A sampling of some of the latest House race TV ads jamming the tubes:
Month: August 2008
DCCC- Why not take out all 3 Central FL Reps at Once? Like this…
Why doesn’t the DCCC put out ads against all 3 Florida Congressmen? The Orlando market covers Districts 7, 8 and 24, so they would kill three birds with one ad.
According to the NRCC, no Republican District is safe this year. All three Florida Congressmen are corrupt, so let’s kick them all out this year.
Donate now to help put more progressives in Congress.

Thoughts From KY-01
As many know, we have been facing an uphill battle all along in Kentucky’s First Congressional District. Ed Whitfield has huge special interest money, and has the Mitch McConnell machine of Corruption firmly behind him. These people are used to getting their way. They are addicted to, and obsessed with the power, and money that comes with their postions.
Despite the fact that things have worked out real good for Exxon Eddie, and Mitch McConnell, little has been achieved in their tenure for the people of Western Kentucky. High-paying jobs are lost, income is down, and the high prices of everything are pinching our citizens to the point of giving up many luxuries they once enjoyed.
Yes, we are a mouse fighting a gorilla, but knowing our neighbors are hurting drives us on. That is what the Ryan for Kentucky campaign is about. It is about everyday, educated, compassionate citizens wanting a chance to fight for the people we live among, and better their lot in this life.
You know, one thing Republicans, and Exxon Ed Whitfield are trying to use against us is the character of our candidate. Well, I would like to speak on that myself. Our candidate served her nation honorably and proudly. Our candidate is educated in politics and government. Our candidate has many shining qualities that are required to govern as a Representative of the people of this district.
First, our candidate has courage. She knew she would be victim of the multi-million dollar meat grinder that is the McConnell, and Whitfield machine in Kentucky. She had the courage to stand up to two of the most powerful men in Kentucky and speak truth to their power. When no other candidate in this district had the courage to stand up to this, she made sure we would not concede our homes. I am proud to be fighting next to this fine young American because she is fighting like no other candidate in this election cycle that I know.
Our candidate has compassion. She cares about her community because she lives among us as a neighbor and friend, and feels the same pain we do as our district is neglected. She offers her efforts and talents to those who are less fortunate than her. She realizes we are all human, we all make mistakes, and we all deserve to improve ourselves in this life. To her, that is the American way.
Contrast this to our opponent, Exxon Ed Whitfield and his staff. If they want to discuss character, I welcome that debate. These people are so drunk with power and wealth, they will do anything to keep it, and use it to block progress for the people they “represent”.
Yes, Exxon Eddie, lets talk character. The character of a Reprentative so obsessed with power, he will take money from someone, and keep it after the person is convicted of being a terrorist. The character of a man that is a millionaire, has his healthcare provided by us, yet still votes against healthcare for even American CHILDREN, who can’t afford the luxuries we provide him.
The character that believes that women should not be compensated on the same level as men. Character that allows his staff to mock the efforts of opponents raising money for battered women and children. The character that votes against veterans benefits and healthcare, while he blindly votes with a Partisan President to send them foolishly to the wrong war. Character that votes to weaken ethics rules for himself in the body that he serves.
This character bleeds down to all those that serve under him. Although they have over a million dollars in their campaign account, his staff sees fit to trash the First Amendment and steal and destroy our hand-painted campaign sings, and some of the precious few ones we had printed. What kind of character does a campaign exhibit when they would rob fellow citizens of their right to free speech because they are so afraid of losing their strangle-hold on power and money?
I will tell everyone in this state, and this nation that I am so proud of Heather Ryan. Our campaign would never stoop to the levels of greed and hypocrisy that our opponents seem to revel in. While we will fight them on the issues, the direction of our district, and country, we will not be dragged into the foul idiocy they call “Moral Values”.
We will fight them and answer any challenge they issue. However, we will not sink to the level of denying our fellow citizens the right to express their opinions on who they support. We disagree strongly with Republicans on many things, but we will not infringe upon their God-given rights as Americans. Nothing to us is worth doing that, and if we have to trash the right of free speech and expression for our fellow citizens we will lose with dignity fighting for the vision we believe in, the vision of FDR and the Kennedy’s.
