ID-01: Sali Opens Campaign HQ In Wrong District

Apparently Bill Sali’s bad case of “brain fade” impairs his ability to read a map, because he has opened his campaign headquarters for his race to win a second term in ID-01… in ID-02. [Link is behind paid firewall; sorry!]

Idaho congressman Bill Sali has opened a new campaign office just upstairs from his congressional office in Boise – both of them in the 2nd Congressional District. Sali represents the 1st District.

“It’s a convenient location, and it’s a centralized location where people can interact easier with the congressional office,” said Sali spokesman Wayne Hoffman. “It’s in downtown Boise. A lot of people come downtown to see the offices of their elected officials.”

So there’s not only the matter of being in the wrong district, but this also raises the question of building the proper separation between campaign and congressional offices. Oh, well… based on Sali’s skill at filing his FEC notices, it’s not like he’s let a few “rules” ever get in his way.

Democratic opponent Walt Minnick has an office located in the western part of Boise, in ID-01. (He also has almost twice as much cash on hand as Sali.)

UPDATE: Wow, Sali’s not the only one. Turns out John Shadegg’s campaign HQ is in AZ-04 instead of AZ-03, too!

9 thoughts on “ID-01: Sali Opens Campaign HQ In Wrong District”

  1. Are they purposely trying to run the worst campaign of all time tto see if they can still win it?  This year’s Sali campaign rivals Hostettler’s 2006 campaign.  This is incredible.  At least they opened the HQ in the right state… for now.

  2. I would use stronger language but I don’t want to offend anybody. Mentally incompetent comes to mind. Opening your campaign HQ in the wrong district is just about the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

    I’m just going to say. Bill Sali, you are a fucking idiot.

  3. Republicans care about money, not voters. Where’s the money, in Idaho? In Boise’s business district. Makes perfect sense. There may be a little hunt in this dog, but it isn’t to be found in accusing Bill Sali of stupidity. He is crafty, cunning, and ruthlessly self-interested.  That’s how I’d play it, anyhow.

    We can only win in places like Idaho if we fracture voters’ automatic, default move toward the Republican lever in the voting booth. 2008 is a year that gives us an opportunity to further tarnish the image of the GOP.  Irresponsible on budget, aggressive promoters of unnecessary wars that destroy the economy, indifferent to the environment, tied to narrow interests, and corrupt. I hope there’s another major corruption scandal between now and the election. That string of indictments and resignations we were enjoying earlier in the cycle has dried up, lately.

    That said, Sali’s a very strange politician. Most politicians try to develop a persona of oily likability. He’s made a career out of appearing aggressive and disagreeable. It’s an interesting case.  

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