Senate Recruitment Thread #4 (OR, SC, TN, TX, VA & WY)

Tonight brings our fourth and final installment in our series of Senate recruitment open threads.  For the past several weeks, the Swing State Project has been cracking open the field of GOP-held Senate seats up for grabs in 2008, and inviting you to submit your recruitment ideas for each of these races.  For a look back at the previous discussions, see here (AK, AL, AR, GA & ID), here (KS, KY, ME, MN & MS), and here (NC, NE, NH, NM, OK).

Here are our targets for this week.  Links are to the 2008 Race Tracker wiki for inspiration, and incumbents are in parens:

16) Oregon (Gordon Smith)

17) South Carolina (Lindsey Graham)

18) Tennessee (Lamar Alexander)

19) Texas (John Cornyn)

20) Virginia (John Warner)

21) Wyoming (Mike Enzi)

As always, don’t feel limited to submitting the names of traditional politicians.  Businesspeople, community leaders, activists, writers, musicians, athletes or celebrities are all fair game.  I have already seen a number of very creative suggestions in previous weeks.  You never know who’s reading or what kind of traction these ideas could generate.  So have at it!

46 thoughts on “Senate Recruitment Thread #4 (OR, SC, TN, TX, VA & WY)”

  1. Virginia should be top tier, Popular Ex-Govenor Mark Warner or Governor Kaine would give Senator Warner a run.
    Warner was insainly popular as governor and is probibly the better candidate as Kaine rode in on his coattails though he might be eyeing the VP sweepstakes. Kaine is not quite as popular, a mere 54/36% in the latest poll

  2. A bit off topic, but does anyone know if Ken Jennings is a Democrat?  If so, he’d be a great challenger to Bennett in 2010.  I know, very far down the road, but one can never look too far ahead.

  3. At some point, he is gonna run.  Unfortunately, I don’t think it will be this round.  I have a feeling he’s got a few more years left in his music career and then he runs for office.

  4. Bill White – Would be my first choice.  However, many believe he’s opting for the governor’s race in 2010.  Hopefully he goes for this seat.  If Hutchison comes home early in 2010 to run for governor, she would probably be hard to beat, if she survived the primary.  I think this race would be the better choice for him.  A popular Houston mayor who could conceivably draw the support of moderate Republicans and business.

    Henry Cuellar – Hey, he’s not my cup of tea either, but by him going for this seat, it would free it up for another Democrat that would probably vote, well, Democratically more often.  He is a good fit for a statewide run, though.  Moderate enough to be viable and turnout in South Texas could be large.  He has a good operation in place, it seems.

    John Sharp – Almost won Lt. Gov.’s race in 02 and has a statewide network, but not sure if he’d rather go for governor in 2010, as well.  I personally hope he’s not the nominee.

    Jim Turner – Former East Texas congressman who was a DeLay target in the gerrymandering fiasco.  If I remember correctly, he actually has a somewhat sizable warchest left.  He is probably saving it up for a statewide run of some sort.

    Barbara Ann Radnofsky – I really do love BAR.  She admirably took on Hutchison this year and I applaud her.  Tenacious, well-rounded on issues, kind, and GREAT debater.  This woman needs to be in DC representing Texans, but I actually hope she goes for Culberson in the Texas-07.  I would hate for her to make a primary run, in what would almost assuredly be a primary filled w/ more formidable Democrats than just Gene Kelly, and kill her chances for future office and make her be perceived as a “perennial” candidate.  I think that the Culberson race would be great for her.  Take him out (if ran extremely well, with a great innovative team), serve a few terms in the House, and then go for the Senate in 2012, where she really wants to be.  She just needs people surrounding her and advising her campaign who are up to her level and can get her to where she has the utmost potential of being.

    I think there is also talk of Richard Morrison (DeLay’s 2004 opponent) getting in the race.  As well as Nick Lampson, figuring that in 2008 his time in that district is up and he might as well try and go statewide.  I don’t think Ron Kirk (Cornyn’s ’02 foe) will get in this one.  Also, there is talk of Dallas mayor Laura Miller jumping in, however, I believe I read somewhere that after her term is up, she has no future political aspirations, but many say that, lol.  If Julian Castro would have taken the San Antonio mayoral race last year, I think that might have propelled him into this race.  Although, I’m positive that he’ll be elected to an office of some sort very soon.

    Just my two cents.

