ensure that anyone who profits politically by the divisive and possibly illegal activity of high level operatives like Karl Rove be held to account for their implicit endorsement of such behavior. Add your voice to those demanding Forrester repudiate Rove's support:
It's not yet known how much damage Karl Rove has done to this country by compromising CIA assets. I hope and pray that this White House recommits itself to protecting Americans instead of playing partisan games.
Until then, we can only ask Republicans and Democrats of good conscience to demand that this behavior stop, and that those who compromise national security be brought to justice.
Thanks for your help, and if you have a moment, please forward this petition to your friends and family.
Senator Frank Lautenberg
Posted at 06:42 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey, Plamegate, Republicans, Scandals | Technorati
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
NJ-Gov: College Republicans Complete Losers
Posted by Bob BrighamNow we all know that the ranks of College Republicans and Young Republicans are populated with kids too chicken to enlist in the armed forces. In New Jersey, not even the career Republicans can stand them, for good reason (link goes to email thread that is very funny).
Posted at 07:07 PM in New Jersey | Technorati
Thursday, June 30, 2005
NJ-Gov: Sierra Club Opposes "Great Environmentalist"?
Posted by Bob BrighamA new nominee for the Idiot of the Month Award:
Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, said his board is considering rescinding its two- week-old endorsement of Corzine, adding, "Jon Corzine may be a great environmentalist, but is he willing to stand up to the bosses?"
Mr. Tittel wants to defect against a "great environmentalist" because of a single issue? I hope his face gets the message after he chops of his nose.
Posted at 08:01 PM in New Jersey | Comments (2) | Technorati
Friday, June 24, 2005
NJ-Gov: Karl Rove Scandal Scalds Doug Forrester
Posted by Bob BrighamI knew the Karl Rove scandal would have impacts in local elections when I received the following email with an hour of the scandal blowing up:
Vicious Karl Rove Just Raised Money for Republican Doug ForresterI’m sure you’ve heard about Karl Rove calling liberals and Democrats traitors, and the White House supporting his comments.
linkI think it’s interesting that Karl Rove was just in New Jersey raising money for Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Forrester: link
Now there is an Action Alert to contact NJ Gubernatorial candidate Doug Forrester, New York City Mayor Michael Bloombloog and New York state Governor Bill Pataki. This already has support from Americablog, Eschaton, Steve Gilliard's News Blog, and Chris Bowers at MyDD.
From AmericaBlog:
Atrios suggests we all do the following. I agree:This week Karl Rove headlined a couple of fundraisers for the Republican candidate for governor of New Jesrsey, Doug Forrester.
Call his campaign office and demand to know if Forrester stands by Karl Rove's assertion that Democrats like Dick Durbin are motivated by a desire to see troops die (especially if you live in New Jersey or imagine that you do). Demand that he return the money he raised. Find out if he's proud to stand with Karl Rove, and if also thinks that New Jersey Democrats are motivated by a desire to see our troops die.
GOP Mayor Bloomberg of NYC has refused to repudiate what Rove's, Mehlman's, and the White House's assertion that YOU want to kill the troops and didn't give a damn about September 11. And remember folks, this is New York City, if they want to play that "liberal" card, let them. 80% of the city would call itself "liberal." So Bush thinks 80% of New Yorkers didn't give a damn about September 11. You're traitors, you dishonor the dead. When your friends died that day, you wanted to give Osama a hug.
Call Mayor Bloomber and demand he publicly repudiate the White House's slander against New Yorkers and all those who survived September 11. Bloomberg's wishy-washy statement about how we wishes all sides would stop politicizing September 11 is cute, but "all sides" weren't politicizing it. Only one party has. That would be the party he invited to hold its patriotic orgasm of a convention there last fall, the one that politicized September 11.
It's time for Bloomberg to tell New Yorkers, is he with them or against them? Does he stand by the White House's words that 80% of New Yorkers are motivated by a desire to kill our troops, and that 80% of NYers didn't give a damn about September 11? Answer the damn question, or don't be mayor.
Email bloomberg here.
