Eric Cantor Earns Wrath Of Aerosmith


Republican Eric Cantor, the House GOP Minority Whip, may be from a party that campaigns on law and order issues, but apparently copyright law somehow doesn’t count as legitimate law in the eyes of the Virginia Republican. What’s worse, he’s gone and ticked off Aerosmith.

Basically, Eric, it’s real simple. You’re supposed to ask permission from any entity which owns the exclusive rights to use that song in any media presentation. Why do you think all those Mad TV music video parodies have all the music slightly altered? So they can get away with mocking the song without using the actual song, since I doubt the real bands would let someone mock them on national television.

So in closing, Cantor and the Republicans are not only clueless about new age media, but apparently THE LAW as well. Talk about ironic.

5 thoughts on “Eric Cantor Earns Wrath Of Aerosmith”

  1. Teagan lifted (and misinterpreted) Bruce Springsteen’s “born in the USA” during the 1984 campaign.  Springsteen, like Aerosmith, pulled the plug.

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