WI-Gov: Lawton Won’t Run, Will Barrett?

The rumors over the weekend suggested that the White House was exerting behind-the-scenes pressure on Milwaukee mayor and ex-Rep. Tom Barrett to run for Governor, thinking he has the best chance of holding the state for the Democrats, compared with underfunded and not-well-known Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton, the only Dem in the open seat race. (Reportedly, the pressure via Obama originated with current Gov. Jim Doyle, although Russ Feingold has reportedly also encouraged Barrett.)

Apparently, there must be some truth to all those rumors, because, one day later, Lawton seems to have gotten the message, announcing today:

My deep commitment to our state is second only to my commitment to my family. For very personal reasons, I will not pursue the Democratic nomination for governor in 2010.

The Journal-Sentinel article from yesterday that discussed the rumors said that Barrett’s in no hurry to decide, though, saying he may wait as late as February to make a decision. However, with both Lawton and Rep. Ron Kind out, though, it looks like Barrett may be ready to step into the vacuum right away — although if he doesn’t, that would leave Democrats in the serious lurch. Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan today says that he’d “love” to see Barrett get in the race, but isn’t ruling out running himself.

RaceTracker: WI-Gov