88 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. MS GOV:

    Is Barbour term limited? We surely have a good bench here of statewide elected officials or someone in the Democratically controlled state house or state senate who could be attractive. Don’t expect any type of progressive Democrat here but better than a GOP hack like Barbour.

    NC SEN:

    With Cooper declining a run for the Senate we still maintain a ton of options to give this state an all Democratic Senatorial delegation for the first time in a looooooooong time.  

  2. we may have a problem here. ron klein won this district the last 2 cycles 52-48(iirc) but he is taking a beating from a local talk show host, joyce kauffman. she had his probable challenger on today, allen west. she now plays a recording of the pillsbury dough boy giggling whenever she mentions ron’s name. this is my first post here at the ssp. hello to all.

  3. Governor Huntsman to resign and accept Obama appointment


    SALT LAKE CITY (ABC  4 News) – Governor Jon M. Huntsman Jr. will resign and accept an appointment as ambassador to China, ABC 4 has confirmed.

    A press conference has been called for Saturday morning at the White House to annouce the appointment.

    The appointment will most likely mean that Gary Herbert will become Utah’s next governor. Since Huntsman has only served a few months into his second term, a special election will most likely be called in 2010

    No chance of a Dem winning the Utah Gov but it would eliminate a potential 2012 Pres Rival

  4. As I said on another diary, this pretty much rules out him running for Pres. But he probably realized the writing on the wall and knew he wouldnt win the nom. And, to be honest with you, despite his moderation and bipartisanship, he may not have been the right candidate. Yes, the GOP may need a moderate to win in 2012. But they also need someone who wont constantly praise their opponent at every turn. And someone who will be on the attack once in a while. Not a hyper psrtisan but still someone who acts like they would lead the country better than the President. Huntsman, Jr. wouldnt effectively run that kind of Pres. campaign I dont think. But with that said he would have been the perfect spokesman to get the GOP to change. But now i dont think anyone will listen to him. He probably gave up hope that the GOP would change. And I understand that feeling.

  5. First he avoids a primary in NY that would cost $30M and a bitter fight.

    Next he eliminates a main contender for the 2012 republican nomination. From the center too. This would shift the centroid of republican candidates further to the right and Pawlenty may now be the leading centrist.

    This is superb. In stark contrast to the NY gov who is busy digging a hole for himself ( with wholehearted suppost from Rev Al sharpton).

    If he can find a way to neuter Specter and get Sestak on board – I will be beside myself.

    This is like Bobby Fisher sacrificing that queen in the NY tournament. Is making these moves himself or is Rahm (or someone else) advising him?

  6. Two stories:

    First, Secretary of State Karen Handel took aim at the Republican frontrunner, Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine: http://www.ajc.com/metro/conte

    Second, we have horse race polls: http://blogs.ajc.com/political

    This will hopefully get very nasty.  I’m also hoping Eric Johnson and Austin Scott especially see some improvement.  They’re vacating seats that we may have a chance at (especially Scott’s where we’ve gotten 47% in back-to-back elections).  If they do too poorly, I worry they’ll change their minds.

  7. Since I’m on Grayson’s e-mail list and received this from him.  I love his over-the-top “in your face” style.


    Florida Rep. Grayson Attacks NRCC Chairman in Fundraising Plea

    Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, whose 8th District is a GOP target for 2010, sought to attract fundraising dollars Thursday by launching an attack on National Republican Congressional Commitee (NRCC) Chairman Pete Sessions.

    Freshman Grayson called Sessions, a Texas congressman, “crazy, “a lunatic,” “demented,” and “paranoid” in a fundraising e-mail to supporters.

    Grayson attacked Sessions for stating that President Obama wishes to “inflict damage and hardship on the free enterprise system” and for the national party’s attempts to blame Grayson personally for the national debt.

    “Join us — show Pete Sessions that he can take his 30 pieces of silver attacking Alan Grayson, and shove it,” Grayson wrote.

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