LA-Gov: Ouch

From the Political Wire:

The AP: “Call it a sign of the times for Louisiana’s embattled governor: A chance to dine with Gov. Kathleen Blanco fetched a winning bid of $1 at a recent fundraising auction hosted by a group of business leaders.”

I’ll lay it all down on the table: with one of the worst approval ratings for Governors (a 58% disapproval rating), and a serious challenge from Rep. Bobby Jindal (R) on its way for 2007, Gov. Blanco should seriously be considering facing the music and clearing the field for someone else to fight this one.  I’m not quite convinced that Democrats can hold this seat either way, but at least with Blanco off the ticket, the loss wouldn’t be quite as embarrassing.

Update: Okay, okay–I missed the part where “bidding abruptly closed” after the opening bid was accepted, shutting out other bidders.  What kind of nastiness is that?  But I still stand by the assertion that Blanco is DOA if she stays on for next November’s election.  She should bow out to save face.

7 thoughts on “LA-Gov: Ouch”

  1. so soon. This is something I’ll have to write and post because I go on for a while. Sure she screwed over State Senate President don Hines D-Bunkie Hill, but the recent Republican stunt, filibustering her incentive package, using the additional money, (a finance commssion recently found that due to Blanco’s good budget cuts), which included money for our rapidly degrading state highways, teacher pay raises, and multiple other popular incentives struck many as blatantly political, and I think they seriously miscaluclated, and there will be a serious backlash. But, if Blacno can get the New Toyota Plant, and the Oil Refinery, she should be able to win. She’s a very strong campaigner, and already got a multi billion dollar synthetic fuel plant built in Ascension Parish. She has a lot to campaign on, and her hurricane response was actually amazing, regardless of the extraodinary lengths Republicans went to discredit her. That in itself is a dairy.

  2. as I’m sure you know is that we don’t know how many african american voters have been lost forever.  I think its very hard for Landrieu and impossible for Blanco.

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