Yes, I am proud of Heather Ryan, and I an proud of her character, and the character of all of us who are fighting to give voice to this district. We all volunteered to do this because we love our country, state, and district and we feel they are all heading in the wrong direction, led by men like Exxon Ed Whitfield and Mitch McConnell. We will fight as Americans for the American way, and not as spoiled children who are afraid they are losing their coveted positions of wealth and power. We will fight the good fight, and if God determines we lose, we will at least be able to face him with our actions in doing so.
To me, that is the character we need to lead this country.
You can help us win this fight. Please consider doing so.
Canada Gets Its First Green MP
In a story completely unrelated to the turmoils of American legislative races, the Green Party of Canada announced today that it has its first ever Member of Parliament.
To give you an idea of how historic this moment is, try to imagine John McCain, upon losing the presidential election, announces he will sit as a Democrat in the new Congress. The reaction to that hypothetical scenario is somewhat similar to having Canada’s first Green MP.
While not as historic as Thursday night for the Democrats in Denver, Blair Wilson has now become the first lawmaker to represent the Green Party in North America, even though many other countries such as Germany, Brazil, and many other have had strong Green presence for decades.
I doubt the Greens could win seats in the next election beyond this one (and they may even lose this particular seat), but it’s pretty interesting. And it just gives another different perspective in my country’s multi-party system that could help enhance our understanding of issues affecting our society.
Now only if the Greens could elect its first member of Congress, that would really knock your socks off.
Competitive Michigan Legislature Races
We all know that Information about State Legislature races are hard to find. They are also very important to redistricting control of congress in 2012.
Here I have listed all or most of Michigan’s State House of Representatives competitives races, as well as the candidates, most recent fundraising figures, and the partisan turnout from last month’s primary election.
I have also roughly rated the districts a tossup and leans. Democrats are heavily favored to control the House, and they will likely gain several seats. Here is a map of the Districts http://www.vcsnet.com/State.ph… But just remember that there are 110 districts, of which the Democrats control 57. The lower the district number, the closer the district is to Detroit. The higher the number, the farther north.
Republican Seats Leaning Democrat
108th- (Open, Tom Casperson,R)
Judy Nerat (D) vs. Mike Falcon (R)
CTD- $10,172 vs. $20,192 COH- $6,099 vs. $7,542
Turnout- 67% Democrat, 33% Republican
39th- (Open, David Law,R)
Lisa Brown (D) vs. Amy Peterman (R)
CTD- $39,776 vs. $69,061 COH- $25,207 vs. $8,945
Turnout- 57% Democrat, 43% Republican
Republican Seats Tossup
62nd- (Open, Mike Nofs, R)
Kate Segal (D) vs. Gregory Moore (R)
CTD- $56,394 vs. $25,064 COH- $43,837 vs. $12,325
Turnout- 53% Democrat, 47% Republican
61st- (Open, Jack Hoogendyk, R)
Julie Rogers (D) vs. Larry DeShazor (R)
CTD- $54,170 vs. $27,890 COH- $33,755 vs. $2,145
Turnout- 75% Republican, 25% Democrat
1st- (Open, Ed Gaffney, R)
Tim Bledsoe (D) vs. Mary Treder Lang (R)
CTD- $13,850 vs. $66,877 COH- $-6,638 vs.$6,273
Turnout- 58% Democrat, 42% Republican
101st- (Open, David Palsrok, R)
Dan Scripps (D) vs. Ray Franz (R)
CTD- $92,686 vs. $30,258 COH- $29,296 vs. $2,459
Turnout- 77% Republican, 23% Democrat
78th- (Open, Neal Nitz, R)
Judy Truesdell (D) vs. Sharon Tyler (R)
CTD- $39,439 vs. $36,629 COH- $26,186 vs. $5,711
Turnout- 79% Republican, 21% Democrat
