MT POTUS – Rasmussen Poll

OK, I know this isn’t a Presidential site, but I’ve been touting Montana all year as my “could be a super shocker flip special”.  I know polls taken this early are all but meaningless for predicting November results, but today’s Rasmussen poll showing Obama leading McCain 48%-43% in Montana is pretty much in the “Wow!” category.

Here’s the link:…

22 thoughts on “MT POTUS – Rasmussen Poll”

  1. That’s great.  I’m sure this means we’ll also get a MT-Sen poll today so we can see how superstar GOP recruit Kelleher is doing against Baucus.

  2. I’m happy to see that McCain will have to start diverting his precious resources into states like Montana, North Dakota, and Alaska at the expense of spending those monies in places like Colorado, Missouri, and Michigan.

  3. It’s gonna be a landslide, taking more than 35 states, with over 400 Electoral Votes, 10 or 12 Senators, more than 30 added House seats, two more governors, and more!

    God is gonna give an enema to our body politic and purge the Bush-Cheney Repubs clean out of our system.

  4. And in some damn good timing, Obama will spend July 4th in Butte, Montana:

    McCain is of course nowhere to be seen. The more Obama visits (this will be his 4th since April), the more people will think McCain is snubbing them and taking them for granted.

    I love it.

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