Last week I wrote about a new crowdsourcing project we’re undertaking here at SSP: compiling presidential voting results by congressional district. Here’s a quick status report:
We’ve figured out ways to calculated pres-by-CD for a little over half the states. See this spreadsheet, which anyone can edit.
However, there are many states where we don’t have a planned method for calculating the numbers. If you have thoughts about how to figure out those states, please add them (and any links you have to official or soon-to-be-official results).
Separately, if you’ve started doing work on some actual numbers, I strongly encourage you to share that work in separate Google spreadsheets. I’ve added a new column on the right in the “mothership” spreadsheet called “Calculations.” Please post URLs to any other spreadsheets you’ve created to crunch the data.
And if you have any other ideas for this project, please share them here in comments. Thanks!
UPDATE: Here’s a very simple example of what I mean by “showing your work.” The CT SoS very kindly makes raw presidential vote totals by CD available – you can see them in this PDF. I’ve uploaded a Google spreadsheet into which I’ve imported those numbers from the PDF, then did some super-simple math to calculate the percentages in each district.
Even if you’re working with something more complicated like counties or precincts, you can and should create something similar to my CT sheet. That way, everyone can see what data you’re using and verify that things look right.
UPDATE 2: Thanks to an awesome find by statsgeek, I put together a spreadsheet for MN as well. There are two tabs – “Formatted Data” is just a pretty condensed version of the raw data, which you can see in all its glory in the second tab. The state of MN actually made this extremely easy, going so far as to calculate the percentages each candidate got. It was just a matter of parsing the file properly and digging out the right numbers.