    I guess it took me that long to basically say that Bill White is my top choice for this race, but I’m not sure if he’s leaning towards this one or the 2010 governor’s race.


  5. Oregon: St. Sen Bob Westlund-D

    17) South Carolina: Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr.-D

    18) Tennessee: Harold Ford Jr.0D

    19) Texas: Someone with Lots of Money and a Texas accent.

    20) Virginia: Forner Gov. Mark Warner-D, Gov. Tim Kaine-D, Former Gov. & Mayor Doug Wilder-D, Cong. Bobby Scott-D VA-03

    21) Wyoming:  Dale Groutage D?? or Someone with Lots of Money and a Wyoming accent.

  6. Rep. Rick Noriega. His wife is rumored to run for Shelly DraculaCunt Gibbs City Council seat and she served for her husband in the lege while he was off serving in Afghanistan (I believe it was). Noriega got major props in Houston with the hurricane relief effort, probably close behind Bill White (who, yes, is more interested in Governor say Houston sources).

    If I were to have to pick a surprise candidate, I’d say it’s him. My thoughts have been that a clean Hispanic candidate like him, Juan Garcia (who originally was going to run against Sen. Hutchison, or Rep. Pete Gallego (who I hear has an eye out for something grander as well)… someone like these candidates are what we should look for to run statewide. I feel they can appeal to the growing Hispanic base in Texas which will come back to the fold and out for Democrats if they identify with the candidate, while at the same time being proven leaders to white voters.

    It’s along those lines that Tony Sanchez failed in both areas. He has lots of money, but the Hispanics didn’t identify with him excessively (though they did turn out) and the whites didn’t trust him either.

    His bio is here. If there is someone I could seriously get behind that isn’t a sellout like Cuellar, this would be awesome.

  7. Gov. Phil Bredesen would probably have the best chance of anyone against Lamar Alexander.

    One unusual consideration might be that Tennessee’s Lt. Governor John Wilder is 85 years old and has been in office for 36 years and would succeed Bredesen if he won the Senate race.

  8. OR-Kitzhaber says he’s out, so we should turn to one of the dem reps there.  I honestly know next-to-nothing about OR politics, but with Smith’s about-face, we need someone who was right about Iraq from day 1

    SC-If Graham survives a likely primary challenge, then he’ll be really tough to beat, but if he loses and we get an open seat, maybe the woman who ran against DeMint, a former dem governor, or Congressman John Spratt could win.

    TN-Not Harold Ford Jr.  If you can’t beat a bad opponent, you can’t beat a good one.  Any of the conservative dem reps would stand a chance, and Bredesen would kick Alexander’s ass.

    TX-We really have a shot at this one.  Even though he’s a Ben Nelson democrat, I say go for Henry Cuellar.  My only concern is whether a hispanic can win statewide on a top-ballot race in TX, but if we get good turnout in South Texas, he should be able to win.

    VA-Warner is still popular, but the other Warner (Mark) could definitely beat him.  On the off chance he forgoes reelection, we have a huge shot at taking this.  I don’t think Kaine could beat Warner, Doug Wilder is a possibility, but has he shown any interest?

    WY-Freudenthal is the only one with a chance at winning.

  9. Oregon – Well, Kitzhaber is out.  Is Blumenauer’s district safe?  I would say Blumenauer and then DeFazio, but I wouldn’t want a Congressman to run, unless their seats were easy to defend.  Westlund is a Democrat now, yes?  That could work.  I know everyone always says Blumenauer or DeFazio, but how about Wu?  Is he viable statewide, or just not interested?

    My choice: Blumenauer

    South Carolina – A pretty decent candidate needs to be in place, on the off-chance that Graham is taken out in the primary.  Would Tenenbaum run again, or does she want a re-match with DeMint two years later?  Possibly Moore from this year’s gubernatorial race?

    My choice: Have no knowledge whatsoever about SC politics.

    Tennessee – I think Bredesen would be great.  Do any of you TN folks know if he’d go for it?  Ford would be strong as well, but don’t lots of folks think he might go for the governor’s mansion in 2010?  If Bredesen doesn’t get in, I guess Ford should make another go at it.

    My choice: Bredesen

    Texas – Wrote enough about this upthread, lol.

    My choice: If either White or Noriega are interested.  Both would be great.

