NH-SEN: Novak Says Shaheen 70% In

If Bob Novak is correct, then John Sununu must be looking for a new pair of pants. The Prince of Darkness is reporting that Former Governor Jeanne Shaheen is very likely to enter the Senate race.

New Hampshire: Former Gov. Jeanne Shaheen (D) and her husband are telling supporters that she there is about a 70 percent chance that she will run for Senate against Sen. John Sununu (R). There is no need for her to move too quickly, since the state is currently consumed with presidential politics, and she already has universal name recognition there.

I hope she announces soon so the other canddiates can decide what to do. Until Shaheen confirms this herself, I wil continue to support Steve Marchand. Either way, New Hampshire is looking blue in 2008.

7 thoughts on “NH-SEN: Novak Says Shaheen 70% In”

  1. Just because there are polls showing that Sununu is vulnerable I won’t believe Shaheen has a chance. She couldn’t beat him for the then open seat while she was still the sitting governor. Also look at http://robboyce.com/

  2. if not for the phoneblocking scam the repubs set up in 2002.  plus 2002 was a very republican year.

  3. . . . but I actually hope that Shaheen will not be his ultimate opponent.  Her high polling numbers at this juncture probably reflect name recognition.  I have my qualms about Shaheen being too cautious a campaigner.  Remember, she was all in favor of Kerry keeping silent during the Swiftboat Liars’ attack . . . not to mention being in favor of the war back in ’02.  In my opinion, our best shot at taking Sununu down is to bring in a youthful, energetic candidate like Steve Marchand, who has been against the war from the get-go, and whose sharp mind and charisma can galvanize voters.  It is my personal view that Shaheen is old news, exactly the type of over-cautious Democrat whose play-it-safe campaign lands us in defeat even when victory is easily within reach.

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