I feel not very bad after all. Maybe because I’m a positive person what find always the good part of the situation.
They are some results what touch my mind. But they are not very much:
Turn me off
WI-ST D Sass
MN-08 J Oberstar
IL-10 D Seals
NH-02 A Kuster
and if the democratic candidates lose, OR-Gov J Kitzhaber, WA-02 R Larsen and NY-25 D Maffei would be in this group too.
Turn me on
SECOND LEVEL (little less surprise):
Turn me off
IL-Sen A Giannoulias
IA-SS M Mauro
VT-SA D Hoffer
Turn me on
IL-Gov P Quinn
IL-LG S Simon
NY-23 W Owens
My prediction works not bad in this level. I tell 5 but finally can be 6 seats because WA seems to go by the right way.
Illinois is the state where I fail. And it is sad lose this seat because I think we lose cause of have not the strongest candidate.
R Feingold and J Sestak finally lose and this is an important coup to the democrats from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. They can not keep the seats despite they run with their best but the year was too bad for it. Still, I think both can return in a better year.
Sometimes I tell M Beeve would be the candidate what can keep the seat in Arkansas this year, but I have to admit that the challenge was hard. I think E Bayh would not keep his seat against the more prominent republicans from his home state.
This was my last prediction:
Republican gains = 5
ND-Sen (- 45.00%)
IN-Sen (- 18.25%)
AR-Sen (- 16.00%) B Lincoln
WI-Sen (- 05.50%) R Feingold
PA-Sen (- 03.25%)Democratic gains = 0
—Other interesting races in single digits
KY-Sen (- 08.75%)
MO-Sen (- 07.25%)
AK-Sen (- 04.75%)
CO-Sen (+ 00.75%) M Bennet
NV-Sen (+ 01.00%) H Reid
IL-Sen (+ 02.50%) A Giannoulias
WV-Sen (+ 03.50%) J Manchin
WA-Sen (+ 04.00%) P Murray
CA-Sen (+ 08.50%) B Boxer
CT-Sen (+ 09.00%) R BlumenthalThe percentage is for McAdams under the first republican. My numbers gives Murkowsky leading still, Miller – 00.75% and McAdams – 4.75%.
Still can be too early for talk about the gubernatorial races, but it would be a pretty good result if we can keep the gubernatorial race in Oregon, winning too Illinois, Minnesota and Connecticut. If someone of these races goes to the republican side will be a disappointing moment for me.
I’m so happy of be wrong about P Quinn in the gubernatorial election of Illinois. Just this was one of the surprises with higher power for turn me on.
I would like L Chafee join the democratic team fast. The people back him and they are not reasons for continue as independent in one of the bluest states. RI-Gov must be a new gain for the democrats.
My last prediction was:
Republican gains = 13
WY-Gov (- 32.33%)
KS-Gov (- 31.00%)
TN-Gov (- 25.75%)
MI-Gov (- 15.75%)
OK-Gov (- 14.75%)
IA-Gov (- 11.25%) C Culver
ME-Gov (- 09.25%)
NM-Gov (- 07.75%)
PA-Gov (- 07.25%)
WI-Gov (- 06.00%)
IL-Gov (- 04.75%) P Quinn
OH-Gov (- 03.00%) T Strickland
FL-Gov (- 00.25%) (republican gain from Independents)“Democratic” gains = 5 + 1
CT-Gov (= 00.00%) D Malloy
VT-Gov (+ 02.33%) P Shumlin
HI-Gov (+ 04.25%) N Abercrombie
MN-Gov (+ 05.00%) M Dayton
CA-Gov (+ 06.75%) J Brown
RI-Gov (+ 08.50%) L Chafee (Ind) (over Robitaille)Other interesting races in single digits
AZ-Gov (- 09.25%)
GA-Gov (- 08.00%)
SC-Gov (- 07.50%)
OR-Gov (+ 02.75%) J Kitzhaber
CO-Gov (+ 05.00%) J Hickenlooper
MA-Gov (+ 06.25%) D Patrick
Here my numbers give the worst results with difference. I was right about the seats what I give as republican gains or retentions except for NY-23, HI-01 and maybe VA-11, but my numbers tell what the democratic side would keep other seats what finally lose.
Like for all the groups I bold emphasize the races where my numbers fail. Still they are more what I include not in the list because my numbers give high single digits of advantage to the incumbent party. I talk explicitly about AL-02 in my prediction but they are more like ID-01, NY-13, NY-24, VA-09 and MN-08. Maybe NY-25 too.
Some house races are without call still but I take the leading candidate as favored for this analysis.
Just MN-08 gives one of the results what I take worse with IL-10 and NH-02. Minnesota appears as an easy state by many months and we can see in the final results a strong enthusiasm gap.