Then make some phone calls to Bloomberg's press people:
Edward Skyler, Robert Lawson, Jennifer Falk (212) 788-2958
Pataki refused to even give a wishy-washy answer yesterday about the White House's slander of NYers and all Americans. He stood by Rove 100%. Give him a call too, and demand that he publicly repudiate this disgusting use of the 9/11 dead to help George Bush's polls.
Main governor's office phone: 518-474-8390, 212-681-4580
Email the governor here
Lynn Rasic (Governor)
(212) 681-4640
Forrester, Bloomberg and Pataki need to do the right thing by denouncing Karl Rove and returning the poisoned money.
Posted at 12:59 PM in 2005 Elections, 2006 Elections - State, Activism, New Jersey, New York, Republicans, Scandals | Technorati
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
NJ-Gov: Corzine in Control
Posted by Bob BrighamA new poll for New Jersey's gubernatorial race, from Quinnipiac:
Democratic U. S. Sen. Jon Corzine leads Republican Douglas Forrester 47 – 37 percent in the race for Governor of New Jersey, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Republican voters back Forrester 77 – 12 percent, as Democrats back Corzine 82 – 9 percent, and independent voters tip to Forrester 39 – 37 percent.In an open-ended question by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll, where voters can give any answer, 40 percent list taxes, including 31 percent who list property taxes, as the most important problem in New Jersey today. No other issue rises to double digits as a voter concern.
Fifty-four percent of New Jersey voters dislike the property tax the most, followed by 13 percent who most dislike the federal income tax, with 9 percent each disliking the Social Security tax, the state income tax and the state sales tax.“There is little indication Doug Forrester got any significant bounce from his GOP primary victory in New Jersey, since Sen. Corzine still leads by 10 points. In fact, Corzine is polling near the magic 50 percent mark while four in 10 voters don't know enough about Doug Forrester to form an opinion,” said Clay F. Richards, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
Corzine is in good shape.
Posted at 11:04 AM in New Jersey | Technorati
Friday, June 03, 2005
NJ-Gov: Bret Schundler Website Scandal
Posted by Bob BrighamSenator Jon Corzine is widely expected to easily win New Jersey's 2005 gubernatorial campaign. Republican odds are long at best, but get even longer when the GOP tricksters get busted fabricating support with photoshop. Idiots.
Posted at 02:43 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey, Scandals | Technorati
Thursday, April 14, 2005
NJ-Gov: Corzine a Kossack
Posted by Bob BrighamSenator Jon Corzine posted his first diary on Daily Kos. In a brilliant strategical maneuver, the Democratic Leadership Council is mentioned four times.
Posted at 11:05 AM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | Technorati
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
NJ-Gov: Corzine's Online Campaign
Posted by Bob BrighamHiring Matt Stoller was one of the smartest things that Senator Jon Corzine has done in his campaign for governor of New Jersey. Stoller is editing Corzine Connection and Corzine for Governor along with the offsite campaigning.
In addition to being a great blogger, Stoller is also one of the leading strategists in the Democratic Party. This race will be captivating, if for no other reason than Matt Stoller is involved.
And there will be disco dancing.
Posted at 02:05 PM in 2005 Elections, Netroots, New Jersey | Technorati
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
2005 New Jersey Governor: Jon Corzine kicks off campaign
Posted by Bob BrighamAP:
SEWELL, N.J. -- Jon Corzine kicked off his gubernatorial campaign with events in south and north Jersey on Wednesday, touting his experience in business and politics as he asked New Jerseyans to elect their freshman U.S. senator as their next governor. [...]"It's time for a leader who comes to state government from a different experience: someone who is not encumbered by an old culture, historical entanglements and the status quo," he said.
Corzine, who is serving his first term in the U.S. Senate, also promised voters a campaign that would not be derailed by personal attacks.
"When I announced my candidacy in December, I pledged a campaign of substance, rather than slogans _ a campaign of ideas rather than insults _ a campaign of straight talk, not false promises," he told the crowd, which included 900 high school students and some of their parents.
