State Sen. Tom White filed papers today to form an exploratory committee to run for congress in Nebraska’s second district as a Democrat against Republican Lee Terry. He sent out an email to supporters and posted a diary at DailyKos announcing the filing, putting an emphasis on health care reform and jobs. Senator White was previously mentioned here on SSP which seems to have caught White’s attention – it’s the first post listed in his candidate website newsroom, followed by stories from Roll Call, the Omaha World Herald, and the progressive blog New Nebraska Network (where he also posted an announcement diary today).
White’s official press release lists his legislative accomplishments as follows:
Passed the Taxpayer Transparency Act, which will cut wasteful spending by putting Nebraska’s checkbook online for taxpayers to monitor spending and tax incentives.
Passed legislation to add screen names and email addresses to sex offender registry, giving parents important tools to keep their kids safe online.
Passed legislation to create quality jobs by increasing the research and development tax credit for research conducted at colleges and universities in Nebraska.
Passed legislation to increase access to affordable healthcare by allowing 20-somethings to stay on their parents insurance.
As a member of the Revenue Committee, was involved in eliminating the marriage penalty in the state income tax and the state estate tax.
Passed the Military Family Leave Act to help spouses and families of those on active duty. It also bars employers from discriminating against those called to active duty.

we need more challenges like this in winnable districts…..the saying goes the best defense is a good offense and if we keep the Republicans on their heels in districts like this one, they won’t be able to target many of our more vulnerable members.