AZ-03: Shadegg Caught Lying in Lost Credit Card Coverup

We posted earlier about the bizarre case of Arizona GOP Rep. John Shadegg’s campaign credit card being discovered on the floor of the Arizona Democratic Party’s headquarters. Shadegg’s campaign rushed out an email in response saying that a “volunteer” accidentally dropped the card while paying for an Obama bumper sticker (on a total whim). That seemed like a pretty odd explanation (to be generous), but the Arizona Democratic Party just rushed out this release exposing a few holes in that story. Once again, here is the release in full:

Lost and Found, Part Two: The TRUTH About John Shadegg’s Campaign Credit Card

John Shadegg’s campaign isn’t being honest.

MYTH: According to both John Shadegg’s campaign manager and spokeswoman, a campaign “volunteer” accidently dropped John Shadegg’s campaign credit card at an Arizona Democratic Party office while purchasing a bumper sticker. (AP, 10/20/08; PolitickerAZ, 10/20/08)

FACT: Shadegg’s so-called “volunteer,” Ryan Anderson, is actually Shadegg’s deputy campaign manager. (Yellow Sheet Report, 9/10/08)

MYTH: Shadegg’s campaign “volunteer” entered the Democratic office to purchase a bumper sticker. (AP, 10/20/08; PolitickerAZ, 10/20/08)

FACT: Shadegg’s deputy campaign manager did not purchase a bumper sticker. The Democratic Party requires that individuals fill out contribution forms when they buy bumper stickers, but has no record of a purchase by Ryan Anderson.

STATEMENT: “John Shadegg’s campaign is being dishonest,” said Maria Weeg, Executive Director of the Arizona Democratic Party. “Shadegg’s deputy campaign manager entered our office, likely to spy on supporters of Bob Lord’s campaign for change and attempt to obtain confidential information on Lord’s strategy. Congressman John Shadegg should make clear whether he condones his campaign’s behavior and whether he will continue to employ the individuals responsible for spying on the people of Arizona.”


1) Why would an employee of both John Shadegg’s congressional office and his campaign provide a “volunteer” with the campaign’s credit card?

2) Why did John Shadegg’s campaign claim that Ryan Anderson is a “volunteer” when in fact he is Shadegg’s deputy campaign manager?

3) Why would John Shadegg’s deputy campaign manager purchase a Democratic bumper sticker?

4) Did John Shadegg’s deputy campaign manager access any information in the office or remove any materials – and, if so, will he return this information and materials?

5) Does Congressman John Shadegg condone his campaign’s behavior and will he continue to employ the individuals responsible for spying on the people of Arizona?

23 thoughts on “AZ-03: Shadegg Caught Lying in Lost Credit Card Coverup”

  1. It is very hard to read the truth now, and sounds very scandalous.  You’d think that might get the spotlight out.  

  2.    What kind of “volunteer” gets to use the campaign’s credit card?!  I want to “volunteer” for the Shadegg campaign too.  You have no idea how much Democratic stuff I would buy with that card.  


  3. You know, whenever I lose a card, the bank cancels the card (and any other card on the same account) and issues replacements, about a week later.

    If the Arizona DNC wanted to have fun, they could basically shut down Shadegg’s purchasing power for a week.

  4. I will answer these questions for you guys since it is easier to be a democrat rather than to work.

    1. To purchase supplies for the campaign.  DUh!!!

    2. Ryan Anderson volunteered himself to be a campaign manager, thus he is a volunteer.  

    3. Because he has the right to vote for whoever he wants and he has the right to make that purchase.  I am sorry we don’t live in a communist society that most of you wish we had.

    4.  Ok is Ryan Anderson a special op like Jason Bourne who can steal information right out of the hands of this campaign office.  The answer is no.  

    5.  Actually you guys are already making accusations that this was true when it is not.  I mean do you guys want to explain ACORN and offer the people of Arizona an apology.  

    Next time have an adult or someone who has an elementary education to write better questions next time.

    I like this though because you guys are wasting time on a issue that the people of Arizona don’t care about so please continue to waste your time, we can’t afford more democrats in office…

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