Did anyone attend this fundraiser?
Please Join Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Senator Nan Rich Commissioner Sally Heyman for a reception honoring Suzanne Kosmas Candidate for Congress, FL-24 “She is considered the first legitimate challenger to Feeney, whom Democratic insiders see as vulnerable because of criticism targeting him as one of the “most corrupt” members of Congress.” Daytona Beach News-Journal, October 11, 2007. Sunday, December 2, 2007 6:30pm to 8:00 p.m. Sheraton Airport Hotel Windows Room 1825 Griffin Road Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Host $4600 • Sponsor $1000 • Friend $500 • Supporter $100-250 (donations in any amount appreciated)
I’m glad I didn’t, because really, it would appall me to violate long-standing tradition like this. I’m a big believer in habeas corpus, I despise the designated hitter rule, and after all, it’s my people that Tevye sings about. So when DCCC Executive Director Brian Wolff says:
Brian Wolff, executive director of the DCCC, says the bloggers are making “much ado about nothing,” noting that it’s “customary” for members to remain neutral in races involving GOP members of their respective congressional delegations.
I have to wonder what Debbie Wasserman Schultz is thinking. Clearly she didn’t get the message.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is attending a fundraising reception to HONOR Suzanne Kosmas, a Democrat running for Congress against someone, Tom Feeney (a Republican), who is described by Democrats as one of the most corrupt members of Congress. I’m just reading what I saw in that copy of the invitation.
So, Wasserman-Schultz had the AUDACITY to go to a fundraiser for a fellow Democrat running against a ‘corrupt’ Republican. Now, I really don’t understand what your problems are with this woman!
Is there something I’m missing?
make a new blog entirely dedicated to this.
…that you’re starting to sound like an issue pusher. We get the idea, and so does the press.
Now, if DWS does anything new that’s this obnoxious, or actively reiterates the same crap, I
wouldlike to hear about it. If she corrects herself, I would also like to hear about that.But not if she’s doing this. This is pushing the news-item-significance line.
(And I don’t like issue pushers–people who express the same point or opinion over and over again on some issue.)
At least give the issue some time before you bring it back up.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the DCCC, says the bloggers are making “much ado about nothing,” noting that it’s “customary” for members to remain neutral in races involving GOP members of their respective congressional delegations.
From best looking, clockwise: WV-02 candidate Anne Barth (against Shelley Moore Capito), Sen. Jay Rockefeller, Rep. Alan Mollohan, Rep. Nick Rahall, Sen. Robert C. Byrd.
This was from Barth’s fundraiser tonight in Charleston. They’re holding other fundraisers for her elsewhere in the state this week. She’d make a great candidate for the big blogs to support too.