NM-01, NM-03: Heinrich, Lujan Lead in New Primary Polls

Research & Polling Inc. (5/20-22, likely voters):


Martin Heinrich (D): 34

Rebecca Vigil-Giron (D): 23

Michelle Lujan Grisham (D): 10

Robert Pidcock (D): 4

Undecided: 29

(MoE: ±5)

The big news here is Vigil-Giron’s second place showing. Most had assumed that Heinrich’s more immediate competition would have been Lujan Grisham, as she has far outpaced Vigil-Giron in fundraising. However, Vigil-Giron is a former New Mexico Secretary of State, and her name recognition clearly is counting for something, despite her next-to-nil funding.


Ben Ray Lujan (D): 29

Don Wiviott (D): 23

Undecided: 33

(MoE: ±4.5)

There are a few other names in this contest (including the despicable Benny Shendo, Jr.), but apparently Lujan and Wiviott’s numbers were the only ones worth writing about.

Primary: June 3rd

(Hat-tip: New Mexico FBIHOP)

21 thoughts on “NM-01, NM-03: Heinrich, Lujan Lead in New Primary Polls”

  1. My memory is bad sometimes, don’t most of you dislike Heinrich? Please refresh. I read so much on political sites, that its hard to absorb it all.

  2. I am curious how it turns out there.  That may be a sleeper race for us.  

    I am a bit worried about NM-01.  This is a district we absolutely should win, but White was a rare strong get for the NRCC.  I wish I had a better feeling for the race, but I admit I do not know Heinrich terribly well.  

    Anyone from NM have any thoughts about the likely Heinrich-White match-up?

  3. at winning NM-01.  He’s a top tier candidate, but I see little reason to think we’ll lose this one given the current political environment.  With Obama and Udall looking at big wins in NM I can’t see us losing this one.  

  4. scary that a total conservative hack like Vigil-Giron is doing so strongly.

    Also it’s interesting to see how close NM-03 is. Wiviott has put almost one and a half million dollars of his own money into the race. Lujan has also run a strong campaign. It’s probably a real toss up at this point.

    I want to see numbers for the second district.

  5. In my opinion Rebecca is the only democrat who can win the Hispanic vote. I really like her message and her pledge to stay positive in the campaign.  

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