Convention wisdom says Senator Corzine's popularity will easily deliver a resounding victory:
According to a Quinnipiac University poll released in mid-March, Corzine held a 50 percent to 34 percent lead over Schundler and a 50 percent to 33 percent margin over Forrester. The poll of 937 registered New Jersey voters, had a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.Corzine, a former Goldman Sachs chief executive, entered politics five years ago, spending $60 million of his own money on a U.S. Senate campaign which he won.
He also will spend his own money on the governor's race, and reiterated Wednesday he will forego public financing.
In a deaft political move, Senator Corzine has tapped Matt Stoller to run the show over at
Welcome. This website is the online headquarters for the Corzine Connection, a coalition of interested groups, citizens, and politicians who believe that progressive political change happens only when the people are involved in politics and government. Involved in campaigns, public life, and in conversations about what kind of state we all want to live in.So sign up and become part of something very exciting, an entirely new way of doing politics. Corzine Connection will offer volunteer opportunities, a rolling 24 hour conversation, offline opportunities like house parties and conference calls, Corzine campaign updates, and a community of activists, leaders, and citizens.
Most of all, Corzine Connection is about you. What you care about. What you want to see done. What you are willing to work to get done.
To get going, sign up here and leave a comment or two.
If you'd like to learn a little something about Jon Corzine, check out his biography.
I've bookmarked and you should too (Stoller's writing is reason enough to visit and visit often).
Posted at 06:24 PM in New Jersey | Technorati
Monday, March 28, 2005
Senator Jon Corzine for New Jersey Governor
Posted by Bob BrighamSenator Jon Corzine is running for Governor of New Jersey. He is kicking off his campaign this Wednesday, March 30th:
10:30 AM
Washington Township H.S. (Gloucester County)
519 Hurffville-Crosskeys Road, Sewell, NJ1:30 PM
New Jersey City University
Gilligan Student Union, Multi-Purpose Room
2039 Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ
After serious thought and consideration, I asked you here today to let you know that I hope to serve the people of New Jersey as their next elected governor.It is a decision that didn’t come easily, but I am convinced it is the right one.
Let me be clear — I’m not running for governor as a reaction to what others have done. . . I’m running for governor for what I can do.
I’m not running for governor to oppose any individual . . . I’m running for governor to build a better life for eight and a half million New Jerseyans.
I’m running for governor to lead a state government that gives citizens value for their hard earned tax dollars and respects the values that hold us together.
I’m running for governor because I have the CEO experience of running one of the most successful private businesses in the world and I’ve served effectively in the most important deliberative body in history.
I’m running for governor after leading a respected financial institution that was rated one of the ten best places to work in America. As governor, I hope to make New Jersey one of the best places to live, to work, to go to school, to start a business and to grow old with dignity to set a new standard of excellence.
I’m running for Governor because the causes of social justice, quality education, accessible health care, and environmental accountability are under attack across America, but they must advance in New Jersey. With this campaign we will demonstrate that progressive ideas can be far more powerful than divisive politics.
A return to the traditional American values of concern for community, belief in each other and integrity in public life must begin somewhere. With this campaign, it begins in New Jersey.
This will not be a campaign about me — it will be a campaign about us.
Five years ago, I left private life to fight for the people and causes I believe in. I’ve been very blessed in my life. I’ve had the benefit of good public schools, the strength and encouragement of my family and community, and I was afforded tremendous professional opportunities that left me better off than I could have ever dreamed.
I believed five years ago and I still do that it is my responsibility to fight so that everyone can have the same kind of opportunities I’ve had and it’s my responsibility to fight, that fight where I can do the most good.
I believe that place is here and it is now as the governor of this great state.
That said, I am truly honored to serve as New Jersey’s United States Senator, and quite frankly, I love the job and the chance to affect change on critical issues:
National security and the war against terrorism;
Homeland Security;
Health Care;
Civil rights and civil liberties;
Social Security
The list goes on. But today, I believe that I can do more for New Jersey as its Governor.
I have served the people of this state with one goal, always in mind:
To represent their interests.
I promised the people of this state that if they elected me to the Senate, they would get a fighter who would stand up for them against the insiders and special interests UNBOUGHT AND UNBOSSED. That is what the people of New Jersey have gotten.
In my work in the Senate, it is always the people here at home who matter most.
