SSP Daily Digest: 3/12

NJ-Gov: Another day, another ugly poll for Jon Corzine. This time, it’s this month’s installment of the Quinnipiac poll. Not much change from last month: Chris Christie leads Corzine 46-37, up a bit from 44-38. This despite 61% of voters not knowing enough about Christie to form an opinion of him!

KY-Sen: Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson may be the guy on the GOP’s wish list for the Kentucky Senate seat, but he said yesterday that he’s running for Senate only if Jim Bunning retires. (What are the odds on that?) Meanwhile, state senate president David Williams is accusing Grayson and Bunning of being in cahoots to shut him out of the race. Good times.

CT-Sen: You gotta love Joe Lieberman, always there to lend a helping hand. Lieberman announced that he’s supporting Chris Dodd for re-election, even though Dodd supported, y’know, the Democrat in the 2006 general. As Lanny Davis puts it, “Being a mensch and a friend is more important than carrying a grudge.”

CO-04: Nice to see that someone can get a job in this economy: Marilyn Musgrave has emerged from months of post-defeat seclusion to take a leadership position with something called the Susan B. Anthony List, apparently a bizarro-world EMILY’s List that supports anti-abortion female candidates for office. (No word on whether Anthony plans to sue to get her name back.) It’s unclear whether this is permanent or Musgrave is staying close to donors until a rematch in CO-04.

KS-01, KS-04: Mike Huckabee (who overwhelmingly won the Kansas caucuses) is wading into the primaries to fill the two safe GOP seats left vacant by the Jerry Moran/Todd Tiahrt scrum for the open senate seat. He’s endorsing state senator Tim Huelskamp in KS-01 and state senator Dick Kelsey in KS-04. RNC member Mike Pompeo is also expected to run in KS-04, while ex-aide to Sam Brownback Rob Wasinger and businessman Tim Barker are already running in KS-01.

Maps: Here’s a nice resource to bookmark, from Ruy Teixeira and the Center for American Progress: it’s a collection of interactive maps showing state-by-state 04-08 and 88-08 shifts, along with piles of 08 exit poll data.

MN-Sen: As if you needed one more reason not to donate to Republicans, the Norm Coleman campaign accidentally made public 4.3 GB of donors’ personal data, including credit card numbers and security information.

206 thoughts on “SSP Daily Digest: 3/12”

  1. That Center for American Progress website has a 40 question (quick and easy) progressive quiz.

    My ideological score was 347/400, making me “extremely progressive.”  Probably the only thing keeping me from a higher score is the somewhat authoritarian streak I have on some issues.  

    It says the average score for Americans is 209.5/400.


  2. CT-Sen: Well, at least he’s consistently supporting the incumbent.

    MN-Sen: Note that Wikileaks makes note that he shouldn’t even have stored some of that information in the first place.

  3. This despite 61% of voters not knowing enough about Christie to form an opinion of him!

    At least this means there’s hope for Corzine.  Once they hear all about his Bush ties, they might like him even less than Corzine.

  4. When are the results for the rest of the CDs in New York expected? I see there all centered in Nassau County.

    Also, I’m doing a writeup on results by Assembly Districts in the five boroughs for my blog. Interesting results, Obama actually LOST ground some from Kerry in Brooklyn but no where else in the city.  

  5. Tiger in BlueDenver 382

    IHateBush 365

    etl 364

    JFM110 362

    cilerder86 361

    californianintexas 359

    liberal intellectual 359

    TheUnknown285 355

    DGM 353

    ChadInFL 347

    rocric 333

    trowaman 332

    bradley minoski 320

    andgarden 317

    adam.kretz 310

    sicembears 300

    HarrisCountyBrian 299

    fai calif 296

    Tyler Oakley 291

    Menhen 286

    BigDust 277

    Glenn Magnus Harvey 263

    conspiracy 256

    RuralDem 207

    Kyle98632 133

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