Redistricting App: New Features, New Data

Partisan Data a la Jeffmd is now available for TX and CA. Similar to NY, you have to click the “Use Test Data” checkbox near the top right before you select the state. These have newer population data (2008 I think) and the presidential data.

Secondly, I added 2 features: “Demographics by color” and “Partisan by color.” These are checkboxes in the Show section. Each colors all districts in the state according to demographics or partisan data.

More below the fold.

About the features….

When you click “Demographics by color, each district is colored by creating an RGB (Red, Green Blue) color like this: the percentage of the population that is White gives the Red value, the percentage Hispanic gives a Green value and the percentage of Black population gives a Blue value. The combination is the result. So districts that are redder have larger white populations, greener larger Hispanic populations and bluer larger Black population. I did not factor in Asian, Native American or Other population into the color. (I just tried to keep it simple for now.) You’ll notice sometimes districts colored black. That’s usually a large majority Native American district (the color value is 0, which is black). Some districts are colored white, which is the case when there is no population.

For “Partisan by color” It’s simply blue for the Democratic pct, Red for the Republican pct, and Green for Other.

Note: the Show Selected Old and New is shortened to Show Old/New CD. The coloring for this is now messed up, which has to do with other fixes I made, which are.

Fixes: (1) you should no longer see those weird dead zone triangles. I fixed the polygons. Except this messes up the Show Old/New CD and also the maps created by Save Maps.

(2) panning when you are way zoomed in is now slower and easier.

Note: if you already tried the California partisan data, you’ll need to manually delete the file vt06_d00_data_spec.csv in your Silverlight...mangled directory names…DaveRedistrictingCalifornia directory to force a reload of the corrected file from the server. (The first file had Hispanic and Other mixed up; the second still had some negative numbers; third time’s the charm).


14 thoughts on “Redistricting App: New Features, New Data”

  1. when the real location of the Pope Elementary School precinct in Hawaii (which is on Oahu and shown on a desert island) is known, then the two fun things one could do with a Hawaii map can be done (neither of which are Congressional maps, ha).

    I also like the different colors for precincts with high minority populations and a white majority.

    But the Arizona map is a bit festive, and I didn’t know how large the Native American majority south of Phoenix was (doesn’t seem to be too populated but it’s large).

  2. This makes redistricting GA very interesting but there are quite a few 0 population polygons on the map. Any idea what’s going on here?

  3. I only have one complaint, which I remember someone else bringing up in another thread but didn’t see any replies. Namely that in California, sometimes when you fill in a precinct, it also colors a piece of land far away, which really messes me up (especially in some areas like Santa Clara County). Is there some way around this?

    Other than that I am more than happy. Again, thanks so much!

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