70th- (Open, Judy Emmons, R)
Mike Huckleberry (D) vs. Thomas Ginster (R)
CTD- $16,920 vs. $11,840 COH- $-996 vs. $3,720
Turnout- 82% Republican, 18% Democrat
24th- (Open, Jack Brandenburg, R)
Sarah Roberts (D) vs. Brian Brandenburg (R)
CTD- $44,586 vs. $47,921 COH- $11,644 vs. 31,835
Turnout- 62% Democrat, 38% Republican
32nd- (Open, Daniel Acciavatti, R)
Jennifer Haase (D) vs. John Acciavatti (R)
CTD- $28,991 vs. $18,444 COH- $18,836 vs. $4,401
Turnout- 55% Republican, 45% Democrat
Republican Seats Leaning Republican
51st- (Open, David Robertson, R)
Michael Thorp (D) vs. Paul Scott (R)
CTD- $13,415 vs. $137,549 COH- $1,799 vs. $22,225
Turnout- 60% Republican, 40% Democrat
98th- (Open, John Moolenaar, R)
Garnet Lewis (D) vs. Jim Stamas (R)
CTD- $75,579 vs. $49,509 COH- $39,350 vs. $15,045
Turnout- 66% Republican, 34% Democrat
97th- (Tim Moore, R)
Kathy Wilton (D) vs. Tim Moore (R)
CTD- $0.00 vs. $59,590 COH- $0.00 vs. $36,719
Turnout- 59% Democrat, 41% Republican
21st- (Open, Phillip LaJoy, R)
Dian Slavens (D) vs. Todd LaJoy (R)
CTD- $50,477 vs. $67,270 COH- $26,725 vs. $47,248
Turnout- 51% Republican, 49% Democrat
73rd- (Tom Pearce, R)
Bruce Hawley (D) vs. Tom Pearce (R)
CTD- $30,179 vs. $21,515 COH- $22,545 vs. $5,527
Turnout- 80% Republican, 20% Democrat
Democrat Seats Tossup
106th- (Open, Matt Gillard, D)
Andy Neumann (D) vs. Peter Pettalia (R)
CTD- $27,595 vs. $27,444 COH- $10,671 vs. $3,749
Turnout- 60% Republican, 40% Democrat
65th- (Mike Simpson, D)
Mike Simpson (D) vs. Ray Snell (R)
CTD- $143,105 vs. $13,465 COH- $101,886 vs.$4,556
Turnout- 56% Republican, 44% Democrat
37th- (Open, Aldo Vagnozzi, D)
Vicki Barnett (D) vs. Paul Welday (R)
CTD- $45,608 vs. $60,883 COH- $32,118 vs. $34,506
Turnout- 50% Republican, 50% Democrat
Democrat Seats Leaning Democrat
23rd- (Open, Kathleen Law, D)
Deb Kennedy (D) vs. Neil DeBlois (R)
CTD- $19,859 vs. $14,845 COH- $7,077 vs. $4,787
Turnout- 66% Democrat, 34% Republican
20th- (Marc Courriveau, D)
Marc Courriveau (D) vs. Jerry Vorva (R)
CTD- $147,164 vs. $0.00 COH- $96,421 vs. $0.00
Turnout- 55% Republican, 45% Democrat
91st- (Mary Valentine, D)
Mary Valentine (D) vs. Holly Hughes (R)
CTD-$146,002 vs. $81,921 COH- $102,681 vs.$55,711
Turnout- 62% Democrat, 38% Republican
75th- (Robert Dean, D)
Robert Dean (D) vs. Dan Tietema (R)
CTD- $80,004 vs. $34,834 COH- $31,430 vs. $7,455
Turnout- 63% Republican, 37% Democrat
84th- (Terry Brown, D)
Terry Brown (D) vs. Anna Kabot (R)
CTD- $57,086 vs. $6,215 COH- $47,586 vs.
Turnout- 73% Republican, 27% Democrat
Heather Ryan Hits Back
It is no secret that Ed Whitfield has something againstchildren. However, even more intense is the hatred that Ed Whitfield holds towards women. Yes, even more shocking than the fact that Whitfield condones discrimination against women, are the views he and his staff apparently hold towards women and children that have been battered.
The proof is in the pudding so they say. When Heather Ryan pitched in to help battered women and children in our district, what does Whitfield and his campaign do? They mock them. Here is a video they put on YouTube of Heather Ryan reading an exerpt from the “Vagina Monologues” to help Merryman House, a charity in Western Kentucky that benefits battered women and children:
Here is some of the work they do:
Today, Heather sent me this email about the Whitfield campaign mocking her work for a non-profit charity that helps some of those that need it most in Western Kentucky:
My family was directly affected by domestic violence when my mom’s significant other punched her in the face and broke her cheekbone in three places when I was a teenager. That was just one of the times he beat her. That was just one of the times our family was torn apart by violence. He swore he was sorry, he swore he would never do it again, until of course, he did.