And because I believe that, I have decided to run for Governor.
Given the history of recent years, New Jersey needs credible, hands-on, executive leadership in Trenton.
We need an outsider’s perspective, and we need a Governor whose first priority is to earn the trust of the people of this state.
I’ve been warned that the atmosphere in Trenton has been poisoned by procrastination, corruption and financial mismanagement that I should stay in the Senate above the fray. But that’s not why I got involved in public life.
Now more than ever, the challenge of restoring the credibility and confidence of our government falls on all of us in public life. And I accept that challenge.
I have worked hard to be the kind of United States Senator who is focused on my constituents, and the issues that impact their lives.
In this post 9-11 world, where tens of thousands of brave men and women many of them New Jerseyans -- risk their lives on the front lines in Iraq, there can be no tolerance for any other objective.
The public interest will be my, only, interest as Governor.
In the Senate, I pushed for the creation of the 9-11 commission, led the fight for tighter security at our chemical facilities and was outspoken in pushing for allocating homeland security resources based on risk.
I won corporate reforms to protect small investors and expanded home ownership opportunities for the middle class and our veterans.
I fought to make sure New Jersey’s PAAD program was protected in the new Medicare prescription drug law and wrote and passed with Congressman Frelinghuysen -- the 110 million dollar Highlands Conservation Act.
I have been a leader in pushing back against overreaching tax cuts and pork barrel spending that will bankrupt our children’s future.
Today, I pledge to be the same kind of Governor -- independent, principled, fiscally responsible, socially progressive, and effective.
I know what it takes to create jobs, to scrub a budget, to meet a payroll, and to make tough decisions about what investments make the most sense for the future.
I have made this announcement today to make my intentions ABSOLUTELY clear. Over the coming months I will offer my ideas for moving our state forward.On providing affordable access at health care;
On improving education in the places it’s broken;
On protecting the most vulnerable our children and seniors;
On restoring a balanced and responsible fiscal plan;
On protecting a quality of life that provides for open spaces, clean beaches, clean air, and clean water;
On expanding New Jersey’s economy and building businesses;On restoring the trust of our people in their elected officials.
As I said before we need to set a new standard of excellence in state government.
I respect the difficulty of the task ahead too much to come before you today with clever slogans or ten point plans. We need far more than a broom and a web site to change New Jersey for the better.
Most of all, being governor is being a leader. And if the people of New Jersey give me the privilege, I will be that leader.
Posted at 02:35 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | Technorati
Saturday, February 26, 2005
New Jersey!
Posted by Tim TagarisCongrats to the people at the New Jersey Democratic Party -- Their new blog looks great. If you are from the Garden State, bookmark it.
Quite frankly, it is f'n great. Allow me to give some public props to Michael Giglio over at the NJ State Party; he is an asset to our side. I have had the priviledge of talking to him a few times in the past week or two--he is one of the reasons I feel great about the relationship between the netroots and the future of our party.
It's a new day.
Posted at 12:17 AM in Activism, Netroots, New Jersey | Technorati
Monday, January 31, 2005
NJ: Gov. Codey Abandons Gubernatorial Bid
Posted by DavidNYCNews from one of the two big state races taking place this year:
Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey, who took office late last year to fill out his scandal-tainted predecessor's term, announced Monday he will not enter the gubernatorial race."God knows this has not been an easy decision for me to reach," Codey said, citing family obligations and a desire to focus on his remaining 11 months in office.
He endorsed U.S. Sen. Jon S. Corzine, the only Democrat to formally enter the race.
As Chris observed at MyDD, Corzine has monster leads over the two main potential GOP challengers:
• 52 - 28 percent over Bret Schundler
• 51 - 29 percent over Douglas Forrester
And don't forget Corzine's formidable personal warchest. We should be able to hold on to this seat without a great deal of difficulty. But NJ politics is always nasty, and with the gubernatorial race in VA the only other major campaign of this cycle, we can expect a lot of attention to get focues on this race.
So now here's the real question: Who is going to pick up Corzine's seat?
Posted at 02:38 PM in 2005 Elections, New Jersey | Comments (2) | Technorati