CT-SEN: Rob Simmons gets a VERY wealthy primary opponent

Pull out all your bad wrestling puns because it looks like WWE’s Linda McMahon will be running for Senate.


McMahon has contributed primarily to Repubs but has contributed to Dems, which will be used against her.

I don’t think anyone thinks she’s actually going to win the primary or the general. But what she has is an essentially endless supply of money. Vince McMahon has called himself a billionaire in the past, and he’s probably overstating that by a fairly significant amount. Either way 5-10 mill. is probably chump change for these guys.

6 thoughts on “CT-SEN: Rob Simmons gets a VERY wealthy primary opponent”

  1. I’ve only seen the Linda McMahon that everyone saw on TV over the years that I’ve watched WWE. I wonder how she will fare as a candidate, since I’ve always wondered how Vince would do if he ran for President or something.

  2. I can’t help thinking if the McMahon’s might play better in the deep south or rural midwest where they have more of a viewer base. As it is I doubt she will play well, most voters wouldn’t seriously consider someone so involved with all the ignorant trashy stunts of the WWE Soap Opera.  

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