Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

A special reminder to all state legislature fans out there (and I know there are a few of you): tomorrow will feature a special election for a GOP-held Delaware House seat. If Democrats can win the seat, they’ll have a supermajority in the state House. Josh over at Ballot Box has another excellent rundown on the race. (UPDATE: The GOP wins by 324 votes.)

130 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. on the New York City Comptroller race. Is Weprin the only CPA in the race? And if so, how important should that be as a qualification?

  2. These are races with pretty safe incumbents for either party, but I’m just interested to see if we’ve found anyone who can make a decent run, as well as the other side if they’ve done the same thing:

    OR-Sen: Is Wyden vulnerable, especially after the health care fiasco over the summer?

    KS-Sen: Do Democrats have someone lined up as an alternative to the Tiahrt-Moran slugfest?

    AZ-Sen: Anyone credible and with balls to take on McCain?

    ID-Sen: Let’s make sure Crap-o doesn’t get 99% of the vote like he did 5 years ago. I mean, those are Saddam Hussein numbers right there!

    SD-Sen: I heard that Herseth-Sandlin is running for reelection, so who else is there to take on Thune?

    GA-Sen, SC-Sen, IN-Sen: Haven’t heard of anyone stepping up against Isakson, DeMint, and Bayh.

    NY-Sen: Everyone’s so focused on Hilary’s old seat they forgot that Schumer is also running for reelection, but I guess everyone thinks it’s impossible to beat the guy who brought in 14 new Democratic senators. Still, there must be SOMEONE out there who’s crazy enough.

    AK-Sen, HI-Sen: Murkowski and Inouye have really high approval ratings, so is anyone willing to challenge them?

  3. What’s the deal with this new senator, George LeMieux, that Charlie Crist has apponted?

    I see that red state is furious about this.  Maybe we should try to get Rubio to win the primary so that us dems have a better chance at winning the seat.

    And what do you guys think about the odds of a dem taking Michael Duvall’s seat in the CA assembly?

  4. back on Aug 3th, Mike Castle said “in the next month or so” he’d decide his plans.


    So this is the timeframe right now. Any recent hints?

    He is one the few remaining 800-pound gorillas that have to make a decision.

    (Maybe NY’s Cuomo counts as one as well, but the CW seems to be he’ll run for Gov.)

  5. now that I’ve gotten a (for the academic year) permanent place to stay.

    Which means I can now start considering going to meetups if anyone here organizes them, as well as attempting to discover this highly-touted treat called babka.

  6. random 1980s music video of the week? Hmm, I think I will go with something a little different. This song really grapped me in by Arcade Fire and an Indy Canadian Group. The lyrics are really dark and the song has such self-contained fire and power, dark mulling work, my favorite. It is just a very powerful work, I like to sit and merely think to it:

  7. I wonder how long this boomlet will continue.

    And I hope that Miller uses it well, so we don’t blunder this the way Tinklenberg did.  Which, in his defence, he had very little time to actually get things together, and had the independence party person not been in the way, might have replaced an anti-public-transport person with a pro-public-transport person.

  8. I don’t think this has been mentioned on SSP yet, based on what I can found, but Nevada Speaker Barbara Buckley unexpectedly announced she will NOT run for Governor.

    That makes it more probably Rory Reid will end up as the Democratic nominee, which should arguably create all sorts of problems for the party. So this is presumably an important development in the 2010 prospects of both Reids.

  9. http://www.nationaljournal.com

    So which are you – Loyalist, Purist or Skeptic?

    Personally, I’m more in the Loyalist camp though by no means do I think it doesn’t matter if a dozen or so “Blue Dogs” lose next year. I guess I’d call myself a realist in that in a newly elected president’s first midterm that is likely to happen anyway. I’m certainly not a Skeptic – maybe UpstateDem and BillNolan are in that category.

  10. Looks like more ethics problems for Charlie Rangel:


    He failed to report rental income on another property that he owned and might have lied on a mortgage document claiming a loan he was taking was for a primary residence when he was living in 4 rent controlled apartments.

    Watch the Republicans start talking about culture of curruption.

  11. I’ve seen polls lately that show Ritter completely underwater – he’s losing his base, but nobody really likes McInnis, either. I personally think we’re more likely to lose CO-Gov than we are to lose CO-Sen. (purple state with a polarized base and large, agitated GOP minority + current anti-incumbent executive mood at the state level almost everywhere.)

    Does anyone with a better understanding of Colorado politics than I have agree with me, or am I misreading?  

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