ID-01: Bill Sali’s Super Genius Fundraising Scheme

It’s no secret that frosh GOP Rep. Bill “Brain Fade” Sali has been having a hard time raising money since his narrow win in 2006. Indeed, at the end of June, Sali only had $250K in the bank, and $136K in debts — including several bills left outstanding to disgruntled Idaho-based consultants.

With the economy in the shitter (thanks, Republicans!), Brain Fade is coming up with some unique strategies to replenish his coffers:

But out in Idaho, Rep. Bill Sali has decided to raise money by using a simple, grass-roots technique that church groups and youth sports teams have employed for decades – he’s hosting a yard sale!

Actually, the freshman Republican is urging all of his supporters to host yard sales, with the profits from all those old clothes, dishes and furniture going to his Congressional campaign. Yard sale hosts also receive campaign literature to hand out to their bargain-seeking clients, a way to generate interest in the campaign while raising money.

“Some people who are calling our campaign have never been involved in a campaign before,” spokesman Noah Wall tells HOH. “They’re looking for ways to help Bill, and a yard sale is a neat way for them to get involved.”

Good luck with that, Bill. Maybe I can buy a Jell-o mold in the shape of Idaho for a quarter at one of these.

8 thoughts on “ID-01: Bill Sali’s Super Genius Fundraising Scheme”

  1. I’m starting to think he’s actually trying to lose this race.  The only parallel I can think of to the Sali campaign is the campaigns Hostettler used to run in IN-08.

  2. Don’t get me wrong as a major money source it is desperate and pathetic, but its like a reverse convas, the people will be coming to the potential canvassers instead of the other way around and the small amount of money will probably help supply campaign offices, assuming he has some with office supplies.  Again it smells of desperation, utter desperation to be sure, but the people who show up may be more willing to talk to strangers about him then random people just showing up at their front door so again, as a different way to just talk to people it is kinda an interesting idea.  that being said I am glad our candidates don’t seem so desperate.

  3. This actually strikes me as a potentially good idea.  Though, ordering it from the top down seems to be a stupid way to do it, with a look of desperation rather than actually being grass-roots.

    And I want that Jell-O mould.

  4. 1. If Bill Smith pays $2,000 for a jello mold donated by Sally Jones, who makes the donation to Bill Sali: Smith or Jones?

    2.  If Tom Williams pays $2,500 for a $500 dining table  donated by Richard Nixon is the $2,300 contribution limit exceeded? (That Nixon, up to no good long after he’s dead.)

    The possibility of abusing this is quite easy but beyond the abilities of the Sali campaign.    

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