GA-SEN: DSCC Transfers Cash to State Dems

We’ve been talking about the $500,000 dropped by the DSCC into Atlants, but according to subcription-only Roll Call, they’re doing more than we originally thought.

As a result, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has begun dumping cash into the race. According to Democratic sources, the DSCC this week gave cash to the state Democratic party to help pay for an ad buy that the state committee would be taking out against Chambliss.

Additionally, the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Wednesday reported the committee had made a $500,000 television ad buy. According to the paper, the DSCC will run ads on five television stations serving the Atlanta area. The ad is scheduled to run 369 times, largely during prime time and newscasts, by next week, the paper reported.

Roll Call did not say how much was transferred to the GA State Party, but it is obvious by now the DSCC takes this race very seriously. Should be a lot of fun!

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