DE-AL, DE-Sen: Mike Castle’s town meeting gets hijacked by birther

This is probably old news to all of you, but it is rather rare that a story about a House member gets reported on the half-hour evening news.…

The most important question for us horse-race analysts is probably, “What does this mean for whether he’s gonna be running at all, and for which seat?”.  The guy, who’s both a moderate Republican and a veteran member of Congress, is obviously aware of these shenanigans, but does he want to have to deal with them?

In other news, please say hi to Bill “Quarter Alligator” Posey on your way out.

8 thoughts on “DE-AL, DE-Sen: Mike Castle’s town meeting gets hijacked by birther”

  1. To me, this birther movement has some nasty racial undertones.  Throwing out a bogus allegation that Obama is from Kenya supports this assertion.  The Republicans are heading down the wrong street by not quashing this stupid movement.  

    Altough Mike Castle handled himself pretty well without inciting a complete riot, he also came across as someone who looked old and frustrated.  I wonder if this isn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back for Castle’s Senate ambitions.  The Florida coast must look nicer for him…

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