Domestic violence is a very serious issue that has effected me directly. Ed Whitfield’s recent attacks on my character because I performed in the play, “The Vagina Monologues” as a benefit for the Merryman House Domestic Violence Shelter is a disgusting display of how low he will stoop in an attempt to ruin an opponent’s reputation at any cost. As far as I’m concerned, these attacks are yet another form of abuse toward women. I am not ashamed of the work I did to help end violence against women and I will never apologize for my compassion for battered women and children. Instead, I will await notification from Mr. Whitfield’s campaign headquarters apologizing for their lack of judgement and stating that they made a gift to Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center, PO Box 98, Paducah, KY 42002.
You know, it seems to me that since Exxon Ed Whitfield is willing to give his money for other hate-filled Republican attacks:
Walker also noted Whitfield could use the disparity in fundraising to spread the wealth to other candidates, if his re-election campaign does not require them – a sign Ryan’s campaign may have some convincing to do.
“To the extent he has funding available, he may offer support to other candidates who share his
views on national issues and who may need financial support, but the primary purpose of his reelection campaign funds is to assist with his own reelection campaign,” said Walker.
He would be more than happy to use a little of it to do some good for a change. So how about it Exxon Eddie? Why not help out some battered women and children, and help them better their lives, instead of mocking someone that cares about more than special interest money?
These attacks and thecriminal actions of his staff at Fancy Farm show this campaign for just what it is. Heartless Cowards, who care nothing about who or what they mock or attack, as long as they can keep their hands on the reigns of power and defeat Progress for those less fortunate than they are.
Please help us strike a blow at Whitfield, and his disgusting tacticts. Cable T.V. commercials run at around $6 a piece in this district. Can you pitch in $6 to help us run ads letting our district know just how vile this campaign is, and to what lengths they will stoop to win? I will put in the first $18 right now, can anyone match me?:
Lets show Exxon Eddie his disgusting attacks and tacticts are not appreciated by descent Americans!!
Sarah Palin’s Down Ballot Appeal
It’s pretty clear from this year’s dismal fund-raising efforts for Congressional candidates by the national GOP, and from McCain’s complete ignorance of such a plight, that the presumptive Republican nominee has had no clear strategy to help down ballot Republicans win in November.
McCain is obviously not serious about retaining GOP House seats in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Florida, which makes them ripe for taking by the Democrats. His choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate yesterday seems to highlight this disconnect even more. As the governor of a state whose total population is equal to several major American cities like New York and Boston, she’s not exactly well known outside the Last Frontier.
And speaking of Alaska, to use one example, Palin won’t bring much to coattails for Congress victories in her own state. She just tried to have Don Young ousted in the GOP Primary, and her relationship with Ted Stevens isn’t exactly warm, if you smell what I’m cookin’.
So if Palin isn’t that well known, how could she help Republicans win in Congress? Sure, she’s a hockey mom who has a son in Iraq, and yes that is a strong profile of character. But a party needs more than that if it’s trying to win, or defend, House and Senate seats in November.
So the question I’m asking is: If McCain isn’t helping down ballot Republicans, would Sarah Palin be any different?
NRCC Reserves Ad Time in Another Dozen Districts
The NRCC reserved over $8 million for twelve districts earlier today as part of its second round of media targeting. Earlier this week, the House Republicans reserved nearly $9 million in ad time for 14 races. Here are the details on the NRCC’s second round, courtesy the Politico (we’ve added the DCCC’s reserved ad time for comparison):
District | Incumbent | NRCC | DCCC |
FL-21 | L. Diaz-Balart | $1,000 | $1,400* |
FL-24 | Feeney | $408 | $1,000 |
FL-25 | M. Diaz-Balart | $950 | $1,400* |
MI-07 | Walberg | $832 | $1,500 |
MI-09 | Knollenberg | $618 | $1,100 |
MN-06 | Bachmann | $600 | $0 |
OH-02 | Schmidt | $485 | $0 |
OH-15 | Open | $800 | $1,200 |
OH-16 | Open | $800 | $1,300 |
TX-22 | Lampson | $1,500 | $1,100 |
WA-08 | Reichert | $1,000 | $949 |
WI-08 | Kagen | $213 | $475 |
All numbers are in thousands.
