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Yet again, Ohio will be a battleground state for a hard fought race. In 2004, this state was ground zero for campaigning as Bush and Kerry focused all their efforts here. Kerry did well in traditionally Democratic cities and even did well in urban swing counties. He unfortunately could not match Bush’s margins in rural and suburban counties so he lost. In 2008 though, Obama turned out the cities even more. He improved in certain rural areas, most specifically the northern and western parts of the state. The area Obama was most successful in improving over Kerry was the suburbs of the big cities. Still, the national trend to Obama over Kerry was higher than the trend in Ohio. In the 2010 Senate race, Lee Fisher (D) will need to perform well to be successful in winning Ohio like Obama. Fisher is the Lieutenant Governor and he is from Cleveland. Before he was elected Lieutenant Governor in 2006 , Fisher was a State Senator from Cleveland. Polls show him in a tight race for George Voinovich’s (R) open U.S Senate seat against Rob Portman (R). Besides being a former congressman from the Cincinnati area, Portman worked under the Bush Administration. Although 2010 should be a good year for Republicans, Fisher has a chance of actually picking up a Republican Senate seat by beating Portman. Fisher will soon have to face Portman’s deep pockets but Fisher can still win this race. Here are some good ways for him to do that:
Make the race about Portman and his background. Rob Portman was a U.S trade representative under the Bush Administration. On his website, Fisher does mention how he will not be a continuation of Bush policies. Unfortunately, this strategy is starting to become stale with the Democrats’ popularity falling. The strategy works though because Portman is not an outsider Republican, he was a Republican in the Bush Administration. Fisher must remind voters about how bad Bush was while portraying himself as someone with new ideas. Already, Fisher mentions on his website frequently how he does not represent the policies that lead us into this economic decline but Portman does. Something else Fisher does well is that he has a page devoted to jobs with a detailed plan for creating them. He needs to keep focusing on jobs. It did not work for Kerry in 2004 in Ohio but it will work now.
Focus more on the rural voters. Fisher’s website does have a page for rural voters but it should be more detailed and show specific ways Fisher helped farmers and others in rural communities. Farmers and others in rural areas were the reason Bush won Ohio in 2004 so if Fisher can swing some of them to the Democrats, he should be successful. Fisher should run an ad showing how Portman wanted to cut farm subsidies by 60% while Fisher has strongly supported the 2008 farm bill and development for rural communities. Fisher highlights how he strongly fought crime and helped children in urban areas. He also has mentioned his immigrant background to help with white voters in the Cleveland area. These issues should help with votes in Cleveland, Akron and will probably play well in Columbus (except for the immigration issue becaus Columbus is not a big immigrant city.) Farmers working on their crops will not be thinking about crime in urban areas right now though.
Win the rural counties near the Ohio River (also known as Southeast Ohio.) This is similar to the paragraph about rural farmers but people with roots in coal will have different concerns than farmers. Fisher has roots in Northeast Ohio while Portman is popular in the Cincinnati and Southwest Ohio areas. The union presence may help Fisher in Southeast Ohio but if Fisher wants to win, he must run up numbers here. In 2006, successful Gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland (D) and Senatorial candidate Sherrod Brown piled up large margins in these counties. In 2004, Kerry tried to win by winning big margins in Northeast Ohio. Even though he won areas outside of Northeast Ohio like Columbus and Dayton, it still was not enough to win. Overall, Kerry proved that unless you do well in rural areas (or run up margins in urban areas outside of Northeast Ohio,) you cannot win in Ohio. Also, Fisher needs to highlight strongly how he helped workers rights with his support of the Paycheck Fairness Act for example.
Win the progressive base that supported Jennifer Brunner (D) before Fisher beat her in the Senatorial primary. This should not be too hard for Fisher even though Brunner said she will not endorse him. This should not impact Fisher strongly because there is not a large progressive base in Ohio. Many of the Democrats here are more liberal on issues like the economy but are not the environment liberals you find in California or the social liberals you find in New York City. Columbus and Athens are two of the few areas where progressives are strong. Fisher is trying to appeal to the base by highlighting his work on civil rights. Also, the results from the primary show Fisher not doing poorly in progressive areas so maybe he never had any trouble with them at all.
Match Portman on the money front. Rob Portman is beating Fisher on the money front. Fisher could consider pandering to the progressive base but that could hurt his standing among moderates. Anyway, Brunner was considered the progressive but she received little money from donors, even the progressive base. At the primary, Brunner interestingly won some rural counties with few progressives though. If Fisher successfully painted Portman as a product of the Bush Administration, he could energize some progressives which would cause him to raise money. Still, Fisher should not nationalize the race. I believe the best way for Fisher to get money is through the unions because they are powerful in Ohio and he has a record of supporting workers rights.
Overall, Fisher is running a good campaign with putting jobs as front and center and making comparisons between Portman and Bush. He is also solidifying his lead in urban Ohio by talking about how he helped reduce crime. What he needs to do is focus more on rural issues and rural voters. Highlighting his family’s background as immigrants from Russia and working in the steel industry helps him along the Ohio River and strengthens him in Northeast Ohio. Many farmers and other rural residents cannot relate to Fisher’s family story though. Fisher does not give specific examples of bills he helped work on or sponsored to help rural areas. Saying you support rural residents is good but Fisher must give specific examples of how he helped them. If urban voters turn out strongly for Fisher because he highlighted important issues for them such as crime and workers rights but if Fisher also keeps down margins in rural areas, Fisher can be Ohio’s next Senator.

