127 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. British General Election is likely May 6th. I see 538.com has begun a regular series to cover proceedings. Hope mods don’t mind me mentioning it.

  2. has some sucky MN numbers. Too many candidates for me to list all results, but every dem is within the margin of error or leading slightly. I was hoping for higher than that. Now that we are on the subject can some MN natives  tell me who they like in the primary. I’ve not made my mind up yet.


  3. But I found this Gallup Poll Widget very interesting, the compare presidents tab amused me for quite a while.

    I found it interesting Obama is having similar approvals as Clinton had at this point in his presidency, but has had better approvals than Clinton in general up to this point.

  4. What a fantastic singer. (I saw her once at a club called “Iota” in Arlington, VA, which deserved the name, and it was one of the best shows I’ve seen.) Is there a new New Pornographers album coming out sometime soon?

  5. Nice diary here: http://www.thealbanyproject.co… based on a NY Times story today: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03… .

    He gripes about her in private conversations with his aides and her colleagues on Capitol Hill. He has yet to take up her invitation to sit down for dinner. And his political team is constantly shopping for potential candidates to oust her.

    … Why does Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg so dislike Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand?

    Seems to me Bloomberg is starting to border on nuts with his apparent irrational hatred of her. He won’t even have a dinner with her.

    He’s up to his umpteen anti-Gillibrand surrogate candidate.

    If he hadn’t just put in a great deal of effort to get himself re-elected mayor, I’d bet he’d jump into this race race and spend his millions to crush her.

    There’s no definitive answer here, except maybe this:

    there is nothing she can do or say to change Bloomberg’s conceit that that Senate seat should be held by someone who is personally beholden to him.

  6. WisPolitics.com is reporting a new poll commissioned by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute (a conservative-leaning organization) of likely voters (March 7-9, 600 voters surveyed).  Here are some of the points:


    Senate race:

    — Former Gov. Tommy Thompson leads Sen. Russ Feingold 51-39%, with 9% undecided

    — Independent likely voters support Thompson over Feingold 53-35%

    — Feingold leads Terrence Wall (the current lead GOP candidate) 47-32%

    Governor’s race:

    — Milwaukee County Exec. Scott Walker (R) leads Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) 36-32%

    — Barrett is tied with former GOP U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann at 34%

    Other data:

    — Pres. Obama’s job approval/disapproval is 49-49%

    — 37% support Obama’s health care plan, 55% do not

    — Gov. Doyle’s job approval is 48%

    — 34% believe Wisconsin is on the right track, 57% believe the state is on the wrong track

    — 62% believe the U.S. is on the wrong track

    — 4 in 10 believe Wisconsin’s economy will improve in the next year, and 14% believe it will worsen

  7. there were special election results to follow from somewhere.  There must be an election in Louisiana for county commissioner or something.

  8. http://www.fivethirtyeight.com

    I know we’re not supposed to actively root against democrats, unless we’re republicans (who aren’t acting like douches, although that goes both ways)but at this point I hope kucinich loses to a republican so badly it shuts him up for good.

  9. I was doing something with the new political data for Texas in Dave’s Redistricting App and I noticed that the demographic information seems incredibly similar to the 2000 census data. While population numbers have changed, the racial data is almost identical to the 2000 numbers. Can anyone else take a look at this and see if they think the same thing? Notwithstanding, this is a great tool and thanks Dave and Jeff for all the hard work you put into it.

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