103 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. Football analyst Craig James just stated his interest in KBH’s seat if she steps down.  Judging by his statements he’d be running as a teabagger Republican.  I find it funny though, considering he just used his position to publicly embarass and then force Texas Tech to fire Mike Leach as head football coach after complaining his son was mistreated.  Guess he won’t be counting on getting votes from Lubbock!

  2. I honestly don’t think this race is as close as everyone believes it is but we shouldn’t take any chances. Every1 here who knows plp in Mass or lives near or in Mass needs 2 help COakley somehow whether its donating, canvassing, or making phone calls. We need strong progressives in the Senate.  

  3. Terry Branstad will kick off his official announcement tour on January 19, and the Iowa Democratic Party has released the follow-up to their “Terry Loves Taxes” stuff from the fall. Terry vs. Terry, the showdown:

    Meanwhile, State Representative Kent Sorenson not only endorsed Bob Vander Plaats but vowed never to vote for Branstad under any circumstances. Here’s hoping more Vander Plaats supporters take the pledge. As a bonus, Sorenson’s criticism of Branstad may hurt his own campaign in Iowa Senate district 37. That will be one of the most competitive statehouse races of the year.

    Culver’s campaign hired a new manager (Andrew Roos, hired in September, departed in November):

    Abby Curran, who served as deputy Iowa field director for John Edwards’ 2008 caucus campaign, has been named campaign manager of the Chet Culver Committee.

    She will direct operations as preparations for the 2010 campaign are finalized.

    Curran is familiar with Iowa politics from her work on the Edwards’ campaign and from working in Dubuque in 2003 and 2004 as a field organizer for Dick Gephardt’s caucus campaign.

    Curran’s experience also includes managing congressional campaigns in New Jersey and Indiana.

    I was a precinct captain for Edwards but never worked with Curran. Any SSPers have intel on Curran’s work for campaigns in NJ and IN?

  4. I had to stop watching this clip after the “What is 9999999999999…” crap. But as for your question, what’s up in OH-Sen and FL-Sen? I’d like to see a Rubio vs. Meek poll.

  5. what is good for GM is good for America.

    And now they want me to believe what is good for Ford is good for NY.

    I leave the decision to the NYorkers.

  6. John Thune (R-SD) has only been in the senate for one term, and should technically not be invulnerable, same thing with isakson (R-GA) who doesn’t seem to be the Golden child of Georgia by any means. For some reason, no polling outfit feels the need to poll these two races, its really pathetic.

  7. AZ-GOV: Sheriff Arpaio Under Investigation by Feds

    The Department of Justice has impaneled a grand jury to look into allegations of abuse of power by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, according to subpoenas sent to at least two county officials.


    In the last Rasmussen poll (not sure whether to believe it or not), it had Joe Arpaio up 51% to 39% over Terry Godard. In addition, it had Arpaio in the lead for the GOP primary. Even if Arpaio decides to run, I think  this changes his electoral chances a lot. AZ-GOV is likely to go blue next fall.

  8. Ok, I have been posting on this race the past few weeks mainly because I live in the district. Dems already have a veto proof majority in the Minnesota Senate so picking up one more seat will not have a major impact. I was expecting a relatively dull race of interest to only the most hardcore of political junkies but then the Republicans nominated a racist, homophobic teabagger who did not realize that nothing ever really disapears on the Net. Now this sleepy little race has made it national, with mentions in the Washington Post “The Fix” coloumn and on the Huffington post.

    Mike Parry, the GOP nominee, was caught by local bloggers scrubbing his Twitter account of such gems as..

    read the exclusive on Mr O in Newsweek. He is a Power Hungry Arrogant Black Man


    What is it with Dems and pedophiles?

    (written shortly after the passage of the Matthew Shepard Act)

    Then Parry issued perhaps the worst non apology apology of all time.

    I sincerely apologize for past tweets which were written in haste and out of the frustration I felt for the out of control spending in Washington,” Parry said. “Given the fragile state of our economy and the kind of out of control and wasteful spending we’re seeing from Democrats, the people of Senate District 26 must have an election about the future.”

    For more details check out the Minnesota Progresive Project, they have been on top of the story the past week or so.


    Fortunantly the Dems have a good young candidate in Jason Engbrecht, a member of the Faribault School Board and a Physics Professor  at St Olaf collage in Northfield. More on Jason here.


    There is also a strong Independence Party candidate, Waseca mayor Roy Srp.

    MN-26 is a republican leaning district with it’s share of teabaggers so no matter how repugnant the Republican Parry may be he still has a shot at winning IMO. In fact I could make a case for any of the 3 candidates winning.

    Election day is Jan 26.

  9. It may be a fluke from the party websites, but they don’t seem to show that Dan Patrick (R-07) or John Whitmire (D-15) have filed for re-election. Neither party lists a candidate filed for either seat (though unopposed state legislators are overly common in TX). Each seat is safe for the incumbent party, but it just seems odd to me, as they’re both listed as 2010 seats by the SoS.

  10. Chet Edwards 2006 Republican opponent just had an add on my tv. Van Taylor it seems has moved half way across the state from College Station to Plano and has filed to run for an open seat for State Rep.

    I thought we were done with this guy. ARGH!!!!! frustration

  11. There’s been alot of talk in recent days of former representitive Susan Molinari considering running against Gillibrand. She was a real rising star in the GOP in her day and she gave the keynote speech at the 1996 republican national convention.

    She left congress in 1997 to work for CBS. Sice then she’s been doing some behind the scenes work in reoublican cirles, mostly concerning moderate conservatism.She’s pro-choice and pro-gay rights so she may just be taylor-made for a blue state. For the year thats in it, her biggest threat may be being scozzafaved in the primary.

    I think she’s the one real chance of making this race competitive esp. if king refuses to enter.  

  12. As we anxiously await PPP’s numbers from MA-Sen, rumblings are being heard online — especially on conservative sites like RedMass, NRO, and Free Republic — that two polls are to be released tomorrow painting very different pictures of the state of the race.  One, by the Boston Glove, will supposedly show a 15 point lead for Coakley.  The other, by the Boston Herald, they say will show a 7 point lead for Coakley among registered voters, and only a 1 point lead among likely voters.

    Has anyone else heard anything of this? And if so… what should we take away from it?

  13. Barnstable 44%

    Berkshire 68%

    Bristol 55%

    Dukes 60%

    Essex 44%

    Franklin 64%

    Hampden 51%

    Hampshire 66%

    Middlesex 51%

    Nantucket 50%

    Norfolk 47%

    Plymouth 42%

    Suffolk 66%

    Worcestor 45%

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