50,000 Brunner supporters staying home could make the different in a tight race.
I think Portman’s actually an even more flawed candidate than Pat Toomey (though, Joe Sestak’s better than Lee Fisher, so that’s kind of a wash), but I suspect he has the war chest to prevail in a Dem-weary cycle. If I were Fisher, I’d run a centrist, jobs-focused campaign, but I probably wouldn’t air constant Bush ads. Whether the info in them is correct or not, I think a lot of Independents are weary of “blame Bush” mentality.
Fisher will not be able to win because he does not have the finances to run a winnable campaign in Ohio. He is the perfect fit for the state while Portman is not but he will not be able to tell the voters that because of his lack of money. I do not care what polling says now, once this race begins Fisher will not be able to match Portman’s war chest. Perhaps if he had had the primary (Thanks Jen) to himself he would be more competitive in the general. I could be wrong but I find it highly unlikely that Fisher can win. I think we have a better shot in Kentucky or New Hampshire than we do here.
is extremely good. I agree with a lot of the content in it, though I dispute the idea that there isn’t much of a progressive base in Ohio. You’ll find it in pretty much any of the major cities, anyhow.
Lee Fisher has a tough fight on his hands for sure, but the bottom line is this. The environment is tough for Democrats nationally. Given that Team Blue is below their normal marks in most states, you would expect that they’d be trailing here. That’s not the case as Rob Portman isn’t the best of candidates, particularly on the issues of jobs and free trade. Those are big, economic-policy burdens on Portman that Fisher can exploit.
And I’m not really convinced that the money disparity is all that big a deal. Portman has been running tv ads now for about two weeks up here in the Cleveland metro, and I have yet to see any tangible bounce in the polls for the republican candidate. In a state like Ohio, where outside of weird situations like the 2006 governor’s race, where you have 45% pratically in the bag for each side right at the start, money doesn’t have that great a reach across the electorate. A free-spending republican is never going to penetrate Cuyahoga County or most of northeast Ohio no matter if he spends 100 million dollars a la EMeg. (That is, unless his name is George Voinovich, who was highly beloved in Cleveland from his time as mayor). Likewise, a free-spending Democrat is never going to penetrate rural west and southwest Ohio. Impossible. The bases are so entrenched and so polarized that it makes money all funnel into a very small portion of the electorate. Thus, what Fisher needs to concentrate on is having enough money to effectively target those 10-15% of voters that will ultimately decide the election, he doesn’t need to needlessly worry about matching Portman’s haul.
The biggest problem I see for Lee Fisher is geography. Fisher is an old-school, DLC type democrat, and Ohio’s political geography is changing. In the past, you won Ohio by running up the score in northeast and southeast Ohio, and in Akron & Toledo while carrying Columbus and Dayton. The new-school way to win, ushered in by Barack Obama’s victory in 2008, involves running up the score in Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, AND Columbus, winning Dayton and carrying Cincinnati outright to make up for the inevitable declines in the rural areas. As a DLCer, Fisher may not have the popularity needed in the cities to win them by big enough margins (losing badly in Cincinnati and barely carrying Toledo and Columbus vs Brunner was a very bad sign).
So Fisher is going to need a hybrid sort of strategy between the old and the new, since his lack of charisma doesn’t motivate the base much and since minority turnout is going to be down in 2010.
1.First of all, he needs to absolutely murder Portman in northeastern Ohio. He needs to carry the same percentage as Obama in Cuyahoga County, while carrying Summit, Mahoning, Lake, Lorain, and Trumbull counties by wider margins than Obama. Obama really struggled to move the needle in NE Ohio, and as Fisher’s base, he needs these. He also needs to run stronger than Obama in some more hostile NE Ohio territory like Geauga, Medina, Stark, and Wayne counties. These counties all have sizeable populations and were either carried by McCain or narrowly by Obama. If he can’t accomplish these goals in the northeast, he’s toast.
2.Fisher needs to score close to Obama in Toledo and repeat his success in rural northwest Ohio. This region isn’t incredibly populous, but it made the widest swing to the left in 2008. With Portman rallying against such things as farm subsidies, ethanol fuel, and other farm friendly-spending, Fisher has an opportunity here to do well. I think realistically to win, Fisher needs a 25-30% win in Lucas County, needs to win the swing counties of Ottawa, Wood, and Sandusky outright, and hold down margins elsewhere.
3.Fisher needs to improve on Obama’s % in southeast Ohio. This is the one region of the state in which I can see Fisher doing extremely well compared with Obama. Like northwest Ohio, southeast Ohio is an economically populist region that would naturally oppose many of Portman’s spending reductions. Fisher needs to blast Portman on his record of sending jobs overseas too, as this region is heavy into labor, manufacturing, mining, and other industry. To win, I think Fisher needs to hold the counties Obama won here, (Tuscarawas, Jefferson, Belmont, Monroe, Athens) and pick up a few more while improving at the margins. Again, population is kind of sparse here too though.
4.Fisher needs to avoid getting killed in Cincinnati. Obama won Hamilton County outright, first Democrat to do that in 44 years. O still got hammered in the suburbs, but that’s not a surprise seeing as Butler, Warren, and Clermont counties are among the most GOP-leaning in the state. This area is Portman’s base, so while I don’t expect Fisher to win Cincinnati outright, he has to avoid losing by more than say, 5-7%, which was what Kerry lost to Bush by in 2004. Anything worse than that and Fisher will really need to scramble to make up for it.
So those are the 4 geographical keys. I have a diary coming up with baseline percentages for each county in the state, so consider this a preview.