Colorado Democrats Finally Outnumber Republicans !

(Cross-posted on the Swing State Project and the Daily Kos)

I apologize that this is a short diary (I am on my way to beautiful Oregon to spend the holidays with my family), but I just read this opinion piece by the Denver Post’s Fred Brown, and there are some very interesting statistics in the piece regarding recent voting registration patterns in the state of Colorado.  Here’s a link via…

or this link to the article itself:…

From the article:

“Despite their president’s many problems, despite the angry town hall meetings, the poisonous partisanship in Congress, the Tea Party movement and the “birther” billboards, Democrats continue to gain numbers in Colorado.

Since August, in fact – the month of those town hall near-riots – Colorado Democrats have managed to gain slightly each month. There are currently about 10,000 more of them than Republicans…

Voter registration figures for November were released last week by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office …

Long range, the Democrats have some reason to be more optimistic. At the November 2006 elections, Republicans outnumbered Democrats in Colorado by more than 165,000 registered voters. By Election Day in November 2008, that margin had slipped to just 9,000 more Republicans than Democrats.

And today – in fact, for the past several months – Democrats have turned that around. They are now ahead of Republicans by between 9,000 and 10,000 registered voters, a trend that has shown tiny increases in the spread beginning in August….”

Obviously, Colorado will be a very important state for us in the years ahead. Together with New Mexico and Nevada (and possibly Arizona and even Texas in the future) it may provide us with an important electoral college edge in future Presidential elections.  It’s encouraging to see numbers like the ones quoted in the article above — especially in this “time of the teabaggers.”

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