This was my last prediction for this group:
Republican gains = 45
TN-06 (<- 10.00%) (double digits for the republican)
KS-03 (<- 10.00%)
LA-03 (<- 10.00%)
IN-08 (- 18.50%)
FL-02 (- 16.50%) A Boyd
NY-29 (- 15.50%)
AR-02 (- 14.25%)
TN-08 (- 11.50%)
GA-08 (- 10.75%) J Marshall
IL-11 (- 10.75%) D Halvorson
TX-17 (- 10.25%) C Edwards
PA-03 (- 10.25%) K Dahlkemper
NH-01 (- 10.00%) C Shea-Porter
OH-16 (- 09.67%) J Boccieri
OH-01 (- 09.00%) S Driehaus
WI-08 (- 08.00%) S Kagen
OH-15 (- 07.75%) M Kilroy
WA-03 (- 07.50%)
WI-07 (- 07.50%)
PA-07 (- 07.25%)
FL-24 (- 06.67%) S Kosmas
VA-02 (- 06.25%) G Nye
MI-01 (- 06.00%)
CO-04 (- 04.67%) B Markey
MS-01 (- 04.50%) T Childers
MD-01 (- 04.50%) F Kratovil
VA-05 (- 04.50%) T Perriello
CO-03 (- 04.50%) J Salazar
NM-02 (- 04.25%) H Teague
FL-08 (- 04.25%) A Grayson
AR-01 (- 04.00%)
TX-27 (- 04.00%) S Ortiz
TX-23 (- 03.33%) C Rodriguez
PA-10 (- 02.75%) C Carney
IL-17 (- 02.25%) P Hare
NV-03 (- 02.00%) C Titus
NY-23 (- 01.75%) W Owens
NY-20 (- 01.50%) S Murphy
NJ-03 (- 01.00%) J Adler
VA-11 (- 01.00%) G Connolly
AZ-01 (- 00.75%) A Kirkpatrick
IL-14 (- 00.50%) W Foster
SC-05 (- 00.25%) J Spratt
PA-08 (- 00.25%) P Murphy
MI-07 (= 00.00%) M SchauerDemocratic gains = 4
FL-25 (+ 01.25%) J Garcia
IL-10 (+ 03.50%) D Seals
DE-AL (+ 12.00%) J Carney
LA-02 (+ 13.75%) C RichmondOther interesting races in low single digits
AZ-03 (- 02.00%)
HI-01 (- 01.25%)
FL-12 (- 00.50%)
NY-19 (+ 00.25%) J Hall
OH-06 (+ 00.33%) C Wilson
MA-10 (+ 00.50%) W Keating
MI-09 (+ 00.67%) G Peeters
ND-AL (+ 01.00%) E Pomeroy
SD-AL (+ 01.00%) S Herseth-Sandlin
NC-02 (+ 01.00%) R Etheridge
CA-11 (+ 01.00%) G McNerney
OR-05 (+ 01.00%) K Schrader
CT-04 (+ 01.00%) J Himes
AZ-05 (+ 01.25%) H Mitchell
PA-12 (+ 01.25%) M Critz
PA-11 (+ 01.25%) P Kanjorski
CA-20 (+ 01.33%) J Costa
TN-04 (+ 02.50%) L Davis
IL-08 (+ 02.50%) M Bean
NH-02 (+ 02.50%) A Kuster
WA-02 (+ 02.50%) R Larsen
FL-22 (+ 03.00%) R Klein
CO-07 (+ 03.00%) E Perlmutter
GA-02 (+ 03.25%) S Bishop
MS-04 (+ 03.33%) G Taylor
IN-09 (+ 03.33%) B Hill
OH-13 (+ 03.50%) B Sutton
OH-18 (+ 04.00%) Z Space
AZ-08 (+ 04.00%) G Giffords
NM-01 (+ 04.25%) M Heinrich
WV-01 (+ 04.50%) M Oliverio
MO-04 (+ 05.00%) I Skelton
My numbers tell NC-07, AL-02 and NC-08 are in high single digits.They are 25 races between 0 and -5 and 31 between 0 and +5. The majority in the House is still in play. It is time of fight hard until the last day.
Here my point is so close with the gubernatorial races with few differences. As example, they are not Lieutenant Governor in Oregon. That mean I also feel not bad about this group.
My numbers again work so well in this group, but fail for AL-LG race, and maybe for IL-LG (running in the same ticket that the governor). J Folsom is affected by the wave like many house members running in R+ districts.
My last prediction for this group was:
Republican gains = 10
LA-LG (<- 10.00%)
KS-LG (- 31.00%)
MI-LG (- 15.75%)
OK-LG (- 12.00%)
IA-LG (- 11.25%) P Judge
NM-LG (- 07.75%)
WI-LG (- 06.00%)
IL-LG (- 04.75%)
OH-LG (- 03.00%)
AR-LG (- 02.33%)Democratic gains = 4
CT-LG (= 00.00%) N Wyman
HI-LG (+ 04.25%) B Schatz
MN-LG (+ 05.00%) Y Prettner Solon
CA-LG (+ 06.50%) G NewsomOther interesting races in single digits
PA-LG (- 07.25%)
VT-LG (- 05.00%)
SC-LG (- 04.00%)
FL-LG (- 00.25%)
MA-LG (+ 06.25%) T Murray
AL-LG (+ 06.33%) J Folsom
This is the code for some statewide offices included in this box (quote):
AG=Attorney General
SS=Secretary of State
ST=State Treasurer
SC=State Comptroller
SA=State Auditor
IC=Insurance Commissioner
CL=Commissioner of LaborFor this group again my numbers work so well. I have 5 mistakes in my prediction. The biggest surprise is WI-ST, but this is a relative surprise looking to the other prospects and results for this state. Four close races (following my numbers) go finally to the republican side too, giving new gains to the republicans. They are IA-SS, VT-SA, OH-SS and SC-SE.
