quick question about fundraising and vice president nominees

When a person is chosen as a veep nominee can the funds s/he raised be used in the presidential contest?  I’m wondering about this because it might be why Susan Collins (wRong-ME) is still supporting Iraq.  She’s be immensely supportive of the Mccain and the war, and her continued support, coupled with the her “moderate” status, and location would make her a strategic choice for veep.  This is of course assuming Mccain can bring his campaign out of the dumps.  It’s also an interesting parallel between the republicans now, and the democrats of 1968.  McCain/collins would be their version of Humphrey/Muskie. 

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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2 thoughts on “quick question about fundraising and vice president nominees”

  1. I think it would be funny to have him as the nominee because we know from experience how to beat an effeminate flip-flopper from Massachusetts.  Let him talk about how he turned around Massachusetts and his Massachusetts miracle, we’ll crush him, because sometimes people learn the most from failure.

  2. Hmm.  Never thought of that.  I actually doubt that McCain, were he to become the nominee, would actually pick Collins for veep.  First of all, two senators on a ticket is rarely a winning combination.  And, second of all . . . well, there was a reason Kerry didn’t pick Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona back in ’04.  And that reason was, if a candidate is an unmarried woman over a certain age, unfortunately, she is prime bait for the rumor mill.  It is sad that that’s the case in this country, but, well . . . it’s hardly surprising that the American public would get hung up on insignificant and malicious rumors.  This is a tabloid-obsessed society.  If McCain gets the nomination, he’ll pick Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota. 

    And I’ll be cheering when McCain/Pawlenty gets pummelled by Gore/Obama!

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