AK-Sen: We Can’t Wait for the DSCC

Goal ThermometerMark Begich has been a serious mensch, doing everything in his power to help Scott McAdams in his unlikely campaign for senator from Alaska. Now he’s trying to work the folks who can open up some serious spigots:

“I’m putting the pressure on,” Begich told The Hill. “We’re working the DSCC and others right now because I think it’s a good investment.”

Begich is right – this race is a good investment, which is why we’re asking the SSP community to dig deep and come up with $2,400 for McAdams. But we can’t wait for the DSCC to get its act together. And McAdams isn’t waiting, either:

“The DSCC and the national Democratic Party doesn’t even know my name. And that’s fine by me,” he said. “I love the Alaskan Democratic Party, they’ve been behind me 100 percent, Sen. Mark Begich has been behind me 100 percent, and that’s just fine by me.”

I love that McAdams is turning that DNC hack’s flub (remember the guy who couldn’t even ID Big Mac after he won the primary?) into a serious positive. No one can accuse him of being a D.C. Dem after that incident! And it’s one of the many reasons I think McAdams, whose pedigree is pure Alaska, will compare well to Miller, who was raised and received his degrees outside the state. (And is also creepily out-of-touch with anything resembling Alaskan values. But that’s the subject for another post or seven.)

One thing I will say: If we do want big players like the DSCC to get involved, demonstrating serious grassroots enthusiasm for McAdams is the way to do it. So please help us reach our goal of $2,400 – the equivalent of one maximum federal donation – for Scott McAdams as quickly as possible.

28 thoughts on “AK-Sen: We Can’t Wait for the DSCC”

  1. This was slightly disappointing:

    Asked if he would have voted for national health care reform, McAdams paused for a full 10 seconds before replying, “Let’s see. One moment please.”

    Another 15 seconds of silence came next, before McAdams finally asked to hear the reporter’s next question.

    Asked next for his views on Afghanistan and TARP, McAdams said, “Why don’t you let me get back to you on that.”

    Calls to the McAdams campaign and the Alaska Democratic Party asking for clarification were unreturned as of late Thursday night.

    I know he’s not “Some Dude” but I think even all of the teens on this site would have a coherent “soundbyte” answer to those questions.   It doesn’t look good when you can’t answer at all.  Hopefully the move at Anchorage will help.

  2. who didn’t know McAdams’ name did him a serious favor. What’s interesting is that the NRSC–to which I’m subscribed on YouTube–posted that video immediately. I guess they were taunting that no one knew his name? Kinda dumb on their part…

  3. Glad you put up this Act Blue page for McAdams.  Slightly late for me, however, as I donated through a different Act Blue page yesterday morning.  This race is a real opportunity.  

  4. I had been flirting with the idea of donating to the McAdams campaign, and this sealed the deal.  A little money can go a long way here!  Good call guys.

  5. I wanted to donate (just something small), but vaguely remembered that I couldn’t do that from some previous time I was enthusiastic enough to try, and checked; and indeed, you’re only allowed to donate if you are “a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien.”

    Makes sense, in a way – I probably wouldn’t want a bunch of Americans (or Germans, or Brits) funding political candidates in my home country either. Just a little frustrating for someone who often finds the election races abroad more exciting than the ones at home!

  6. I usually donate directly to the candidates, but it was pretty easy.

    BTW: just wanted to say something to the moderators. I’ve been a longtime reader of political blogs, but while a Democrat, I’ve always felt too moderate to participate in anything like Kos. I really like this blog because of how civilized it is, and how much diversity of opinion is tolerated.

    Anyway, it’s a tribue to how you guys run this that you got Scott McAdams a contribution (albeit, a small one) that he would not have received if you didn’t exist. So keep up the good work!  

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