Republican gains = 25
AL-CAI (<- 10.00%) (Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries)
AR-CSL (- 24.00%) (Commissioner of State Lands)
KS-SS (- 22.67%) C Biggs
OK-AG (- 20.00%)
IL-SC (- 18.00%)
KS-ST (- 16.00%) D McKinney
GA-CA (- 16.00%)
OK-ST (- 14.00%)
KS-AG (- 12.33%) S Six
GA-AG (- 11.67%)
OK-CL (- 11.00%) L Fields
FL-CFO (- 09.00%) (Chief Financial Officer)
AZ-AG (- 08.75%)
NM-SS (- 08.00%) M Herrera
OK-SA (- 06.00%) S Burrage
OK-IC (- 06.00%) K Holland
CO-ST (- 06.00%) C Kennedy
IL-ST (- 05.67%)
CO-SS (- 04.33%) B Buescher
OH-AG (- 04.25%) R Cordray
AR-SS (- 04.00%)
OK-SPI (- 03.00%) (Superintendent of Public Instruction)
MO-SA (- 03.00%) S Montee
OH-ST (- 00.25%) K Boyce
GA-CL (= 00.00%)Democratic gains = 3
VT-SA (= 00.00%) D Hoffer
CA-IC (+ 17.00%) D Jones
NM-CPL (>+ 10.00%) (Commissioner of Public Lands) R PowellOther interesting races in low single digits
OH-SA (- 02.50%)
IA-SS (+ 01.00%) M Mauro
CA-AG (+ 01.50%) K Harris
NV-SC (+ 01.75%) K Marshall
OH-SS (+ 02.00%) M O’Shaughnessy
DE-ST (+ 02.00%) C Flowers
SC-SE (+ 03.00%) (Superintendent of Education) F Holleman
MA-SA (+ 04.25%) S Bump
I bold emphasize the races where my numbers give not the right winner. For four of the five goups (Senate, Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Statewide Offices) my numbers give so good numbers. For some hundreds of offices, I fail for 9 (waiting still for OR-Gov). They are:
I think this is a good result for my prediction. I’m happy cause of it. My numbers work better as example than the numbers of Nate Silver where he has results (Senate, Governor and the majority of LG).
And I think the results in this four groups are not the bests, but well, are not as bad in the bluest states. In the red states, J Manchin and M Beeve are the alone democrats what can defeat to their republican challenger in a statewide election (the republicans have not candidate for AR-AG, AR-ST and AR-SA).
For the House, my numbers work worse. The balance between the seats was not bad. I give low margins to the big majority of the races where my numbers fail. But I must improve this.
When I give my first indications about the firewall for the last days, some people get surprised of see in my lists seats like TX-27 or VA-11, but something was right in my numbers.
My mistakes for the house come in the majority of cases from R+ districts. Here is a relation between the big majority of the offices where I fail. And that despite I use the same numbers for all the races of all the group of offices.
I think the attacks of the last days against Pelosi, Obama and the democratic agenda can fire back against all these candidates, many times the most conservative. Maybe many of they go too far turning off part of their democratic basis. J Marshall can be a good example
And I suspect that get out the last numbers because the house has less number of polls for every seat. Just GA-08 has many polls in the last days what show his decreasing prospects. But the polls change with less speed for other seats.
It is difficult for me to find other reason for this difference between my results for the house and for the other offices.

I don’t think that there is too much “left” vote in Marshall’s (or Taylor’s or Bright’s) district. If it existed – the districts wouldn’t give a so lopsided percentage of vote to McCain and other republican candidates. On the contrary – there is very strong right-wing vote in these districts (very much so in Bright’s and Taylor’s, slightly less – in Marshall’s) – so right, that simple procedural vote for Pelosi becomes a “crime” in the eyes of many.. It’s this voters, that were extremely active this time and it’s they, who couldn’t be convinced by Marshall, Bright and Taylor that they are “conservative enough”. ANY assocication with Obama, Pelosi and national Democratic party (even formal – “D”-letter after name) automatically turned these voters off, no matter which voting record congressmen had. Taylor did his “magic” for 20+ years, but even he couldn’t repeat it Nov. 2.
Your arguments would be very valid for “purple” district with considerable moderate (and even liberal) electorate, but, IMO, not for these….
immature teenage guys, i know 😛 but “turn me on” and “turn me off” are probably not the best headings for candidates…unless that’s really what they do and you’re ranking them on attractiveness