A bummer for Uncle Ted:
Sen. Ted Stevens lost a bid Wednesday to move his corruption trial from Washington to his home state of Alaska.
Stevens is scheduled for trial next month on charges of lying about hundreds of thousands of dollars in home renovations and other services he received from an oil services contractor.
The powerful Republican senator asked that the case be moved to Alaska, so it would not slow down his re-election bid. After hearing arguments Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan refused.
Assuming Stevens makes it through the Republican primary, the court ruling could affect his ability to campaign during the weeks leading up to Election Day. If the trial had been moved to Alaska, he planned to defend himself in court by day and campaign in the evenings and on weekends.
As you may recall, Stevens specially requested a fall trial. He was granted that, but he didn’t get the home field advantage. Now that he’s lost his bid to move shop to Alaska and the chance to hit the stump in October, I wonder if he’ll come back to the judge, hat in hand, and ask for a delay. That would almost be the definition of chutzpah – but what else can you expect from Ted Stevens?
Hang in there just long enough to lose in a November landslide. We’re counting on you!
On a more personal note – rain rain go away. Or should I say Fey Fey go away! Ugg… right now my frontyard is under nearly a half foot of water with winds of 50+ MPH. Same as it’s been for 24 hours and the same as it’s gonna be for another 24. The joys of Florida weather I suppose.
I want no verdict reached by election day.