AL-02: Bright’s Big Score

Jay Love must be fuming. As Danny over at Doc’s Political Parlor reports, the Republican mayor of Dothan, the heavily conservative population anchor of the Wiregrass portion of the southeastern corner of the district, has given his endorsement to Democrat Bobby Bright:

Republican Dothan Mayor Pat Thomas crossed the aisle today to endorse Montgomery Mayor Bobby Bright’s Democratic bid for the 2nd Congressional District seat. Thomas is the John McCain campaign’s Mayoral Chair for the state of Alabama, has served on the Republican Executive Committee of Houston County, and says that he has never voted for a Democrat on a national level. Thomas was also a member of the Wiregrass’s “unofficial Congressional Selection Committee” that united early behind the candidacy of Republican state Sen. Harri Anne Smith in an effort to ensure that the next Representative from AL-02 was from the Wiregrass.

Political Parlor has the full text of the endorsement. At a population of 85,000 and the base of state Sen. Harri Anne Smith, whom Love defeated in a nasty primary, Bright’s performance in Dothan will be crucial for his chances of victory this November. This is huge.

8 thoughts on “AL-02: Bright’s Big Score”

  1. However, the guy did endorse Love’s opponent in the primary. So isn’t this akin to a Harriet Christensen “Hillary didn’t win so I’m voting for McCain” kind of thing?

  2. When Cramer announced his retirement me innediate thought was arggg… repubs will have a 6-1 edge in the AL delegation.  Now AL-05 and AL-02 both look very good and there’s a much better chance of a 4-3 Rep delegation than 6-1 Rep.

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