FL-Sen: What Kendrick Doesn’t Know

This is becoming a disturbing pattern. First this:

When asked for his assessment of Florida Gov. Charlie Crist’s job performance, Democratic Senate candidate Kendrick Meek dodged the question, telling the St. Petersburg Times that “I haven’t yet reviewed his work.”

And now this:

Meek said he was unaware that Obama had pledged during his campaign to lift the limits on remittances put in place under President George W. Bush.

The first quote is just idiocy and a pathetic dodge – if Meek can’t go after Charlie Crist directly now, how does he expect to take him on if Crist gets into the Senate race? The second statement, meanwhile, is part of an embarrassing attempt to pander to the hardliner Cuban American establishment in Florida, and as this blog post details, it’s not going to get Meek anywhere.

But really, none of this ignorance, whether feigned or real, inspires much confidence.

33 thoughts on “FL-Sen: What Kendrick Doesn’t Know”

  1. probably doesn’t want to step into it with the Cuba issue.  Meek is probably worried he is in for a repeat of 2004 in which Martinez was pushed over the top by strong support in South Florida, even though Castor did well for a Florida Democrat across the rest of the state.

  2. Why pick a fight with one of the most popular politicians in the state for no reason?  None whatsoever.  If feigning ignorance pisses off the least amount of people I’ll take it, don’t want your first impression to be a bad one.  

  3. With Crist most likely running, whoever we put up is going to lose quite badly. Out of the four big R open seats this coming cycle, Florida was always going to be the least likely to switch. So we kind of kill two birds with one stone. Get a sane Republican instead of McCollum or Mack the Sequel and replace a lackluster Congressman with someone better.  

  4. Meek got in early and his been running a stellar campaign to this point racking up labor endorsements, introducing himself upstate, raising funds, showing a commitment to grassroots by getting his name on the ballot the hard way, etc.  Plus he’s stuck up for some tough fights in Congress and as a state legislator, like sticking up to Jeb on affirmative action.

    First off, he’s holding his fire on Crist.  If he can avoid jumping on a popular governor IF he doesn’t have to, he should.  That’s just smart politics.  If Crist jumps in, then will be the time to take his shots.  If he stays out, there’s no reason for potentially burning bridges with the large numbers of independents and even Democrats who like the guy down there.

    Two, as far as the Cuban issue.  That’s just part of Florida politics.  It’s like Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell having to vote yea on free trade because its important to their states.  Or Joe Biden voting for the bankruptcy bill because of how many people in Delaware are employed in the credit card industry.  It sucks, but it’s understandible.

    Besides, I love watching Meek on C-Span in the House, and I’m not about to ditch him over such trivial complaints when he gives us gold like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…  

    Is he perfect? No, far from it.  But I’m not going to join in the bitching unless there’s something worth bitching about.

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