    Virginia – Would Warner actually go after elder Warner again?  I mean, I think Mark would probably win if he ran, but is there any sign that he’d choose this race over the ’09 gubernatorial one?  Hell, I hope he does run, because I’m not aware of VA’s bench.  Anyone besides Warner (or Kaine) who could take down Warner?  ANy ambitious state senator or statewide officer-holder?

    My choice: Warner

    Wyoming – I really don’t see Freudenthal going for it.  I guess the size of the district would be the same for Trauner when he ran for the House, any chance he’d go for it?  Is Enzi anywhere near as vulnerable as Cubin was?  I thought, a few months back, I read of a young state senator from Casper or somewhere that was interested.  Any one know who I am speaking of, because I’ve forgotten, lol.

    My choice: Trauner

  10. Ben Westlund, Republican turned Independant state senator who flirted with running for governor before endorsing Dem Kulongoski, just joined the Democratic caucus; doesn’t this sound like a prelude to a statewide race of SOME sort in the near future?  Remember, only one Republican in a dozen years has won statewide in Oregon: Gordon Smith.  I think Westlund would be a really strong candidate, with a geographic base in the deep red eastern part of the state and positions reminiscent of popular maverick governors from the 60’s.

    As for the Congressional Delegation, we would have a hard time losing the 3rd and the 1st districts (Blumenauer and Wu), but Blumenauer is a lot happier in the House than he would be in the Senate, and Wu is neither a terribly strong candidate nor someone we’d really love to see in the Senate.  I think the stronger candidate from the House would be the 4th’s fiestier Peter DeFazio, but his district could be a harder hold: Cook calls in D + 0.1%.

  11. Just a listing with lots of possibles and the not so probable. (In alphabetical order)

    Troy Aikman, former Dallas Cowboys quarterback

    Rafael Anchia, State Representative

    Joaquin Castro, State Representatives

    Julian Castro, former San Antonio City Councilman

    Henry Cisneros, former San Antonio Mayor and HUD Secretary

    Henry Cuellar, Congressman

    Martin Frost, former Congressman

    Phyllis George, former Miss America

    Juan Garcia, State Representative

    Art Hall, San Antonio City Councilman

    Jim Hightower, former Texas Ag Commissioner

    Tommy Lee Jones, actor

    Ron Kirk, former Dallas Mayor and ’02 candidate

    Eva Longoria, actress

    Matthew McConaughey, actor

    Laura Miller, Dallas Mayor

    Rick Noriega, State Representative

    Barbara Ann Radnofsky, ’06 candidate

    Max Sandlin, former Congressman

    John Sharp, former State Comptroller

    Jim Turner, former Congressman

    Kirk Watson, State Senator

    Bill White, Houston Mayor

    Renee Zellweger, actress

  12. How about retired Lt. General Claudia Kennedy for VA Senate? She was the first woman ever to serve as a three-star general in the U.S. army. She thought about challenging John Warner in 2002, but decided against it. Downside: She’s not close with Jim Webb, having endorsed Harris Miller, his primary opponent, based on Webb’s comments about women in the military.

  13. So, how about we compile a comprehensive list with all of our ideas for candidates and send it on over to Schumer and the DSCC?

    Also, is there any talk of any of our twelve 2008 seats being open and needing challengers?  I know that Biden and Kerry might open their seats and go for president, but Mass. has a deep bench and Biden’s son would probably take his daddy’s seat.  How about South Dakota, is it too soon to be talking about whether of not Johnson will run again?  If he does decide to retire, would Herseth have a good shot at keeping the seat?  Any other possible open seats, from our side?

    Anyways, this Senate series has been really enjoyable.  Any chance we’ll see a Governor or House edition??

    1. Really, I think the significance of Westlund’s party switch is that, even with incumbancy, it would be hard to go to his Eastern Oregon district and ask them to reelect him as a Democrat, leaving him with no choice but to run statewide.  Even if he decides to run against Smith or another statewide office, he wouldn’t be able to get a majority of votes east of the Cascade Mountains as a Democrat, but he can get more than a Blumenauer would be able to, and that might be enough to put him over the edge.

  14. Yeah, in Oregon, how about Art Alexakis, the lead singer of Everclear? He’s a Democrat, and served as one of Oregon’s delegates to the Democratic convention in 2000 I think. He could generate a lot of free media… although some “Volvo Drivin’ Soccer Mom” might take his song of that title personally…

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