Special note on FL-21 and FL-25: The DCCC’s $1.4m reservation applies to both of these districts and FL-18.
In most cases, the NRCC continues to be out-gunned, although their $600K reservation in MN-06 is pretty surprising. Yeah, I know Michele Bachmann is a nutball, but given her district’s R+5.1 lean and her big cash-on-hand advantage over Democrat El Tinklenberg, this is one race that I would have cut loose if I were the NRCC and had to pinch pennies. Maybe they know something about this race that I don’t.
Late Update: We now have the hard-dollar sums for OH-02 and TX-22. (H/T: Real Clear Politics)
Kentucky Races Sizzle
Well, the political season has gotten pretty hot in Kentucky. With a Senate seat, and four hotly contested House seats here, Democrats here are fired up. Despite what any poll has said to this point, all these races are winnable. We have fielded a surprisingly impressive lineup of candidates and we are ready to fight for them. Meeting some of the delegates, and Jennifer Moore, the KDP chairman has convinced me that our party is ready to fight.
Our Senate campaign is first and foremost. Living in Kentucky, I have seen the terrible Mitch McConnell ads. I will not grace Mitch McConnell with their prescense in my diary, but they should be easlily findable on YouTube.
For his part, Bruce Lunsford has been hitting back:
He also recieved a huge endorsement from a formal rival:
DENVER-Democratic Congressman Ben Chandler of Kentucky’s 6th District officially endorsed Bruce Lunsford in his race for U.S. Senate against Mitch McConnell. Chandler made the announcement this morning during a Kentucky Delegation breakfast at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
“I am delighted that Ben has publicly expressed the support that he’s been expressing to me privately throughout the year,” said Lunsford, who attended the breakfast. “I’m thrilled to have Ben’s endorsement, and very grateful for it. Ben and I are united in the fight to put an end to the Bush-McConnell policies that have damaged Kentucky and the nation this decade. For many years, Ben Chandler has been an important leader in Kentucky, and I know Mitch McConnell and George W. Bush realize that when Democrats are united behind a cause, it spells trouble for them.”
Bruce can still win this race and still needs our help. Defeating Mitch McConnell should be as important as expelling Joe Lieberman, and would should get behind it with as much effort.
Now, in Congressional races, we simply must keep John Yarmuth, incumbent in the 3rd District. Anyone can find his record and easily see why. I got the priviledge of sitting next to him during Kennedy’s speech at the Convention. Here is a video he gave the grassroots Progressives at bluegrassroots.org:
I don’t think he is in trouble, but we must remain vigilent in this race, because Anne Northup is a Republican sweetheart who will raise a ton of cash. Yarmuth is a fine man, and a great Democrat we need to keep in our U.S. House. Please remember him:
David Boswell is in a hot race too. There have been hints of a DCCC investment, and Boswell has polled ahead in this race. You can see him here. As a State Senator, he has high name recognition in his district:
Then we have the two challengers facing the super tough races. You can here what Howard Dean says about them here:
Dr. Kelley is in the Fourth District. See him here:
Help Dr. Kelley here:
Ah, and finally, we have Heather Ryan!! Yes, this is my home, my race and my friend. Thanks to all who helped us win the Progressive Patriots contest, it was huge for us. Thanks to Jennifer Moore and the KDP for helping us achieve it, and to all the many folks I asked to vote for her that did. You have all our gratitudes.
It seems the Exxon Ed Whitfield people just have something against this fiery grassroots Democrat. Not only do they take money from terrorist, but they hate free speech too. With a million dollars in their campaign account, they continue to rip up our campaign signs, many handpainted ones and two of the fifty printed ones we had donated. With a million dollars in their account they fear us because we speak the truth to power:
They even attacked her for raising money for a foundation that supports battered women in Western Kentucky:
The good news is the Feingold money, that many people were kind enough to help us win will keep Whitfield and his cronies plenty busy yanking up yard signs from now until November so we have time to go on the offensive. We need to run T.V., and we need your help to do it.
One T.V. spot on cable here costs about $6. Please, chip in just $6 to buy us one spot here:
If enough people give the price of a lottery ticket to take a chance on expanding our Congressional majorities we could well scratch off a winner here. Please help.
Don’t forget Kentucky. Jennifer Moore is providing great leadership here, and we have great candidates!!
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?