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Below is a list of key House, Senate, and gubernatorial races, arranged by poll closing times. States with multiple closing times are listed in order of their earliest closing, with the exception of Oregon (where most of the state is in the Pacific time zone). All times are Eastern, not local.
Time | State | Key Races |
6:00 PM 7:00 PM |
Indiana (E.) Indiana (W.) |
IN-Sen (OPEN), IN-02 (Donnelly), IN-08 (OPEN), IN-09 (Hill) |
6:00 PM 7:00 PM |
Kentucky (E.) Kentucky (W.) |
KY-Sen (OPEN), KY-03 (Yarmuth), KY-06 (Chandler) |
7:00 PM 8:00 PM |
Florida (E.) Florida (W.) |
FL-Gov (OPEN), FL-Sen (OPEN), FL-02 (Boyd), FL-08 (Grayson), FL-12 (OPEN), FL-22 (Klein), FL-24 (Kosmas), FL-25 (OPEN) |
7:00 PM | Georgia | GA-Gov (OPEN), GA-02 (Bishop), GA-08 (Marshall), GA-12 (Barrow) |
7:00 PM 8:00 PM |
N.H. (Most of state) N.H. (Some towns) |
NH-Gov (Lynch), NH-Sen (OPEN), NH-01 (Shea-Porter), NH-02 (OPEN) |
7:00 PM | South Carolina | SC-Gov (OPEN), SC-02 (Wilson), SC-05 (Spratt) |
7:00 PM | Vermont | VT-Gov (OPEN) |
7:00 PM | Virginia | VA-02 (Nye), VA-05 (Perriello), VA-09 (Boucher), VA-11 (Connolly) |
7:30 PM | North Carolina | NC-Sen (Burr), NC-02 (Etheridge), NC-07 (McIntyre), NC-08 (Kissell), NC-11 (Shuler) |
7:30 PM | Ohio | OH-Gov (Strickland), OH-Sen (OPEN), OH-01 (Driehaus), OH-06 (Wilson), OH-10 (Kucinich), OH-13 (Sutton), OH-15 (Kilroy), OH-16 (Boccieri), OH-18 (Space) |
7:30 PM | West Virginia | WV-Sen (OPEN), WV-01 (OPEN), WV-03 (Rahall) |
8:00 PM | Alabama | AL-Gov (OPEN), AL-02 (Bright), AL-05 (OPEN) |
8:00 PM | Connecticut | CT-Gov (OPEN), CT-Sen (OPEN), CT-04 (Himes), CT-05 (Murphy) |
8:00 PM | Delaware | DE-Sen (OPEN), DE-AL (OPEN) |
8:00 PM | Illinois | IL-Gov (Quinn), IL-Sen (OPEN), IL-08 (Bean), IL-10 (OPEN), IL-11 (Halvorson), IL-14 (Foster), IL-17 (Hare) |
8:00 PM 9:00 PM |
Kansas (E.) Kansas (W.) |
KS-Gov (OPEN), KS-03 (OPEN), KS-04 (OPEN) |
8:00 PM | Maine | ME-Gov (OPEN), ME-01 (Pingree), ME-02 (Michaud) |
8:00 PM | Maryland | MD-Gov (O’Malley), MD-01 (Kratovil) |
8:00 PM | Massachusetts | MA-Gov (Patrick), MA-04 (Frank), MA-05 (Tsongas), MA-06 (Tierney), MA-10 (OPEN) |
8:00 PM 9:00 PM |
Michigan (E.) Michigan (W.) |
MI-Gov (OPEN), MI-01 (OPEN), MI-07 (Schauer), MI-09 (Peters), MI-15 (Dingell) |
8:00 PM | Mississippi | MS-01 (Childers), MS-02 (Thompson), MS-04 (Taylor) |
8:00 PM | Missouri | MO-Sen (OPEN), MO-03 (Carnahan), MO-04 (Skelton) |
8:00 PM | New Jersey | NJ-03 (Adler), NJ-06 (Pallone), NJ-12 (Holt) |
8:00 PM 9:00 PM |
