(Full disclosure: I am the New Media/Voter Outreach Director for Jane’s campaign)
Today, Jane Mitakides, Democratic challenger in OH-03, proudly endorsed the Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq, adding her to a list of leading Democratic candidates that are standing up to move the country forward.
The Responsible Plan fills the void of leadership in Washington, yet relies only on common sense solutions, basing its objectives on Iraq Study Group recommendations and legislation currently in the hopper. Perhaps it is a measure of how bad things have gotten when “respect the Constitution,” “fund veterans care,” and “stop torture” are ideas that cannot get traction in DC.
The American people are ahead of the politicians on these issues, and they want change. They know that Iraq is not only a cause of many of our ills, but a symptom of even larger ones. Luckily, the people will soon be able to exercise their most basic right, and vote for candidates that truly represent them: Jane Mitakides is one of those candidates.
Click here to view the press release.
With a filing deadline on the 31st, it’s a great time to support Jane in this winnable swing district. Here’s her ActBlue page.