New Environmental Policies Need to be Enacted

U.S. Senator John  Kerry and other Democrats in the Senate have stated a goal to pass a climate change  bill in early spring of 2010. Members in congress have been steadily  working on a new environmental policy bill that aims to reduce global warming  and step up green energy solutions.

  Although many  countries still look to Washington to take a decisive lead for an international  relationship in regards to climate change, this depends on congress. The House  of Representatives have already introduced their bill but it is moving slower than  expected in the Senate. The bill aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the  United States. This is going on at the same time as the U.S. healthcare system  is being revamped.

 According to an  article in the New York  Times, Energy Secretary Stephen Chu remains confident that the United  States efforts in clean energy technologies and research will surpass all other  countries.  

 After decades of  no results and the continuing of lackluster environmental policies, we are  beginning to see real action taking place in the social, political and  legislative areas in regards to moving towards a green paradigm. From new  methods of energy, transforming the auto industry and construction, we have  already seen steps in the right direction.

 The bills  process has had some expected opponents in House Republicans,  when they walked out and boycotted a hearing two weeks ago.

 It is amazing  that we live in era where there is so much scientific evidence for human  attributed environmental degradation and its long term consequences on this  planet, that so many politicians can deny such truths. As much as the “global  warming” movement has been hurt by evidence demonstrating, parts of the Earth  are also cooling at a rapid rate, progressives are usually open to debate,  dialogue and will gladly make changes when there is evidence to support it. The  Republican’s actions are not only distasteful and dishonest, they are wrong.

 There has been  increased amount of doubt being placed from progressive thinking and  pro-environment groups regarding these issues. Many on the ‘right’ have  frequently laughed and taken measures to discredit environmentalists, global  warming, global  climate change and any other human attributed threats/degradation to our  eco system, even though the evidence exists to suggest otherwise. The scandal involving asbestos has also been one of the more  successful cover-ups in the 20th century. This harmful building  material has lead to thousands developing mesothelioma,  a rare form of cancer, which is made more difficult considering how a mesothelioma diagnosis is hard to come by. Quite frankly, private interests, monetary gains and  self serving purposes have caused an environment of misinformation and  ridicule, when taking care of the environment is a global endeavor.

 I  am very glad to see the Obama administration and members of the Senate taking the first steps to enact policies which will once again make the United  States the leader in environmental sustainability, green technologies and  reducing human attributed global degradation. Hopefully the proper legislation  will be passed and we will be inspired to contribute our part as well.