CT-04: Himes Outraises Shays

There are a lot of reasons to like Jim Himes, not the least of which is his remarkable hustle against Chris Shays in the second quarter of 2007:

Jim Himes (D): $352K raised
Chris Shays (R-inc.): $280K raised, $364K cash-on-hand

Of course, it’ll take a lot more than just giant sacks full of money to topple the slippery Shays, but Himes has shown some savvy at this early stage in the game.  Check out his recent liveblog at DailyKos (a great and enjoyable read) for more.

UPDATE: From a Jim Himes press release tonight:

Jim Himes Statement on Chris Shays’ Vote Today Against the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act

Stamford, CT — Affordable housing executive, businessman and Democratic Congressional candidate Jim Himes issued the following statement today in response to Chris Shays’ vote against HR 2956, the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act, which requires the Secretary of Defense to begin the redeployment of troops from Iraq within 120 days, limiting our presence in Iraq by April 1, 2008. 

“Chris Shays’ vote today is a betrayal of the trust of the people of the 4th Congressional District.  Rep. Shays promised voters last year that he would support a timeline for troop withdrawal from Iraq, but since the election, not only has he failed to support timelines for ending the war, he has enthusiastically supported President Bush’s escalation of the war.

“Since the so-called “surge” supported by Shays began earlier this year, nearly 600 more American troops have been killed in Iraq.  While Chris Shays continues to support spending $329 million dollars a day in Iraq with no end in sight, he is neglecting the real needs of the people of the 4th Congressional District.

“Today, Rep. Shays called again for a new Iraq Study Group report, while disregarding the most important recommendation of the Iraq Study Group: to end major combat operations in Iraq by spring 2008. Rep. Shays’ vote today not only goes against ISG recommendations, it is in direct violation of his campaign promise to the people of the 4th District.  After 5 years of Chris Shays steadfastly supporting Bush’s failed Iraq policy, it’s time for a change.”

More like this, please.

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