N.D. (Most of E.) N.D. (W. + Cass Co.) |
ND-AL (Pomeroy) |
8:00 PM | Oklahoma | OK-Gov (OPEN), |
8:00 PM | Pennsylvania | PA-Gov (OPEN), PA-Sen (OPEN), PA-03 (Dahlkemper), PA-04 (Altmire), PA-06 (Gerlach), PA-07 (OPEN), PA-08 (Murphy), PA-10 (Carney), PA-11 (Kanjorski), PA-12 (Critz), PA-15 (Dent), PA-17 (Holden) |
8:00 PM 9:00 PM |
South Dakota (E.) South Dakota (W.) |
SD-Gov (OPEN), SD-AL (Herseth Sandlin) |
8:00 PM | Tennessee | TN-Gov (OPEN), TN-04 (Davis), TN-05 (Cooper), TN-06 (OPEN), TN-08 (OPEN) |
8:00 PM 9:00 PM |
Texas (E.) Texas (W.) |
TX-Gov (Perry), TX-17 (Edwards), TX-23 (Rodriguez), TX-25 (Doggett), TX-27 (Ortiz) |
8:30 PM | Arkansas | AR-Gov (Beebe), AR-Sen (Lincoln), AR-01 (OPEN), AR-02 (OPEN), AR-04 (Ross) |
9:00 PM | Colorado | CO-Gov (OPEN), CO-Sen (Bennet), CO-03 (Salazar), CO-04 (Markey), CO-07 (Perlmutter) |
9:00 PM | Louisiana | LA-Sen (Vitter), LA-02 (Cao), LA-03 (OPEN) |
9:00 PM | Minnesota | MN-Gov (OPEN), MN-01 (Walz), MN-06 (Bachmann), MN-08 (Oberstar) |
9:00 PM | Nebraska | NE-02 (Terry) |
9:00 PM | New Mexico | NM-Gov (OPEN), NM-01 (Heinrich), NM-02 (Teague), NM-03 (Lujan) |
9:00 PM | New York | NY-Sen-B (Gillibrand), NY-Gov (OPEN), NY-01 (Bishop), NY-04 (McCarthy), NY-09 (Weiner), NY-13 (McMahon), NY-19 (Hall), NY-20 (Murphy), NY-22 (Hinchey), NY-23 (Owens), NY-24 (Arcuri), NY-25 (Maffei), NY-29 (OPEN) |
9:00 PM | Rhode Island | RI-Gov (OPEN), RI-01 (OPEN) |
9:00 PM | Wisconsin | WI-Gov (OPEN), WI-Sen (Feingold), WI-03 (Kind), WI-07 (OPEN), WI-08 (Kagen) |
9:00 PM | Wyoming | WY-Gov (OPEN) |
10:00 PM | Arizona | AZ-Gov (Brewer), AZ-Sen (McCain), AZ-01 (Kirkpatrick), AZ-03 (OPEN), AZ-05 (Mitchell), AZ-07 (Grijalva), AZ-08 (Giffords) |
10:00 PM 11:00 PM |
Idaho (S.) Idaho (N.) |
ID-01 (Minnick) |
10:00 PM | Iowa | IA-Gov (Culver), IA-Sen (Grassley), IA-01 (Braley), IA-02 (Loebsack), IA-03 (Boswell) |
10:00 PM | Montana | |
10:00 PM | Nevada | NV-Gov (OPEN), NV-Sen (Reid), NV-03 (Titus) |
10:00 PM | Utah | UT-02 (Matheson) |
11:00 PM | California | CA-Gov (OPEN), CA-Sen (Boxer), CA-03 (Lungren), CA-11 (McNerney), CA-18 (Cardoza), CA-20 (Costa), CA-44 (Calvert), CA-45 (Bono Mack), CA-47 (Sanchez) |
10:00 PM 11:00 PM |
Oregon (E.) Oregon (W.) |
OR-Gov (OPEN), OR-01 (Wu), OR-04 (DeFazio), OR-05 (Schrader) |
11:00 PM | Washington | WA-Sen (Murray), WA-02 (Larsen), WA-03 (OPEN), WA-06 (Dicks), WA-08 (Reichert), WA-09 (Smith) |
12:00 AM 1:00 AM |
Alaska (E.) Alaska (W.) |
AK-Sen (Murkowski) |
12:00 AM | Hawaii | HI-Gov (OPEN), HI-01 (Djou) |
On the bright side, you saved me a lot of time tonight!
