DE-HD37: Special Election Tonight

UPDATE: The GOP wins — not a big surprise, since even the Obama-Biden ticket couldn’t win this House district, but the GOP successfully averted giving the Democrats a supermajority.

Polls are set to close at 8pm Eastern for an open seat House special election in Delaware. We’re looking at a GOP-held seat in conservative Sussex County that came open when its incumbent, Joe Booth, won a special election for a state Senate seat. Josh Goodman over at Ballot Box has a good rundown on the race, but the gist of it is that a win here for Team Blue would give the Democrats a supermajority in the Delaware House.

RESULTS: DE DoE | Cape Gazette

14 thoughts on “DE-HD37: Special Election Tonight”

  1. HD-37 went for McCain by a 50.4 – 48.8 margin; SD-19 was more like 54-46 McCain.

    On the other hand, Republican, Ruth Briggs King, has outspent the Democrat, Rob Robinson, 2-1 so far. King has been banking on TV ads to pull her over the top.

    Also, don’t necessarily depend on the board of elections to return results. During the SD-19 election they had some kind of technical malfunction and couldn’t report numbers for hours, although they got out eventually through other channels. I’m hoping they’ve fixed whatever problem they had last time, but who knows.

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