Here’s a recent mailer sent out by the campaign of disingenuous, unaccomplished GOP Rep. Lee Terry:

You might recall Lee Terry’s almost-endorsement of Barack Obama earlier this year, when he said that his district was seeing a wave of “Obama-Terry voters”, whom he described as “people who want the right kind of change.”
Keep in mind that this is an R+9 district — although one that the Obama campaign is continuing to target and one where the DCCC has booked $435K worth of ad time. If Esch wins here, we’re talking about a big-time wave — it might still be unlikely, but it’s not nearly as far-fetched as it was a couple weeks ago.
Did I miss something? I can understand Smith in Oregon touting his working with Obama… But have things SERIOUSLY gotten that bad that a Republican in Nebraska is doing the same???
I would have thought this type of thing would HURT a Repubilcan there. Is it possible that this flyer was specifically sent to Democratic and independant voters in the district? I just can’t see this as being a district wide mailer.
After working on a campaign, I’ve learned how good campaigns are targetting voters by certain characteristics.
Regardless, this is pretty LOL worthy. Maybe we can get more GOP Congressional candidates to support Obama too. lol