Don’t Arizona and Hawaii close an hour later this year due to Daylight Savings Time still being in effect for the rest of us?
Grab some coffee to see the Alaska and Hawaii returns.
Any guesses on how many races won’t be called tomorrow night? I am guessing at least 10 total races won’t be known until Wednesday or later.
ends at 5 pm local??? That seems awfully early!
Ky and Indiana polls closing at six means I have to be good and drunk before the sun is even down.
6pm – to keep the working stiffs from voting. Dems have GOTV, GOP has RDV = Repress Dem Vote.
It’s gonna be a bloodbath.
Would steal again.
I’m going to go with IN-9 as a good early indicator for how the night is going to go as far as some of the tossups. Since I assume IN-2 leans Donnelly and KY-6 leans Chandler, Baron Hill’s seat seems like it could provide a good baseline for later tossup outcomes. On the other hand, if Donnelly and Chandler are losing… we’re probably screwed.
I still don’t get why MI-15 is on any of these list across the country. MI-03 is more likely to flip or at least coming closer to flip than MI-15, and NEITHER of them is likely to flip.
Can anyone suggest a good drinking game for tomorrow? Every GOP Senate pickup is a shot? Every Dem House pickup is a shot?
What say you?
Thanks guys.
Who do you think will be the first called Senate victor?
A. Pat Leahy
B. Rand Paul
C. Dan Coats
D. Jim Demint
E. Johnny Isakson
F. Kelly Ayotte
G. Someone else?
You guys (Democratic Party) better not suck too badly, if I turn my TV on at 7:30 just to see Mark’s predictions come true, there’s gonna be hell to pay!
prediction of tomorrow: NE-02. More a gut feeling then anything but I feel like its one of those races that could fly under the radar.
(Pacific) getting ready to celebrate some wins. After all this hard work, I’m ready to celebrate.
And if I’m disappointed by what happens back east, hopefully I’ll at least be buoyed by good Nevada results. And I can’t wait to prove some of you wrong…
Either my eyes are failing me or I’m nitpicking a great presentation, but Charles Grassley is no Democrat.
I can only hope Hedrick can pull it out
But I recommend you add CA-48 to that list of California races. Beth Krom is a really popular mayor for Irvine, I would NOT be surprised if she squeaked this one out from nowhere.
They’re required to stay silent for the first hour for some obnoxious reason. But we should get early/mail-in voting results at 8pm local time, and then precincts will start reporting.
18 months of poll watching, predictions, hopes, fears all comes down to tommorow.
It was fun you guys.
I’ll be waking up at 6:30 tomorrow for a half hour of emotional preparation before the first polls close. It’s early, yeah, but it’ll be amazing if I even get any sleep tonight. I wish I weren’t so emotionally invested, but at this point, what can you do?
I voted by mail around a month ago (though I doubt it will get counted unless a race is in recall territory, but whatever). With the obvious exceptions of non-citizens, under-18s, etc. I hope everyone here has voted or will vote. We’ve all got to do our civic duty.
And so the countdown begins…only a little more than 16 hours.
A LOT of VERY useful information for this day and noght!!!)))
Using this map, I finally sat down and made my predictions on how the House seats will fall. As I’m looking at it now, I think the GOP will win 50 Democratic seats, but the Dems will capture 5 GOP seats, giving the GOP a 6 seat majority in the House, barring any party switches which seems less likely considering I predict folks like Gene Taylor, Lincoln Davis and Allen Boyd to lose.
In the Senate, I think we’ll lose 5 (PA, IN, AR, ND, WI) and barely eke out wins in 3 races (CO, NV, IL). Of course, this means the potential for 8 seats to flip. WA and WV will not be as close as people think.
In the gubernatorial contests, we’ll lose a net of 6 seats to the GOP while picking up CA, CT, MN, VT, HI and God willing FL.