5 thoughts on “OK-SEN: Rice raises 451k, 748k COH”

  1. That seems kind of low for a Senate race. Especially considering people like Mike McMahon and Dan Seals raised that much running for Congress. Maybe OK is just inexpensive though…

  2. DCCC “red to blue” races, which means funders are given the greenlight by the DCCC to give to them. For now, Rice’s race against Inhofe is not a top tier race. So raising $1.4 Million over all is not too bad for such a red state as Oklahoma.

  3. I gave last week to Rice as a former Okie I worked the political scene from 1989 to 1995 and saw the shift from conservative Dem to right wing red and would love to see Inhofe defeated.  I was suprised the Dem. Gov. not go after Inhofe but I am thinking he will go after Coburn.  For such a great state it is very sad to have not one but TWO of the dumbest and ignorant US Senators in recent times at the SAME time!!

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