First off why hasn’t the DCCC been spending more hitting this guy? There seems to be a total lack of the hustle we showed in TX-23 in 2006.
First off, Fleming has been forced by the lack of any type of supporter base to self-fund himself to the degree of 900,000 of 1.3 million total. He’s a doctor from Minden, a small community near Shreveport. Why isn’t Carmouche running away with this seat? Republicans only got a third tier candidate, and he, Jeff Thompson, who had all the infrastructure support of McCrery and the Chamber of Commerce, lost to this guy. Fleming had to go through a lot nastier primary, how has Carmouche not capitlized on this?
First off though, you should be concerned that Fleming could be a congressman. Fleming supports abolishing Social Security and our fairly weighted tax system in favor of a high national sales tax that would hurt poor and middle class people the most while largely allowed wealthy blessed people like him, that can waste a million dollars on a vanity congressional run and complain about high taxes at the same time, to be able to have to pay almost no taxes. A few thousand dollars at most, even if he makes six hundred thousand dollars or more.
Why are we not targeting this? Republicans really want this. The Republican Study Committee in the house has held fundraisers, Dick Cheney has come down, and the RCCC is spending heavily here. But the DCCC is just ah, so so here. They’re not spending much, or organizing much with staff. Where’s Clinton and others here? Where’s the hustles and fundraisers? Fleming is the definition of a far-right nucase and this isa great, rare opportunity, very rare opportunity, for Democrats to go after an open seat in Louisiana. Republicans are trying to held this far right doctor sneak in agianst the best interest of his district. He’ll work non-stop to block healthcare reform, and he will try to put forward his crazy ideas on social security and the tax system. Come on people, slacken up a bit, start working, both Carmouche, us, and the DCCC, John Fleming is about the worst Congressman a district could have, come on we cannot let Republicans end their year with a bright spot, holding a conservative open seat with a nutcase., we cannot give them the mo going into the 2009 elections and 2010 elections. Republicans are working harder than us here, because they now how important it is to win it. Same in Georgia. We’re becoming apathetic again, and that is my fear; that we’ll become a complacent party that no longer cares about competing in tough places and that’s the first step back down.
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