TX-10, Dan Grant has more money than Mike McCaul!

Let me first say, I have never met Dan Grant nor do I live in TX-10, but I am a young Texas Democrat who regularly commutes from TX-22 (Friendswood/Houston) to TX-26 (Denton/Fort Worth) for college.

I was just checking the FEC records because, well, I was bored and I noticed the numbers for the Texans who have filed their reports thus far. According to said reports, Democratic challenger for TX-10, Dan Grant, performed admirably.

Q2 2007
Amount Raised: $72,765.08
COH: $134,482.52
Debts: $0


For a district hovering somewhere in our third tier, $72.7 thousand is not too shabby. However the real amazing part is when this is compared to the Republican incumbent, Mike McCaul.

Q2 2007
Amount Raised: $131,384.58
COH: $133,387.41
Debts: $171,652.23


Ignoring the outstanding debt McCaul’s campaign has ramped up, Grant still has more cash. If McCaul were to pay off all of his debt today he’d be $38,624.82 in the hole. This is an amazing advantage Grant has raised over McCaul and I hope the DCCC takes notice.

It is important to note that Grant does have a democratic challenge ahead of him. Larry Joe Doehrty (sp?) who is known for his tv court room drama, Texas Justice, is in the democratic primary as well. While I am personally rooting for Grant due to his efforts in reaching out to blogs, he has posted here on swingstate several times before, it is important that we support whomever wins the democratic nomination next year especially since McCaul won with a pathetic 55% last year.

If you would like to learn more about Dan Grant please visit his website:

I’m sure donations would also be welcome to keep his momentum going:

P.S. While I like commenting (have been for almost 2 years), this is my first diary. How’d I do?

7 thoughts on “TX-10, Dan Grant has more money than Mike McCaul!”

  1. Good diary, trowaman.  Keep it up!

    Anyway, there’s another big point to this: by raising $73K in one quarter, Grant’s already topped the amount that Ted Ankrum raised for his entire 2006 campaign.

  2. Dan Grant is working his butt off, and he’s putting in the day-to-day grunt work to make a strong campaign.

    Texas is a competitive state when we put forth candidates who are willing to work the retail politics necessary to win in the rural counties stretching from Austin to Houston. 

    Combining Mike McCaul’s dismal 2006 showing with Dan Grant’s exceptional IR credentials and grassroots organizing potential means that TX-10 is on the radar.

    We don’t have to worry about McCaul having a little more CoH than Dan–a challenger’s dollar always goes further than an incumbent’s in these types of districts.  (That being said, money is still critically important…pls donate to Dan.)

    Well done, Dan. 

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