OH-16: (UPDATE)Kirk Schuring’s YouTube Moment and Boccieri’s Reply

What an incredible Monday to be a part of the John Boccieri for U.S. Congress Campaign team. Yes, Politicos the game is officially on and Kirk Schuring wants every Democrat in Ohio’s Fighting 16th District to be at the Canton Greek Festival at 5 pm Friday and then to follow him on over to First Friday for a Hometown Welcome!

Sometimes, I have to sit a really ponder what goes through a politicians head to make them say some of the the things they say. This time the answer is easy…Kirk was “fluffing” for John McCain. Oh, what a great honor and opportunity to spew divisive hate language!

Read on for more details and don’t forget your popcorn and a cold one for the movie. You’ll want to watch it over and over again!


CONTACT: Alex Goepfert, 614-207-1714 (cell)

Communications Director

Kirk’s Schuring’s YouTube Moment

Republican Congressional Candidate Kirk Schuring Slurs Canton Residents in Ugly, Partisan Rant

COLUMBUS – Standing before a crowd of fellow Republicans at a “John McCain for President Rally” on Thursday, Republican congressional candidate Kirk Schuring launched into an ugly, partisan rant attacking the residents of Canton, Ohio.

In a newly released video of the June 5th event at Ashland Corner Park, Schuring tells his partisan audience:

“So the other thing I know is that Ashland County has a rich history and tradition of rallying around Republicans, and I was telling people earlier where I come from we could never have a rally like this in the center of Canton. If we did we might be shot at, but not in Ashland and that’s what makes you so great.”

The clip is available here. The full video is available here

“It is appalling to witness Kirk Schuring speaking with such venom and disdain toward the very individuals he is seeking to represent in Congress,” said Ohio Democratic Party Communications Director Alex Goepfert. “Kirk Schuring’s ugly, divisive, hyper-partisan comments do a terrible disservice to the residents of Canton and to all OhioansKirk Schuring and his campaign were apparently rather proud of his remarks. The following day, Schuring touts the “warm welcome” he received at the event in an email to supporters.

Below is the text of that newsletter.

Schuring for Congress Newsletter

151 Days Until Victory!

June 6, 2008

>From Our Community, For Our Community…

This was a busy week on the campaign trail. Our organization has expanded and we’re excited about the level of enthusiasm we’ve seen at events throughout the week.

As our organization continues to build, we’ve seen some changes with campaign staff as well. This past Monday Staci Hansel started on the campaign as Political Director and today is Gavin Blair’s final on the campaign before he moves back to Columbus. We’re excited to have Staci on board and I’m thankful for the hard work Gavin put in these many months on my behalf!

On Thursday night I spoke in Ashland County at a rally for John McCain and received a very warm welcome from local community members. Thanks to hard working folks at the Ashland County GOP for putting on a fantastic event.

Don’t forget to come out and join me tonight in downtown Canton at the Greek Festival at 5pm. After the Greek fest I’ll be heading over to Canton’s First Friday event.Thanks again for your continued support!

Kirk Schuring

Oh, my! You are winning hearts there Senator and your endorsement from the Canton Repository. HAH!

Now, don’t fade on me yet fans. There’s more to this whole story.What does State Senator Major John Boccieri think about all this?

For Immediate Release

June 9, 2008

Contact: Ian Walton, 330-754-0534

The Politics of Division is Wrong for America!

Senator Boccieri issued the following statement today regarding the release of video footage of Sen. Kirk Schuring’s comments in Ashland County today:

::One more time just to jog your memory!::

“While my opponent comments publicly about hispreferred constituency, I would be proud to serve in the Congress on behalf of every man, woman, and child in the 16th District regardless of geography, age, race, gender, or religious affiliation.

“Senator Schuring’s partisan comments are the type of political ideology that is dividing our nation. At the end of the day the race for this seat, shouldn’t be about Democrats, Republicans or Independents, red states or blue states, conservatives or liberals, but about America. Our nation needs strong leadership to help turn around our failing economy, bring our troops home safely, honorably and soon, and move away from our dependence on foreign oil.

“As for my campaign, we will have rallies, town hall meetings, and events in every corner of this district, not only where it is politically comfortable, but in every region. It is important that we all come together to help change America.”

Thank you for setting the record straight, again, Major Boccieri! We have put up with enough hate-mongering, war-mongering, greed and discrimination to last a lifetime. The last person Ohio’s 16th Congressional District needs in Congress is Kirk Schuring.

“Go, Bo!”

One thought on “OH-16: (UPDATE)Kirk Schuring’s YouTube Moment and Boccieri’s Reply”

  1. In today’s Independent – http://www.ohiodems.org/site/a

    Schuring’s explanation is comical.

    Democratic Party takes exception to Schuring’s remarks



    State Sen. Kirk Schuring and the state’s Democratic Party traded barbs Monday over remarks he made at a recent rally.

    Schuring, R-Jackson Township, said in an interview that he was joking when he said last week in Ashland that if Republicans held a rally in downtown Canton they might be shot.

    He spoke after the Ohio Democratic Party posted a grainy video of his remarks on YouTube. The party then issued a statement criticizing his remarks as highly partisan and a disservice to Canton residents.

    Schuring, who’s running for Congress from the 16th District, was in Ashland on Thursday to speak at a rally for Republican presidential candidate John McCain. The district includes Stark and Wayne counties and most of Medina and Ashland counties. During his speech, Schuring praised Ashland Republicans.


    “The other thing I know is that Ashland County has a rich history and tradition of rallying around Republicans,” he told the crowd. “Where I come from, we could never have a rally like this in the center of Canton. If we did, we might be shot at.”

    “But not in Ashland,” said Schuring. “And that’s what makes you so great, and that’s why this election cycle you’re going to play a very critical role.”

    The state Democratic Party said in its statement e-mailed to The Repository:

    “It is appalling to witness Kirk Schuring speaking with such venom and disdain toward the very individuals he is seeking to represent.”

    The party e-mail had a link to the video on YouTube.

    Alex Goepfert, a spokesman for Ohio Democrats, said the state party received the video from someone who was at the rally. He declined to identify the person or elaborate on how the video came into the party’s possession.


    Schuring’s opponent, State Sen. John Boccieri, D-New Middletown, called Schuring’s remarks “most unfortunate.”

    Boccieri said that his campaign did not arrange to have a supporter at the McCain rally and that he didn’t know how the state party got the video.

    Schuring said that his remarks were not about crime in Canton, but that he was referring to the city’s predominantly Democratic makeup. His remark, he said, was meant as a joke that “Democrats aren’t too fond of Republicans in Canton.”

    The senator said he was born and raised in Canton, his insurance business has an office in Canton and his campaign headquarters is in downtown Canton. He said he has taken leadership roles in many Canton civic organizations.

    “My affinity for Canton is beyond reproach,” Schuring said. “I’ve worked real hard for Canton. I’ve lived in Canton. I believe in Canton.”

    Schuring added: “People are getting tired of the petty bickering. Shame on the Democrats for trying to make this into an issue.”

    Canton Councilman Thomas West, D-2, who represents downtown Canton, acknowledged that the city has had shootings in some neighborhoods. But downtown is safe, he said.

    “The remarks by Senator Schuring were very offensive, if not demeaning,” West said. “These aren’t the type of jokes you make about our community especially at a time when there is violence in our community.”

    Reach Repository writer Robert Wang at (330) 580-8327 or e-mail robert.wang@cantonrep.com.


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