After look to very much races, I will try to explain my point about 2010 elections at House level in this diary.
In few words I think they are not data what make me think democrats would lose more than 15 house seats.
Looking to the political level of incumbents and challengers, the rating of the districts, and the fundraising numbers of candidates I will make a rank of house seats, giving too the numbers of the last poll for the race if they are. This is not a rank of vulnerability, this is a rank by political level difference between the current candidates for every district looking to the political level of candidates and looking to the district too.
The rank is based in a little system of score what I create for try see better the difficult races for booth parties. Two examples of the score:
DE-AL currently a republican seat has 4.5 points of difference for the challenger party (Democratic Party). They are 3.0 points for dems by difference between political level of the candidates of booth partys, 0.5 points for dems by lead fundraising and 1.0 points for dems by the district democratic leaning.
TX-17 currently a democratic seat has 0.5 points of difference for the challenger party (Republican Party). They are 1.0 point for dems by difference between political level of the candidates of booth partys, 0.5 points for dems by lead fundraising and 2.0 points for republicans by the district republican leaning.
Sure the system of score can improve still but I think give us a rank so logical.
Possitive difference for the challenger party (high weakness of the incumbent party)
4.5 points DE-AL D+07 Rep seat Last poll -10% R Research 2000 (D)
4.0 points TN-06 R+13 Dem seat
3.0 points KS-03 R+03 Dem seat
2.5 points IL-10 D+06 Rep seat
1.5 points IN-08 R+08 Dem seat
1.5 points ID-01 R+18 Dem seat
1.0 point LA-03 R+12 Dem seat
1.0 point NY-29 R+05 Dem seat
1.0 point LA-02 D+25 Rep seat
0.5 points NM-02 R+06 Dem seat Last poll -02% D PPP
0.5 points IN-09 R+06 Dem seat Last poll -08% D Survey USA (R)
0.5 points ND-AL R+10 Dem seat Last poll -06% D Rasmussen Reports (R)
0.5 points SD-AL R+09 Dem seat Last poll +07% D Rasmussen Reports (R)
0.5 points TX-17 R+20 Dem seatTied
0.0 points AR-02 R+05 Dem seat
0.0 points NH-02 D+03 Dem seat Last poll -07% D University of NH
0.0 points PA-07 D+03 Dem seat
0.0 points MI-07 R+02 Dem seat Last poll -10% D National Research (R)
0.0 points NY-23 R+01 Dem seat Last poll +02% D 2009 special election results
0.0 points MS-01 R+14 Dem seat
0.0 points MO-04 R+14 Dem seat
0.0 points MD-01 R+13 Dem seat Last poll -13% D Tarrance Group (R)Possitive difference for the incumbent party
0.5 points AR-01 R+08 Dem seat
0.5 points TN-08 R+06 Dem seat
0.5 points FL-25 R+05 Rep seat
0.5 points OH-18 R+07 Dem seat
0.5 points SC-05 R+07 Dem seat Last poll +07% D PPP
1.0 point PA-11 D+04 Dem seat
1.0 point OH-01 D+01 Dem seat Last poll -17% D SurveyUSA (R)
1.0 point PA-08 D+02 Dem seat
1.0 point MA-10 D+05 Dem seat Last poll -03% D McLaughlin & Associates (R)
1.0 point VA-05 R+05 Dem seat Last poll =00% D PPP
1.0 point AZ-05 R+05 Dem seat Last poll =00% D American Viewpoint (R)
1.0 point AZ-08 R+04 Dem seat
1.0 point IL-14 R+01 Dem seat
1.0 point NY-24 R+02 Dem seat
1.0 point PA-06 D+04 Rep seat
1.0 point WA-08 D+03 Rep seat
1.0 point NC-08 R+02 Dem seat Last poll +14% D PPP
1.0 point CA-11 R+01 Dem seat
1.5 points NE-02 R+06 Rep seat
1.5 points MN-06 R+07 Rep seat Last poll +16% R PPP
1.5 points SC-02 R+09 Rep seat Last poll -01% R PPP
1.5 points AL-03 R+09 Rep seat
1.5 points CA-44 R+06 Rep seat Last poll +14% R Tulchin Research (D)
1.5 points NH-01 EVEN Dem seat Last poll -10% D University of NH
1.5 points NY-01 EVEN Dem seat Last poll +02% D Survey USA (R)
1.5 points CA-03 R+06 Rep seat
1.5 points KY-06 R+09 Dem seat
1.5 points CO-04 R+06 Dem seat
1.5 points AL-02 R+16 Dem seat Last poll +24% D Anzalone-Liszt Research (D)
1.5 points MS-04 R+20 Dem seat
2.5 points FL-12 R+06 Rep seat Last poll -04% R Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (D)
…In the first two groups I bold emphasize the results of polls what favore incumbent party. In the third group I bold emphasize the results of polls what favore challenger party.
These groups of house races include all negative polls for incumbent party.
The first and second groups include difficult races for the incumbent party, with majoritary bad polls for the incumbent party, but not all. Between the first places, they are three republican seats where democrats are favored this year.
The number of seats in this two groups give a difference of +15 seats for republicans. But not all polls are negative for the incumbents in these groups, and not all the seats in these groups will change of party in 2010 elections.
The third group lean clearly toward the incumbent parties and is a group much more balanced with seats of booth parties. They are some unfavorable polls for booth parties, 3 for democrats and 2 for republicans. I think this group of races will give to republicans low number of net gains if the numbers change not to worse.
The polls will be surely the best information for every district, but this rank show us a so low number of districts without poll in the risk zone. This is important now for try stablish limits to loses and for see where is needed more work.
For all that, and looking specially to the polls, I think we have not evidence still of democrats will lose more than 15 seats.
About the seats where GOP is the incumbent party, like I tell before, they are three seats where democrats are favored (all in the first group of races), and they are some others what democrats can make vulnerable. Some days before, in my comments, I give a list of seven seats, but today will be six because I think the chance of win AZ-03 low without P Gordon. This is the list:
1.0 FL-25 (with J Garcia in)
1.0 PA-06
1.0 WA-08
1.5 SC-02
2.0 PA-15 (if J Callahan improves fundraising)
2.5 FL-12 (if L Edwards improves fundraising)
I think FL-25 (the effect of J Garcia running is not included in the rank still) and FL-12 are seats what give so good chance for fight strong. With the lead in fundraise for democratic side, FL-12 district would low until 0.5 points for the incumbent party (republican party). In very few districts democrats can improve more with lower effort. For PA-15 I think J Callaham needs too take the lead fundraising, and with that, PA-15 race would be in the same level than PA-06 or WA-08 (1.0 points for the incumbent party).
They are more districts in lower level of risk for republicans. I would not forget this district and the other districts with 1.5 points where so unpopular republicans can fail.
PD: Just today one good level republican announce a bid for MI-03 and that makes I update my comments about this race. With higher level republicans, lower chance for democrats in republican open seats.

I don’t know what your determinations are on rewarding “points”. Specifically, I don’t understand your ranges on how many points one gets for your criteria.
I hope see the strongest democrats running here.